916 research outputs found

    Gravitational lens optical scalars in terms of energy-momentum distributions

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    This is a general work on gravitational lensing. We present new expressions for the optical scalars and the deflection angle in terms of the energy-momentum tensor components of matter distributions. Our work generalizes standard references in the literature where normally stringent assumptions are made on the sources. The new expressions are manifestly gauge invariant, since they are presented in terms of curvature components. We also present a method of approximation for solving the lens equations, that can be applied to any order.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. Titled changed. Small improvements. References added. Final version published in Phys.Rev.

    HyFlex EDM rotary Ni-Ti prototypes: the effect of an innovative machining technology on Ni-Ti wear

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    Aim. HyFlex EDM files were recently introduced pre- senting an innovative electro discharge machining (EDM) process of fabrication. The aim of this study was to evalua- te the surface and microstructural alterations of new and in vitro used HyFlex EDM Ni-Ti rotary prototypes. Methods. The surface and microstructural characteristi- cs of 15 new HyFlex EDM instruments were analyzed by ESEM equipped with energy dispersive x-ray spectropho- tometry (EDS) and optical metallographic imaging. Instru- ments were subjected to instrumentation tests on severely curved root canals (ranging between 50° and 70°) of ex- tracted multi-rooted teeth. Once that canal patency was verified with a #10 K-file, the working length was determi- ned by subtracting 1mm. HyFlex EDM files were used with a 16:1 reduction handpiece X-Smart (Dentsply Maillefer, Baillagues, Switzerland) following the manufacture’s direc- tion, at 500 rpm and 2.5Ncm, with slightly apical pressure and pecking motion. The operative sequence was: 25/12 at 2/3 of the WL, 10/05 and 25/08 at WL. Irrigation was per- formed at every change of instrument, with a total amount of3mlof5%NaOCland3mlof10%EDTA(Ogna,Mug- giò, Italy). Each instrument was used in 10 curved canals, washed in an ultrasonic bath containing detergent for 10 min and then autoclaved at 134°C. Surface and microstruc- tural characterizations were repeated on used instruments at same points and with same angulations to compare the pre- and postoperative micrographs, in order to verify the appearance of fractures, unwinding, microcracks, blade di- sruption and tip deformation. Results. Surface and microstructural characteriza- tion of new instruments revealed the typical features of a NiTi ED-Machined alloy with an irregular and “craters-like” surface. High magnification microgra- phs disclosed a non-uniform structure were pits, po- res and voids caused the peculiar aspect of a “rough- spark-machined” surface. No fractures were registered during instrumentation of curved canals. Surface and microstructural characterization of used files revealed no wear and no degradation of the 25.12 and 25.08 files. The tip segment was confirmed as the most me- chanically stressed portion of 10.05 prototypes. All the instruments, after several uses, well-preserved the “craters-like” irregular surface without cutting edge al- terations. The metallographic inspection on the cross section of brand new HyFlex EDM files showed an homogeneous martensitic phase. The microstructure appeared uniform from the surface to the bulk, and no microcracks or defect were identified, even at high optical magnification (1000X). Conclusion. Unaltered spark-machined surface and low microstructural degradation are the main features of recently introduced HyFlex EDM. Caution would be re- commended regarding reuse of small HyFlex EDM files. Instruments exhibited a safe in vitro use in presence of severely curved canals


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possible use of gaseous ozone as a disinfectant for meat industry environments. Firstly microbial inactivation trials were conducted in laboratory conditions on Petri plates inoculated with some microorganisms of importance to the food industry. The treatment with 1 ppm of ozone resulted to be effective in 1 h on the strains in use. Then similar trials were conducted in a meat industry, 1 ppm of ozone was supplied for 3 h. The results confirmed the antimicrobial efficacy of ozone even if it was less active than in laboratory conditions. A different sensibility among the microorganisms was observed, the most resistant being P. fluorescens and B. thuringiensis. Our results confirm the suitability of gaseous ozone as a disinfectant for meat industry environments and underline the need to calibrate ozone treatment parameters on the real environmental conditions of work-room

    New embedding model of general relativity

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    The string-model analog of general relativity is shown to be unphysically dependent on an embedding gauge. Moreover, an explicit example confirms that it is inequivalent to Einstein's theory

    Parallel-propagated frame along null geodesics in higher-dimensional black hole spacetimes

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    In [arXiv:0803.3259] the equations describing the parallel transport of orthonormal frames along timelike (spacelike) geodesics in a spacetime admitting a non-degenerate principal conformal Killing-Yano 2-form h were solved. The construction employed is based on studying the Darboux subspaces of the 2-form F obtained as a projection of h along the geodesic trajectory. In this paper we demonstrate that, although slightly modified, a similar construction is possible also in the case of null geodesics. In particular, we explicitly construct the parallel-transported frames along null geodesics in D=4,5,6 Kerr-NUT-(A)dS spacetimes. We further discuss the parallel transport along principal null directions in these spacetimes. Such directions coincide with the eigenvectors of the principal conformal Killing-Yano tensor. Finally, we show how to obtain a parallel-transported frame along null geodesics in the background of the 4D Plebanski-Demianski metric which admits only a conformal generalization of the Killing-Yano tensor.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits

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    We study the behavior of nonzero rest mass spinning test particles moving along circular orbits in the Schwarzschild spacetime in the case in which the components of the spin tensor are allowed to vary along the orbit, generalizing some previous work.Comment: To appear on Classical and Quantum Gravity, 200

    Equilibrium conditions of spinning test particles in Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes

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    Equilibrium conditions and spin dynamics of spinning test particles are discussed in the stationary and axially symmetric Kerr-de Sitter black-hole or naked-singularity spacetimes. The general equilibrium conditions are established, but due to their great complexity, the detailed discussion of the equilibrium conditions and spin dynamics is presented only in the simple and most relevant cases of equilibrium positions in the equatorial plane and on the symmetry axis of the spacetimes. It is shown that due to the combined effect of the rotation of the source and the cosmic repulsion the equilibrium is spin dependent in contrast to the spherically symmetric spacetimes. In the equatorial plane, it is possible at the so-called static radius, where the gravitational attraction is balanced by the cosmic repulsion, for the spinless particles as well as for spinning particles with arbitrarily large azimuthal-oriented spin or at any radius outside the ergosphere with a specifically given spin orthogonal to the equatorial plane. On the symmetry axis, the equilibrium is possible at any radius in the stationary region and is given by an appropriately tuned spin directed along the axis. At the static radii on the axis the spin of particles in equilibrium must vanish

    On the Significance of the Weyl Curvature in a Relativistic Cosmological Model

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    The Weyl curvature includes the Newtonian field and an additional field, the so-called anti-Newtonian. In this paper, we use the Bianchi and Ricci identities to provide a set of constraints and propagations for the Weyl fields. The temporal evolutions of propagations manifest explicit solutions of gravitational waves. We see that models with purely Newtonian field are inconsistent with relativistic models and obstruct sounding solutions. Therefore, both fields are necessary for the nonlocal nature and radiative solutions of gravitation.Comment: 15 pages, incorporating proof correction

    Tetrads in SU(3) X SU(2) X U(1) Yang-Mills geometrodynamics

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    The relationship between gauge and gravity amounts to understanding underlying new geometrical local structures. These structures are new tetrads specially devised for Yang-Mills theories, Abelian and Non-Abelian in four-dimensional Lorentzian spacetimes. In the present manuscript a new tetrad is introduced for the Yang-Mills SU(3) X SU(2) X U(1) formulation. These new tetrads establish a link between local groups of gauge transformations and local groups of spacetime transformations. New theorems are proved regarding isomorphisms between local internal SU(3) X SU(2) X U(1) groups and local tensor products of spacetime LB1 and LB2 groups of transformations. The new tetrads and the stress-energy tensor allow for the introduction of three new local gauge invariant objects. Using these new gauge invariant objects and in addition a new general local duality transformation, a new algorithm for the gauge invariant diagonalization of the Yang-Mills stress-energy tensor is developed.Comment: There is a new appendix. The unitary transformations by local SU(2) subgroup elements of a local group coset representative is proved to be a new local group coset representative. This proof is relevant to the study of the memory of the local tetrad SU(3) generated gauge transformations. Therefore, it is also relevant to the group theorems proved in the paper. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/060204