11 research outputs found

    A Novel Text Steganographic Technique Using Specific Alphabets

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    In today’s electronic era, wealth of electronic information are accessing over the Internet. Several important information and private data transferring over the Internet are being hacked by attackers via latest communication technology. So, maintaining the security of secret data has been a great challenge. To tackle the security problem, cryptographic methods as well as steganographic techniques are essential. This paper focuses on hybrid security system using cryptographic algorithm and text steganographic technique to achieve a more robust security system. In this work, to overcome the limited data hiding capacity, suspiciousness, and data damaging effect due to modification, of traditional steganographic techniques, a new technique for information hiding in text file is proposed. The proposed approach conceals a message, without degrading cover, by using first, second, second last, and last letter of words of the cover text. Hence, from the embedding capacity point of view, its capacity depends on the similarity of characters of the words in cover text. In addition, as further improvement for security, secret message encryption is performed using Blowfish algorithm before hiding into the innocuous cover text.

    Security Enhancement System Based on the Integration of Cryptography and Steganography

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    Nowadays, due to the widespread use of data exchange in electronic way, the information security has become important in data storage and transmission. Lack of security makes many problems in security awareness applications. The two kinds of information that are widely used in daily communication are image and text. Steganography and cryptography are both ways to protect the data security against various attacks. Thus, this work focuses on the enhancement of not only image but also information security based on the combination of cryptography and steganography methods. From the cryptography point of view, image security is enhanced based on the combination of proposed block-based transformation and encryption technique. Firstly, the original image is transformed with proposed block-based transformation algorithm to obtain better robustness of image encryption. And then, the generated transformed image is encrypted by using Blowfish encryption algorithm. After getting the encrypted image, a steganography approach provides the data hiding system by using this encrypted image as a cover for information security. Moreover, to prove the advantages of using combination process (proposed transformation and Blowfish encryption) rather than single encryption, performance comparison is made by calculating the correlation and entropy of encrypted images generated by combination process and Blowfish encryption algorithm.

    Digital Envelope System Based on Optimized NTRU (Number Theory Research Unit) and RC6 Algorithm

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    With the rapid development of technologies, more data are generated and transmitted in the medical, commercial, and military fields, which may include some sensitive information. So, security is essential to transfer the important information securely over the communication channels. To fulfill the information security requirements, many security systems were proposed in many research areas. On the other hand, many cryptographic algorithms are analyzed and optimized to evaluate better performance according to their requirements. This work proposes digital envelope system in order to meet the security requirement such as confidentiality. To create digital envelope system, the original message is encrypted by using Rivest Cipher-6(RC6) with the help of secret key. Then, that secret key is encrypted by using the ONTRU (Optimized Number Theory Research Unit) with the help of Receiver’s public key.  Moreover, this work also focuses on the optimization of NTRU to obtain better execution time for the digital envelope system. According to the analytical results, it is found that ONTRU is faster than NTRU. The basic idea behind this paper is to provide a good, faster digital envelope system

    National scale-up of tuberculosis-human immunodeficiency virus collaborative activities in Myanmar from 2005 to 2016 and tuberculosis treatment outcomes for patients with human immunodeficiency virus-positive tuberculosis in the Mandalay Region in 2015.

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    Background: HIV-associated TB is a serious public health problem in Myanmar. Study objectives were to describe national scale-up of collaborative activities to reduce the double burden of TB and HIV from 2005 to 2016 and to describe TB treatment outcomes of individuals registered with HIV-associated TB in 2015 in the Mandalay Region. Methods: Secondary analysis of national aggregate data and, for treatment outcomes, a cohort study of patients with HIV-associated TB in the Mandalay Region. Results: The number of townships implementing collaborative activities increased from 7 to 330 by 2016. The number of registered TB patients increased from 1577 to 139 625 in 2016, with the number of individuals tested for HIV increasing from 432 to 114 180 (82%) in 2016: 10 971 (10%) were diagnosed as HIV positive. Uptake of co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) nationally in 2016 was 77% and 52%, respectively. In the Mandalay Region, treatment success was 77% and mortality was 18% in 815 HIV-associated TB patients. Risk factors for unfavourable outcomes and death were older age (≥45 years) and not taking CPT and/or ART. Conclusion: Myanmar is making good progress with reducing the HIV burden in TB patients, but better implementation is needed to reach 100% HIV testing and 100% CPT and ART uptake in TB-HIV co-infected patients

    Data Embedding Approach For Message Authentication System

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    The demand for effective information security schemes is increasing day by day with the exponential growth of internet. Therefore, cryptographic algorithms are widely used in many research areas to fulfill the security requirements. Among the security requirements, message authentication plays an important role to prevent message alternation and modification from unauthorized party. Due to attack made on Today&rsquo;s data communication, effective steganographic techniques are also developed using various carriers such as image, audio, video, etc. So, this work proposes security system by integrating cryptographic one-way hash function (SHA-512) and image steganographic approach to meet confidentiality and message authentication requirements. The basic idea behind this paper is to provide a good embedding method based on Pixel Mapping Method (PMM) for data hiding in image to achieve better embedding capacity with minimum degradation of image quality. The performance analysis of proposed embedding approach and PMM is made according to the comparative study of embedding capacity and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) values. &nbsp;</p

    Performance Comparison of Proposed Embedding Method and Pixel Mapping Method

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    Data hiding is one of the challenging issues in the field of network security. Unlike cryptography, steganography is used to hide the existence of secret message by embedding the&nbsp; message&nbsp; behind&nbsp; any&nbsp; cover&nbsp; object&nbsp; like&nbsp; image,&nbsp; text,&nbsp; audio and video files. In many research areas, various information hiding&nbsp; techniques&nbsp; are&nbsp; developed&nbsp; in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; meet&nbsp; their security requirements. This paper proposes a new embedding method by optimizing pixel mapping method (PMM) in order to obtain larger embedding capacity and produce stego image quality&nbsp; with&nbsp; minimum&nbsp; degradation.&nbsp; To&nbsp; prove&nbsp; the&nbsp; better performance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; proposed&nbsp; embedding&nbsp; method,&nbsp; the comparison&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; between&nbsp; proposed&nbsp; embedding&nbsp; method and PMM will be performed according to the values of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and embedding capacity.</p

    Implementation of Normalization using Min_Max Method

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    This paper presents a method to normalize logical propositions in numerical data. Type of min_max normalization is emphasized in this study. Data mining is concerned with analyzing large volume of data to automatically discover interesting regularities or relationships. A function obtained by multiple regression analysis in which data are normalized to [0,1]. Therefore, the function represents a non-classical logical proposition and it can be approximated by a Boolean function representing a classical logical proposition This paper presents a method of data transformation.Aim of this paper is to normalized numerical data and reduce the occupied memory space


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    Mobile phones have changed our day today life totally. Short Message Service (SMS) is atext messaging service component of phone, web,or mobile communication systems, usingstandardized communication protocols that allowthe exchange of short text messages betweendevices. On the other hand of the popularity ofSMS, secure messaging transmission is required.The purpose of secure messaging is to enablesender and receiver to electronically communicateboth privately and securely. In this proposedsystem, Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm(AES) is applied to encrypt and decrypt messageson Android OS. The sender and receiver use thesame key to encrypt and decrypt the messages asper user requirement in order to improve securityand to get high confidentiality. This applicationcan run on any device which works on Androidplatform and provides a secure encryption of thedata

    On-Line Real Estate Application Based On Multiagent System

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    Multi-agent system is used as a core technology in variousapplications, from information technology to business process automation. Acomparisons agent is an agent that has access to at least one and potentially manyinformation sources, is able to collate and manipulate information obtained fromthese sources in order to answer queries posed by users and other agents. Thissystem is the implementation of information retrieval for customer and real estatebroker using multi-agent system including interface agent, comparison agent anddatabase agent. Each agent interacts and coordinates with each other in order toachieve goals to perform specific activities. This system gives information aboutestate and advises the most appropriate form of user’s needs. This system isimplemented by using C# and Microsoft SQL Database 2005 on .Net Platform

    Estimating Aboveground Biomass of Two Different Forest Types in Myanmar from Sentinel-2 Data with Machine Learning and Geostatistical Algorithms

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    The accurate estimation of spatially explicit forest aboveground biomass (AGB) provides an essential basis for sustainable forest management and carbon sequestration accounting, especially in Myanmar, where there is a lack of data for forest conservation due to operational limitations. This study mapped the forest AGB using Sentinel-2 (S-2) images and Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) based on random forest (RF), stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) and Kriging algorithms in two forest reserves (Namhton and Yinmar) in Myanmar, and compared their performance against AGB measured by the traditional methods. Specifically, a suite of forest sample plots were deployed in the two forest reserves, and forest attributes were measured to calculate the plot-level AGB based on allometric equations. The spectral bands, vegetation indices (VIs) and textures derived from processed S-2 data and topographic parameters from SRTM were utilized to statistically link with field-based AGB by implementing random forest (RF) and stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) algorithms. Followed by an evaluation of the algorithmic performances, RF-based Kriging (RFK) models were employed to determine the spatial distribution of AGB as an improvement of accuracy against RF models. The study’s results showed that textural measures produced from wavelet analysis (WA) and vegetation indices (VIs) from Sentinel-2 were the strongest predictors for evergreen forest reserve (Namhton) AGB prediction and spectral bands and vegetation indices (VIs) showed the highest sensitivity to the deciduous forest reserve (Yinmar) AGB prediction. The fitted models were RF-based ordinary Kriging (RFOK) for Namhton forest reserve and RF-based co-Kriging (RFCK) for Yinmar forest reserve because their respective R2, whilst the RMSE values were validated as 0.47 and 24.91 AGB t/ha and 0.52 and 34.72 AGB t/ha, respectively. The proposed random forest Kriging framework provides robust AGB maps, which are essential to estimate the carbon sequestration potential in the context of REDD+. From this particular study, we suggest that the protection/disturbance status of forests affects AGB values directly in the study area; thus, community-participated or engaged forest utilization and conservation initiatives are recommended to promote sustainable forest management