75 research outputs found

    Modifications in the structure of the lichen Cladonia thallus in the aftermath of habitat contamination and implications for its heavy-metal accumulation capacity

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    Phenotypic traits of lichens can be greatly modified by environmental factors. Granulose thalli on soil and podetia, densely covered with granules, referring to common and widespread lichen Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata were found near zinc smelter. The granules are stratified, filled with fungal medulla and heavily encrusted with calcium oxalate weddellite crystals, not observed on regularly developed thalli of the species. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that deformed granulose forms belong to this taxon, showing that the phenotypic plasticity of the lichens of Cladonia can lead to the emergence of features that do not coincide with the taxonomic definition of the species. The heavy-metal accumulation capacity of both granulose and regular form of primary and secondary lichen thallus, in relation to the element content in corresponding substrate, was determined. Granulose-modified thalli accumulate greater amounts of heavy metals than regular ones, meaning that the bioaccumulation property of a given species may be greatly affected by morphological modifications. The granulose forms are also characterised by considerably higher ratios of Cd, Pb and As concentrations in lichen samples in relation to the corresponding substrates than regular ones. This means that collection of variously formed thalli should be avoided in biomonitoring sampling procedures. The results indicate that a substantial part of the element load, in particular zinc, in the examined lichen thalli collected near the smelter originates from atmospheric fallout

    The use of lichens in post-smelting dumps reclamation : preliminary results of experimental cultivation of selected species on slag substrate

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    Conventional reclamation interventions of post smelting slag dumps being undertaken so far either failed or produced poor results. Certain lichens, especially of the genus Cladonia, are known as effective colonisers of bare ground in anthropogenic habitats. The paper presents preliminary results of the experiment aimed at the evaluation of lichen usefulness in reclamation interventions. The cultivation in vivo involving transplantation of lichens directly on slag substrate was established in 2015. Five species, i.e. Cladonia rei, C. cariosa, C. pyxidata, C. subulata, C. macilenta, were transplanted into 32 cuvettes filled with sterilised slag substrate. The sample weight of 2 and 6 g were used and half of cuvettes were regularly supplied with 2 % malt solution. The first important symptoms at the present stage of the experiment are as follow: the growth of thalli has appeared only in the case of first three species; C. rei shows the most effective development; cuvettes with 6 g sample weight are characterized by higher coverage of fresh lichen thalli; lichen biomass are visually higher in cuvettes treated with malt solution. The results give us reason to believe that lichens could be successfully used as an alternative element during planning of slag dumps reclamation in the future

    Phenotypic plasticity of primary thallus in selected Cladonia species (lichenized Ascomycota : Cladoniaceae)

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    The paper presents the results of comprehensive analyses concerning the phenotypic variability of the primary thallus in five chosen Cladonia species in relation to habitat conditions. Morphology and anatomy, as well as the cortex ultrasculpture, of primary squamules were examined in individual specimens from sunny and shady populations of each species. The Mann-Whitney U test and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed several clear correlations between the type of habitat and the organisation of squamules. Significant differences refer mainly to anatomical features, especially to epinecral layer frequency and cortex thickness. On the contrary, examination of the surface ultrasculpture of squamules under SEM did not show any important differences between populations. Regardless of the habitat factors, a full range of cortical surface rugosity in samples from both habitats was noticed, and a high variability often refers to a singular squamule. The results indicate that some features are largely modified by environmental factors and/or depend on the development stage of individual specimens, and examination of these relationships should be the first step towards the evaluation of the taxonomic usefulness of the considered features

    Cladonia lichens as the most effective and essential pioneers in strongly contaminated slag dumps

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    The epigeic lichen biota of ten post-smelting slag dumps were studied to identify the ecological importance of Cladonia species in spontaneous succession within artificial areas. Species diversity, abundance, constancy and cover indices were determined at the initial stages of vegetation establishment. Substrates under lichen vegetation were characterised in terms of the pH, organic C and total N content, C/N ratio and Zn, Pb, Cd and As concentration. Species occurrence and abundance indices were related to habitat type, enabling the ability to identify species-specific responses to environmental factors. Despite the unfavourable and artificial habitat conditions at dump sites, some Cladonia appear abundant and form swards, with Cladonia rei as a dominant species. They appear to be well-adapted for slag substrate and their special arrangement illustrative of site contamination. Certain sward-forming Cladonia lichens play a fundamental role as effective pioneers in the initial stage of succession and provide stable plant cover development

    Specific vicariance of two primeval lowland forest lichen indicators

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    To date, the lichens Chrysothrix candelaris and Varicellaria hemisphaerica have been classified as accurate primeval lowland forest indicators. Both inhabit particularly valuable remnants of oak-hornbeam forests in Europe, but tend toward a specific kind of vicariance on a local scale. The present study was undertaken to determine habitat factors responsible for this phenomenon and verify the indicative and conservation value of these lichens. The main spatial and climatic parameters that, along with forest structure, potentially affect their distribution patterns and abundance were analysed in four complexes with typical oak-hornbeam stands in NE Poland. Fifty plots of 400 m^{2} each were chosen for detailed examination of stand structure and epiphytic lichens directly associated with the indicators. The study showed that the localities of the two species barely overlap within the same forest community in a relatively small geographical area. The occurrence of Chrysothrix candelaris depends basically only on microhabitat space provided by old oaks and its role as an indicator of the ecological continuity of habitat is limited. Varicellaria hemisphaerica is not tree specific but a sufficiently high moisture of habitat is essential for the species and it requires forests with high proportion of deciduous trees in a wide landscape scale. Local landscape-level habitat continuity is more important for this species than the current age of forest stand. Regardless of the indicative value, localities of both lichens within oak-hornbeam forests deserve the special protection status since they form unique assemblages of exclusive epiphytes, including those with high conservation value

    The pattern of photosynthetic response and adaptation to changing light conditions in lichens is linked to their ecological range

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    Epiphytic lichens constitute an important component of biodiversity in both deforested and forest ecosystems. Widespread occurrence is the domain of generalist lichens or those that prefer open areas. While, many stenoecious lichens find shelter only in a shaded interior of forests. Light is one of the factors known to be responsible for lichen distribution. Nevertheless, the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis of lichen photobionts remain largely unknown. We investigated photosynthesis in lichens with different ecological properties in relation to light as the only parameter modified during the experiments. The aim was to find links between this parameter and habitat requirements of a given lichen. We applied the methods based on a saturating light pulse and modulated light to perform comprehensive analyses of fast and slow chlorophyll fluorescence transient (OJIP and PSMT) combined with quenching analysis. We also examined the rate of CO2CO_{2} assimilation. Common or generalist lichens, i.e. Hypogymnia physodes, Flavoparmelia caperata and Parmelia sulcata, are able to adapt to a wide range of light intensity. Moreover, the latter species, which prefers open areas, dissipates the excess energy most efficiently. Conversely, Cetrelia cetrarioides considered an old-growth forest indicator, demonstrates definitely lower range of energy dissipation than other species, although it assimilates CO2CO_{2} efficiently both at low and high light. We conclude that functional plasticity of the thylakoid membranes of photobionts largely determines the dispersal abilities of lichens and light intensity is one of the most important factors determining the specificity of a species to a given habitat

    Timber transported to Antarctica : a potential and undesirable carrier for alien fungi and insects

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    Antarctica's severe climate and its geographical isolation are the factors that hinder the arrival of non-native species by natural means. However, the movement of people and cargo associated with national scientific programs and tourism render Antarctica much more accessible to exotic organisms. Both the transport routes and carriers are varied. The wide range of uses to which timber is put means that it is readily freighted to Antarctic stations. However, it can harbor numerous alien organisms. All the timber materials transported to the "Arctowski" station for the 32nd Polish Antarctic Expedition in the 2007/2008 season were scanned as a potential vector for alien species. This study focuses on the non-lichenized fungi and insects which were found on the timber. Four species of perithecia-forming Ascomycota, five species of corticioid and polyporoid Basidiomycota, four unidentified basidiomycetes taxa in form of sterile mycelia, and two insects belonging to Cerambycidae, were detected. Most of these "hitch-hikers" were connected with the untreated parts of the timber. Their enduring survival in harsh Antarctic conditions is regarded as highly improbable. Nevertheless, some ascocarps frequently contained vital spores, and live insect larvae and imago were found in hibernation. The results also emphasize that such organisms can be accidentally transported to Antarctica and that the elementary rules for the eventual safe transport of non-infected goods should be obeyed and respected