17 research outputs found

    Modelling SDL, Modelling Languages

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    Today’s so ware systems are too complex to implement them and model them using only one language. As a result,modern so ftware engineering uses different languages for different levels of abstraction and different system aspects. Thus to handle an increasing number of related or integrated languages is the most challenging task in the development of tools. We use object oriented metamodelling to describe languages. Object orientation allows us to derive abstract reusable concept definitions (concept classes) from existing languages. Th is language definition technique concentrates on semantic abstractions rather than syntactical peculiarities. We present a set of common concept classes that describe structure, behaviour, and data aspects of high-level modelling languages. Our models contain syntax modelling using the OMG MOF as well as static semantic constraints written in OMG OCL. We derive metamodels for subsets of SDL and UML from these common concepts, and we show for parts of these languages that they can be modelled and related to each other through the same abstract concepts.Peer Reviewe

    A Code Generation Metamodel for ULF-Ware

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    Models can be used in many stages of many different processes, but in software engineering, the ultimate purpose of modelling is often code generation. While code can be generated from any model, we propose to use an intermediate model that is tailored to code generation instead. In order to be able to easily support different target languages, this model should be general enough; in order to support the whole process, the model has to contain behavioural as well as structural aspects. This paper introduces such a model and the ideas behind it. When the model is to cover several languages, differences occur also in the available library functions. Furthermore, the input languages (eg. SDL) may contain high-level concepts such as signal routing that are not easily mapped into simple instructions. We propose a runtime library to address both challenges.Peer Reviewe

    The Term Processor Kimwitu++

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    Compiler builders have for a long time used tools that automate the frontend process of scanning and parsing the input. However, tools to handle the result of the parse are rarely found. Kimwitu++, the term processor, is an extension to the C++ language which eases the production of programs that operate on trees or terms, and as such is a tool which is well suited for this purpose. This paper presents an overview of Kimwitu++ with its different techniques such as rewriting and unparsing as well as some sample applications where we put it to use.Peer Reviewe

    A common metamodel for code generation

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    Models can be used in many stages of many different processes, but in software engineering, the ultimate purpose of modelling is often code generation. While code can be generated from any model, we propose to use an intermediate model that is tailored to code generation instead. In order to be able to easily support different target languages, this model should be general enough; in order to support the whole process, the model has to contain behavioural as well as structural aspects. This paper introduces such a model and the ideas behind it. Keywords: Metamodel, code generation, MOF, Java, C++ Similar metamodels exist, each with strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the next section, we will give a short overview of them. Mostly, they are concerned with structural aspects only. There is, however, a need for a new metamodel to cover all aspects of a programming language. Section 2 will present general choices that had to be made in order to determine the shape of the metamodel. Section 3 presents the metamodel in detail. 2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR CEEJAY 1

    ULF-Ware – An Open Framework for Integrated Tools for ITU-T Languages

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    Model driven engineering is a popular attempt to deal with the complexity of modern software systems. For the telecommunication sector a model driven approach means that you have to handle half a dozen ITU-T modelling languages in a single process to cover all aspects of telecommunication system development. Unfortunately, this is a difficult task, because the ITU-T languages are hard to use together. That is why the ITU-T started the Unified Language Family (ULF) initiative with the goal to unify the ITU-T language definitions and allow an easier alignment and integrated use of these languages. We present a tooling framework for those ULF languages; it is called ULF-ware. Our framework uses metamodelling and a shared use of common language concepts for a tight language integration. Around these language models it incorporates a set of tools to cover the various responsibilities of development environments such as program parsing, model checking, model transformation, and code generation. This paper shows work in progress. We demonstrate our ideas on a tool chain for a subset of SDL. But the overall goal is an open framework that is extendable with other languages, even beyond ULF, and with tools for other software engineering tasks, like model simulation or software deployment.Peer Reviewe

    A Code Generation Metamodel for ULF-Ware Generating Code for SDL and Interfacing with the Runtime Library

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    Abstract. Models can be used in many stages of many different processes, but in software engineering, the ultimate purpose of modelling is often code generation. While code can be generated from any model, we propose to use an intermediate model that is tailored to code generation instead. In order to be able to easily support different target languages, this model should be general enough; in order to support the whole process, the model has to contain behavioural as well as structural aspects. This paper introduces such a model and the ideas behind it. When the model is to cover several languages, differences occur also in the available library functions. Furthermore, the input languages (e. g. SDL) may contain high-level concepts such as signal routing that are not easily mapped into simple instructions. We propose a runtime library to address both challenges.

    A Metamodel for SDL-2000 in the Context of Metamodelling ULF

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    Programme de l’année 2008-2009 : I. Les évêques dans la guerre féodale. — II. Questions diverses