43 research outputs found

    Multimodal electromechanical model of piezoelectric transformers by Hamilton's principle

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    This work deals with a general energetic approach to establish an accurate electromechanical model of a piezoelectric transformer (PT). Hamilton’s principle is used to obtain the equations of motion for free vibrations. The modal characteristics (mass, stiffness, primary and secondary electromechanical conversion factors) are also deduced. Then, to illustrate this general electromechanical method, the variational principle is applied to both homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Rosen-type PT models. A comparison of modal parameters, mechanical displacements, and electrical potentials are presented for both models. Finally, the validity of the electrodynamical model of nonhomogeneous Rosen-type PT is confirmed by a numerical comparison based on a finite elements method and an experimental identification

    First Approach for the Modelling of the Electric Field Surrounding a Piezoelectric Transformer in View of Plasma Generation

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    This paper is about an open multi-physics modelling problem resulting from recent investigations into plasma generation by piezoelectric transformers. In this first approach, the electric field distribution surrounding the transformer is studied according to a weak coupling formulation. Electric potential distribution views obtained numerically are compared to real views of plasma generation observed experimentally

    Identification Methodology of Electrical Equivalent Circuit of the Piezoelectric Transformers by FEM

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    Methodology using Ansys analyses for the identification of Electrical Equivalent Circuit of piezoelectric transformer. The demonstration is done with typical multilayered Rosen transformer but the method is relevant for any kind of transformer structures

    Modeling of a Ring Rosen-Type Piezoelectric Transformer by Hamilton’s Principle

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    This paper deals with the analytical modeling of a ring Rosen-type piezoelectric transformer. The developed model is based on a Hamiltonian approach, enabling to obtain main parameters and performance evaluation for the first radial vibratory modes. Methodology is detailed, and final results, both the input admittance and the electric potential distribution on the surface of the secondary part, are compared with numerical and experimental ones for discussion and validation

    Low voltage plasma jet with piezoelectric generator : preliminary evaluation of decontamination capabilities

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    This paper deals with the proof of concept and the preliminary evaluation of decontamination performances obtained with a plasma jet generated by a piezoelectric transformer. This low voltage supply solution (<10V) is investigated as a plasma jet device, compact and safe solution for the decontamination of medical thermo-sensitive devices. The principle of the piezoelectric generator is presented, followed by the optical spectroscopy of the plasma jet, the protocol conditions for the bactericidal effect observations and finally the reduction rates obtained on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria strains with an argon plasma jet at atmospheric pressure about 2.5W electrical input power

    Modélisation Causale en vue de la Commande d'un translateur piézoélectrique plan pour une application haptique

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    Currently, haptic devices have been proposed to stimulate the human sense of touch in space or on plane environment. So, a broad whole of devices relies on several actuators with one degree of freedom whose are coupled by various mechanical linkages (pantograph,...).In this case, several drawbacks appear as the bulk or the defects related to the mechanical linkages. The piezoelectric actuators can provide a satisfying solution for this type of applications : the high force/mass ratio, low speed operation, and specially the capacity to obtain several motorized degrees of freedom with one actuator. These advantages show that the piezoelectric seems to be an interesting technology in this domain. For this reason, a planar piezoelectric actuator is studied. It is a standing wave ultrasonic motor, which moves along two orthogonal directions on a plane, depending on the vibratory mode used. In spite of the simplicity of principle, contact phenomena lead to difficulties in modeling the actuator. The modeling is developed according to the principal stages of the energy transformation : the electromechanical conversion causes the vibratory movement, and the purely mechanical conversion provides the uniform movement. Many non-linearities are emphasized, then a simplified model is deduced to show the force control of the device. This simplified modeling gives an overall description of contact phenomena. After, the model is compared and validated with a reference non-linear model and experimental results. It is represented from the Causal Ordering Graph, which gives the control structure. The study emphasizes two solutions being able to satisfy the needs of haptic domain : an active force feedback, and an alternative solution comparable to a mechanical clutch called dissipative force feedback.Pour rendre compte physiquement de la manipulation d'un objet virtuel dans l'espace ou sur un plan, la plupart des dispositifs haptiques actuels font appel à des actionneurs à un seul degré de liberté, dont les actions sont couplées par diverses liaisons mécaniques (type pantographe). La technologie piézoélectrique est une solution avantageuse dans ce domaine d'utilisation, pour son important effort massique, le travail à faible vitesse, et surtout la capacité à motoriser plusieurs degrés de liberté à partir d'un seul actionneur. Pour cette raison, un translateur piézoélectrique plan à onde stationnaire est étudié. Un modèle simplifié est élaboré pour offrir une interprétation globale des phénomènes de contact. Il est établi selon le formalisme du graphe informationnel causal qui met en évidence deux asservissements applicables au domaine haptique : un retour d'effort actif par le contrôle en force, et une solution alternative comparable à un embrayage, qualifié de retour d'effort dissipatif

    Modeling and identification of Rosen-type transformer in nonlinear behavior

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    International audienceThis paper is about the modeling of piezoelectric transformer in nonlinear behavior conditions. In the frame of applications with high output loads, nonlinear behavior becomes non-negligible. First, the origins of nonlinearities and theoretical approaches are preliminarily discussed. Then, the model is developed for a typical Rosen-type transformer and experimental investigations are presented. The results are used to confirm the validity of the analytical model and the methodology to express the terms added to the typical constitutive piezoelectric relations

    Modeling and Identification of Rosen-Type Transformer in Nonlinear Behavior

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    This paper is about the modeling of piezoelectric transformer in nonlinear behavior conditions. In the frame of applications with high output loads, nonlinear behavior becomes non-negligible. First, the origins of nonlinearities and theoretical approaches are preliminarily discussed. Then, the model is developed for a typical Rosen-type transformer and experimental investigations are presented. The results are used to confirm the validity of the analytical model and the methodology to express the terms added to the typical constitutive piezoelectric relations

    Contribution à la conception et la modélisation transformateurs piézoélectriques dédiés à la génération de plasma

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    L'émergence des transformateurs piézoélectriques coïncident avec le développement dans les années 1950 des céramiques ferroélectriques appartenant à la famille cristalline des pérovskites qui n'ont cessé de s'améliorer depuis. Outre la compacité dont bénéficie ces structures, les transformateurs piézoélectriques offrent des performances remarquables en terme de gain en tension et rendement utiles pour des applications nécessitant une adaptation de tension ou une isolation galvanique, parfaitement dédiés aux applications de faibles puissances à haut rendement. Toutefois, les transformateurs piézoélectriques peuvent être déviés de leurs applications premières. En effet, la dernière décennie a été marquée par l'apparition de générateur de plasma par effet piézoélectrique utilisant principalement des architectures de type transformateur. Pourtant, si quelques applications usuelles illustrent parfaitement cette interaction, la compréhension des phénomènes physiques qui en sont à l'origine reste à approfondir. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'en expliquer les fondements par une approche méthodique. Ce travail s'articule autour de plusieurs étapes comprenant la mise en oeuvre d'une méthode systématique de la modélisation analytique d'un transformateur piézoélectrique, de l'étude de la carte de champ produit par un transformateur ainsi qu'une étude expérimentale vue des bornes en guise de premières investigations. La modélisation analytique est basée sur l'exploitation du Principe de Moindre Action (PMA). A partir de la théorie linéaire de la piézoélectricité, un modèle général applicable à toutes les géométries de transformateur, exploitant des modes de couplage piézoélectrique multiples, est proposé. Son caractère multimodal est par ailleurs mis en exergue. Cette modélisation est appliquée à une structure classique de transformateur piézoélectrique de type Rosen et les résultats obtenus sont validés d'une part par une identification numérique, issue d'un logiciel de calcul par éléments finis, et d'autre part par une caractérisation expérimentale. La modélisation analytique précédente ne tient pas compte dans sa mise en oeuvre de l'influence de l'environnement dans lequel évolue le transformateur piézoélectrique. Afin de caractériser le potentiel électrique produit, un modèle numérique 2D du champ électrique environnant est proposé selon la méthode des différences finies. Ce modèle est basé sur une extension du modèle analytique précédemment développé incluant les pertes mécaniques afin de quantifier le potentiel électrique de surface. Même si l'influence du plasma est négligée en première approximation, la modélisation permet de mettre en lumière les zones de fort champ correspondant aux zones de décharges luminescentes observées expérimentalement. Finalement, afin de valider le concept de générateur de plasma piézoélectrique, une caractérisation vue des bornes du transformateur piézoélectrique de type Rosen a été entreprise. Une étude systématique du déclenchement de la décharge plasma en fonction du niveau de tension et de la pression environnante a été menée. Cette part expérimentale de l'étude constitue une approche pionnière pour qualifier le comportement électromécanique du transformateur et a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence des comportements non linéaires issus de ce mode de fonctionnement atypique qu'est la génération de décharges de surface par effet piézoélectrique.The emergence of piezoelectric transformers coincides with the development in the 1950s of ferroelectric ceramics belonging to the perovskites crystalline family. In addition to providing small size and weight, piezoelectric transformers offer outstanding performances in terms of galvanic insulation, voltage ratio and efficiency. Furthermore, compared with conventional electromagnetic transformers, piezoelectric transformers are free from electromagnetic interference. They are consequently more suitable for low power and high efficiency applications for small embedded systems. However, piezoelectric transformers can be deviated from their initial applications. Indeed, the emergence of plasma generator by piezoelectric effect, using mainly piezoelectric transformers, made its mark on the last decade. Nevertheless, if a few typical applications perfectly exemplify this interaction, the understanding of instigated physical phenomena remains to go into detail. The aim of this thesis is to explain the fundaments by a methodical approach. This work is based on several steps including the implementation of piezoelectric transformer analytical modeling, the study of the electrical field generated by a piezoelectric transformer and a first experimental investigation from piezoelectric transformer terminals. The analytical modeling is based on the utilization of the least action principle. From linear piezoelectric theory, a general model applicable to all transformer geometries, using multiple piezoelectric coupling modes, is put forward. Its multimodal characteristic is in addition underlined. This modeling is applied to a classical Rosen type transformer and the obtained results are confirmed on one hand by a numerical identication, and on the other hand by an experimental characterization. The previous analytical modeling does not take into account in its application the influence of the environment in which the piezoelectric transformer evolves. In order to qualify the produced electrical potential, a 2D numerical model of surrounding electrical field is put forward according to nite difference method. This model is based on the extension of previously developed analytical model including mechanical losses in order to quantify the surfacic electrical potential. Even if plasma influence is ignored in first approximation, the modeling allows to highlight high electrical field areas matching glow discharges areas experimentally observed. Finally, in order to validate the concept of piezoelectric plasma generator, a characterization from Rosen type piezoelectric transformer terminals has been undertaken. A systematic study of plasma discharge ignition in function of the input voltage level and the surrounding pressure has been carried out. This experimental part of the study constitutes a pioneering approach in order to qualify transformer electromechanical behavior. It has consequently allowed to give rise to nonlinear behaviors from untypical operation mode which is the surfacic discharge generation by piezoelectric effect.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF