31 research outputs found

    Twenty Years of Change: The Paradox of Italian-Canadian Writers

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    The most significant development which has taken place among Italian-Canadian writers since 1986 is the great amount of writing and publication. This was not supposed to happen according to most opinions. I recall that for the 1986 conference Dino Minni wanted to look at the uncertain future. Some of us had questions, or doubts, about what these authors were going to write about. Were they going to continue to talk about, and complain about the immigrant experience? So Minni made the theme of the conference “Writers in Transition,” which was a euphemism for assimilation. And I gave a paper entitled, “Nothing Left to Say.” Had Italian-Canadian writers exhausted the themes of immigration, and ethnic identity? Many of my academic friends said yes they had. Several authors agreed and planned to move on to other topics and literary problems. So it was a paradox that some of the writers used the occasion of the 1986 conference in Vancouver to found an association of writers now called the Association of Italian-Canadian Writers. This essay is a brief review of the history of AICW from 1986 to 2006

    Cosmic Ear: Calabrian Writers in Canada

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    "Our House is in a Cosmic Ear" is the title of a poem by Antonino Mazza, a poet and translator who epitomizes Calabrian writers in Canada. Calabrians constitute a very large proportion of the Italians in Canada. There are an estimated 260,000 people of Calabrian background. Nevertheless little has been written about these people or their cultural impact on Canadian society. Calabrians in Canada are better known for their significant economic success. Many have achieved prominence in the professions. Their construction companies have changed the skylines of Toronto and Montreal. These achievements overshadow the modest endeavours of artists who are representing cultural roots and the experiences of immigration. However economic success does not always help us to understand who we are. We must turn to the artist to explore questions of identity

    Friulani Writers in Canada: Elegy for the Future

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    One day we got lost in Pordenone. On a long drive from Udine to Bassano we took a wrong turn and found ourselves in a newly built area of Pordenone. The streets, sidewalks, green lawns and house designs were all a reproduction of a new subdivision in Toronto. We were lost, but we were back in Canada. It was a disorienting experience. These former immigrants to Canada had returned to Friuli, but had wanted to reconstruct their Toronto neighbourhood. They wanted both worlds: to live in Friuli, but in a Canadian style, and probably with Canadian dollars. What does this tell us about our relationship to landscape and to history

    Problems for the Italian-Canadian Writer and Critic: A Discussion in Three Parts

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    Part One: The State of the Art; Part Two: Younger Writers; Part Three: The Burdens of History for the Italia

    Shirt and the Happy Man: Theory and Politics in Ethnic Minority Writing

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    Ethnic minority writing in Canada was once a neglected field not only by Canadianists promoting a canon for a national literature, but also by theorists who focused on the great works from major European languages as the standards for explaining all the writing of the world. The recent growing interest by both groups in the works of ethnic minority writers in Canada, along with the literary awards some of these new writers have won, has created the need to review the role of theory in the re-evaluation of minority writing. This brief essay raises several questions about the relationship of high theory to ethnic minority writing. Among the topics considered are the instinctive mistrust of theory by some minority writers, the political use of theory to create a space for minority authors, postmodern ideas, intertextuality, and the use of foreign languages in English or French language texts. The issues of resistance to theory and the politics of literary production is placed in the context of the debate over the appropriation of voice, storytelling and realist traditions

    Representation of Ethnicity as Problem: Essence or Construction

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    The reading and study of ethnic minority writing repeatedly confront the problem of representation, and raise many questions in the debate between essentialism and social construction and implications for the issues of appropriation of voice and agency. Using examples from Italian-Canadian writers and other minority groups in Canada this paper explores these questions and implications referring to the critical work of Sneja Gunew, Edward Said, Francesco Loriggio, Linda Hutcheon and Frank Lentricchia

    Five–Fold Translation in the Theatre of Marco Micone

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    In the complex relationship between the literatures of English Canada and Quebec translation has played an important role. Now with the emergence of ethnic minority writing in Canada this binary model of the literary institutions must be reformulated. The processes of translation are made even more complex by the phenomena of heritage languages and ethnic minority cultures. How are these developments represented on stage in the French theatres of Montreal

    Untranslatable Texts and Literary Problems

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    Over the past decade, debates about the role of translations in studies focused on Comparative Literature have grown. Questions of self-translation and untranslatable texts have also been added to this discourse. The aim of this article is to bring a Canadian perspective to these discussions by looking at the writing and translation of Nancy Huston in English and French, and those of Italian-Canadian writer Arianna Dagnino in English and Italian. While these two sections revolve around selected Canadian authors switching between European languages, the third section deals, more generally, with the problems of translating Indigenous writing in Canada