190 research outputs found

    The creation of God.

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    The book develops a scientific approach to the phenomenon of religion. It is the conviction of the author that such an approach can only be comparative in nature, in order to overcome centuries of religiously biased views on religion. In asecond hypothesis the primacy of action over language is argued for. To deevlop a more generic view on religion and escape 'religionism', the book looks at humans first nd foremost as acting subjects, with verbal actions as a subcategory. Finally fundamentalism is conceptualized within this framework

    Life stance and religous identity in an urbanized world

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    De straathoekwerker als etnograaf

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    Verbinding over verschillende culturen

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    Gebarentaal zegt alles

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    Jaap Kruithof: teksten voor de toekomst

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    Wanneer sancties tegen Israël?

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    Although on June 4th president Obama called the situation of the Palestinian population "intolerable", the Israeli government has persisted in crimes against humanity. The authors call for a weapons embargo and political, financial and economic sanctions against Israel

    Zingeving in de stadscontext

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