9 research outputs found

    Using long-term data to predict fish abundance: the case of Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) in the intensely regulated upper Paraná River

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    ABSTRACT Populations show spatial-temporal fluctuations in abundance, partly due to random processes and partly due to self-regulatory processes. We evaluated the effects of various external factors on the population numerical abundance of curimba Prochilodus lineatus in the upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil, over a 19-year period. Panel data analysis was applied to examine the structure of temporal and spatial abundance while controlling auto-regressive processes and spatial non-homogeneity variances that often obscure relationships. As sources of population variation, we considered predation, competition, selected abiotic variables, construction of a dam upstream of the study area, water level and flood intensity during the spawning period. We found that biological interactions (predation and competition) were not significantly related to variations in curimba abundance; specific conductance was a space indicator of abundance, apparently linked to the biology of the species; intensity of floods determined inter-annual variation in abundances; Porto Primavera Dam negatively impacted the abundances at sites in the floodplain directly affected by discharges from the dam. Panel data analysis was a powerful tool that identified the need for intense flooding to maintain high abundances of curimba in the upper Paraná River. We believe our results apply to other species with similar life strategy

    Fish larvae assemblages in two floodplain lakes with different degrees of connection to the Paraná River, Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to assess the abundance, attributes of assemblages, and spatial and temporal distributions of fish larvae and their relationships with some abiotic variables in two floodplain lakes with different degrees of connection to the Paraná River in Ilha Grande National Park, PR, Brazil. Four sampling sites were chosen, two in each floodplain lake. Night samples were taken with plankton nets during three spawning seasons (monthly, from October to March) from 2001 to 2005. The highest diversity and abundance were recorded at Saraiva Lake, with 25 taxa being identified. In Xambrê Lake, only sedentary species were captured, and the most abundant species were Plagioscion squamosissimus and Hypophthalmus edentatus. The greatest abundance of larvae was found in the second spawning season. In the Saraiva Lake, the most abundant species were Moenkhausia aff. intermedia, Hyphessobrycon sp., and Bryconamericus stramineus, but larvae of known migratory species were also documented. In this lake, the greatest abundance of larvae was found in the third spawning. Larvae abundance was influenced by water temperature and conductivity. The high diversity and abundance recorded in Saraiva Lake may be a result of its connectivity with the Paraná River, and the low diversity and abundance observed at Xambrê Lake are likely due to its isolation from the river. This work shows the importance of these lagoons for fish development, for both sedentary and migratory species. Both lagoons may be considered to have extreme ecological importance and they are also extremely susceptible to impacts, so any careless disturbance may cause irreversible damage

    Desempenho reprodutivo e zootécnico e deposição de lipídios nos hepatócitos de fêmeas de tilápia-do-nilo alimentadas com rações de diversos níveis energéticos Reproductive and animal performance and lipids deposition in hepatocytes for Nile tilapia females fed different levels of energy in the ration

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    Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os desempenhos reprodutivo e zootécnico e a deposição de lipídios no tecido hepático de fêmeas de tilápia-do-nilo alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes níveis de energia digestível, obtidos pela inclusão de óleo de soja. Foram utilizados 100 reprodutores e 300 reprodutoras, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os reprodutores, machos e fêmeas, foram alimentados com rações contendo, por quilograma, 35% de proteína bruta e 2.700, 2.950, 3.200, 3.450 ou 3.700 kcal de energia digestível. Os animais foram mantidos em hapas por 93 dias. O desempenho reprodutivo e zootécnico não foi influenciado pelos níveis energéticos das rações, o que pode estar relacionado ao curto período de tempo de alimentação com as dietas experimentais. Contudo, o aumento nos níveis de energia teve efeito linear nas deposições lipídicas nos hepatócitos. Desta forma, os níveis crescentes de energia digestível nas rações fornecidas às fêmeas de tilápia-do-nilo, obtidos pela inclusão de óleo de soja, apenas aumentam o tempo de sobrevivência das larvas ao jejum e a deposição de lipídios nos hepatócitos das fêmeas.<br>The experiment was carried out to evaluate the reproductive and animal performance and lipids deposition in the liver tissue of the Nile tilapia female, fed diets containing different levels of digestible energy, obtained by soybean oil inclusion. Three hundred breeding females and 100 breeding males were used, distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications. The broods were fed diets containing 35% crude protein and 2,700; 2,950; 3,200; 3,450 and 3,700 kcal energy digestible/kg feed. The animals were stocked in hapas for 93 days. The reproductive and animal performance were not influenced by the energy levels. These results may be associated with the short period of time that the brood were fed the experimental diets. However, increasing energy levels caused a linear increase in lipids inclusions in hepatocytes. Thus, the increasing levels of digestible energy provided to Nile tilapia females, obtained by including soybean oil, only promoted increased lipid deposition in hepatocytes