25 research outputs found

    NasT-Mediated Antitermination Plays an Essential Role in the Regulation of the Assimilatory Nitrate Reductase Operon in Azotobacter vinelandii

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    Azotobacter vinelandii is a well-studied model system for nitrogen fixation in bacteria. Regulation of nitrogen fixation in A. vinelandii is independent of NtrB/NtrC, a conserved nitrogen regulatory system in proteobacteria. Previous work showed that an ntrC mutation in A. vinelandii resulted in a loss of induction of assimilatory nitrate and nitrite reductases encoded by the nasAB operon. In addition to NtrC, several other proteins, including NasT, a protein containing a potential RNA-binding domain ANTAR (AmiR and NasR transcription antitermination regulators), have been implicated in nasAB regulation. In this work, we characterize the sequence upstream of nasA and identify several DNA sequence elements, including two potential NtrC binding sites and a putative intrinsic transcriptional terminator upstream of nasA that are potentially involved in nasAB regulation. Our analyses confirm that the nasAB promoter, P(nasA), is under NtrC control. However, unlike NtrC-regulated promoters in enteric bacteria, P(nasA) shows high activity in the presence of ammonium; in addition, the P(nasA) activity is altered in the nifA gene mutation background. We discuss the implication of these results on NtrC-mediated regulation in A. vinelandii. Our study provides direct evidence that induction of nasAB is regulated by NasT-mediated antitermination, which occurs within the leader region of the operon. The results also support the hypothesis that NasT binds the promoter proximal hairpin of nasAB for its regulatory function, which contributes to the understanding of the regulatory mechanism of ANTAR-containing antiterminators

    Survival of GacS/GacA Mutants of the Biological Control Bacterium Pseudomonas aureofaciens 30-84 in the Wheat Rhizosphere

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    GacS/GacA comprises a two-component regulatory system that controls the expression of secondary metabolites required for the control of plant diseases in many pseudomonads. High mutation frequencies of gacS and gacA have been observed in liquid culture. We examined whether gacS/gacA mutants could competitively displace the wild-type populations on roots and thus pose a threat to the efficacy of biological control. The survival of a gac mutant alone and in competition with the wild type on roots was examined in the biological control strain Pseudomonas aureofaciens 30-84. In this bacterium, GacS/GacA controls the expression of phenazine antibiotics that are inhibitory to plant pathogenic fungi and enhance the competitive survival of the bacterium. Wheat seedlings were inoculated with strain 30-84, and bacteria were recovered from roots after 21 days in sterile or nonsterile soil to check for the presence of gacS or gacA mutants. Although no mutants were detected in the inoculum, gacS/gacA mutants were recovered from 29 out of 31 roots and comprised up to 36% of the total bacterial populations. Southern hybridization analysis of the recovered gacA mutants did not indicate a conserved mutational mechanism. Replacement series analysis on roots utilizing strain 30-84 and a gacA mutant (30-84.gacA) or a gacS mutant (30-84.A2) demonstrated that although the mutant population partially displaced the wild type in sterile soil, it did not do so in natural soil. In fact, in natural soil final rhizosphere populations of wild-type strain 30-84 starting from mixtures were at least 1.5 times larger than would be predicted from their inoculation ratio and generally were greater than or equal to the population of wild type alone despite lower inoculation rates. These results indicate that although gacS/gacA mutants survive in natural rhizosphere populations, they do not displace wild-type populations. Better survival of wild-type populations in mixtures with mutants suggests that mutants arising de novo or introduced within the inoculum may be beneficial for the survival of wild-type populations in the rhizosphere

    Spontaneous Gac Mutants of Pseudomonas Biological Control Strains: Cheaters or Mutualists? â–ż

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    Bacteria rely on a range of extracellular metabolites to suppress competitors, gain access to resources, and exploit plant or animal hosts. The GacS/GacA two-component regulatory system positively controls the expression of many of these beneficial external products in pseudomonad bacteria. Natural populations often contain variants with defective Gac systems that do not produce most external products. These mutants benefit from a decreased metabolic load but do not appear to displace the wild type in nature. How could natural selection maintain the wild type in the presence of a mutant with enhanced growth? One hypothesis is that Gac mutants are “cheaters” that do not contribute to the public good, favored within groups but selected against between groups, as groups containing more mutants lose access to ecologically important external products. An alternative hypothesis is that Gac mutants have a mutualistic interaction with the wild type, so that each variant benefits by the presence of the other. In the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain 30-84, Gac mutants do not produce phenazines, which suppress competitor growth and are critical for biofilm formation. Here, we test the predictions of these alternative hypotheses by quantifying interactions between the wild type and the phenazine- and biofilm-deficient Gac mutant within growing biofilms. We find evidence that the wild type and Gac mutants interact mutualistically in the biofilm context, whereas a phenazine-defective structural mutant does not. Our results suggest that the persistence of alternative Gac phenotypes may be due to the stabilizing role of local mutualistic interactions

    The Multifactorial Basis for Plant Health Promotion by Plant-Associated Bacteriaâ–ż

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    On plants, microbial populations interact with each other and their host through the actions of secreted metabolites. However, the combined action of diverse organisms and their different metabolites on plant health has yet to be fully appreciated. Here, the multifactorial nature of these interactions, at the organismal and molecular level, leading to the biological control of plant diseases is reviewed. To do so, we describe in detail the ecological significance of three different classes of secondary metabolites and discuss how they might contribute to biological control. Specifically, the roles of auxin, acetoin, and phenazines are considered, because they represent very different but important types of secondary metabolites. We also describe how studies of the global regulation of bacterial secondary metabolism have led to the discovery of new genes and phenotypes related to plant health promotion. In conclusion, we describe three avenues for future research that will help to integrate these complex and diverse observations into a more coherent synthesis of bacterially mediated biocontrol of plant diseases

    An upstream sequence modulates phenazine production at the level of transcription and translation in the biological control strain <i>Pseudomonas chlororaphis</i> 30-84

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    <div><p>Phenazines are bacterial secondary metabolites and play important roles in the antagonistic activity of the biological control strain <i>P</i>. <i>chlororaphis</i> 30–84 against take-all disease of wheat. The expression of the <i>P</i>. <i>chlororaphis</i> 30–84 phenazine biosynthetic operon (<i>phzXYFABCD</i>) is dependent on the PhzR/PhzI quorum sensing system located immediately upstream of the biosynthetic operon as well as other regulatory systems including Gac/Rsm. Bioinformatic analysis of the sequence between the divergently oriented <i>phzR</i> and <i>phzX</i> promoters identified features within the 5’-untranslated region (5’-UTR) of <i>phzX</i> that are conserved only among 2OHPCA producing <i>Pseudomonas</i>. The conserved sequence features are potentially capable of producing secondary structures that negatively modulate one or both promoters. Transcriptional and translational fusion assays revealed that deletion of 90-bp of sequence at the 5’-UTR of <i>phzX</i> led to up to 4-fold greater expression of the reporters with the deletion compared to the controls, which indicated this sequence negatively modulates phenazine gene expression both transcriptionally and translationally. This 90-bp sequence was deleted from the <i>P</i>. <i>chlororaphis</i> 30–84 chromosome, resulting in 30-84Enh, which produces significantly more phenazine than the wild-type while retaining quorum sensing control. The transcriptional expression of <i>phzR/phzI</i> and amount of AHL signal produced by 30-84Enh also were significantly greater than for the wild-type, suggesting this 90-bp sequence also negatively affects expression of the quorum sensing genes. In addition, deletion of the 90-bp partially relieved RsmE-mediated translational repression, indicating a role for Gac/RsmE interaction. Compared to the wild-type, enhanced phenazine production by 30-84Enh resulted in improvement in fungal inhibition, biofilm formation, extracellular DNA release and suppression of take-all disease of wheat in soil without negative consequences on growth or rhizosphere persistence. This work provides greater insight into the regulation of phenazine biosynthesis with potential applications for improved biological control.</p></div

    The number of differentially expressed genes in 30-84PCA, wild type and 30-84O* compared with the 30-84ZN.

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    <p>Differential expressed genes are those exhibiting over twofold change and a P value < 0.05. (<b>A)</b> Phenazine Induced and Suppressed genes are those that are expressed in at a higher or lower level, respectively, by the phenazine producing strains compared to 30-84ZN. (<b>B)</b> Venn diagram showing the number of genes differentially expressed in 30-84PCA, wild type and 30-84O* compared with 30-84ZN.</p

    Bacterial populations and take-all disease symptoms on wheat roots inoculated with <i>P</i>. <i>chlororaphis</i> 30–84 wild-type or 30-84Enh.

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    <p>Bacterial populations and take-all disease symptoms on wheat roots inoculated with <i>P</i>. <i>chlororaphis</i> 30–84 wild-type or 30-84Enh.</p

    Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the phenazine biosynthetic promoter regions.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Quorum sensing genes <i>phzR</i> and <i>phzI</i> are located immediately upstream of the phenazine biosynthetic operon and arrows indicate divergent transcription of <i>phzR</i> and <i>phzX</i> (<b>B)</b> The boxed region indicates the putative <i>phz</i> box sequences for the phenazine biosynthetic promoter of the six different phenazine-producing strains. Restriction enzyme sites are underlined. The putative -10 sequences, transcription start site (+1), ribosome binding site sequences (RBS), and ATG of PhzX are bolded. The hollow arrows indicate the direct repeat sequences (CACCCCCAA). Solid arrows indicate the four palindromic sequences. The 90-bp of 5’-UTR of phenazine biosynthetic operon is grey highlighted. The asterisks (*) indicate fully conserved residues, and gaps introduced for alignment are indicated by dashes (-). DNA sequences were obtained from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (<a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/" target="_blank">https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/</a>) and aligned using Clustal Omega (<a href="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalo/" target="_blank">http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalo/</a>). (<b>C)</b> Maximum-Likelihood (ML) tree based on a 250 bp region upstream from the translation start site of the phenazine biosynthetic operon from 27 different phenazine-producing pseudomonads. Sequences were retrieved from the <i>Pseudomonas</i> Genome database (<a href="http://www.pseudomonas.com/" target="_blank">www.pseudomonas.com</a>) and NCBI. The tree with the highest log likelihood (-1149.3348) is shown, and only ML bootstrap values ≥ 50% are shown at nodes.</p