6 research outputs found

    Effective Evacuation Route Strategy during Natural Disaster

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    Nowadays, most of the countries around the world encounter affect of disasters. Disaster can occur anytime and anywhere, without giving any alarm or message. During the disaster, the rapid response and recovery activities are critical issues to save lives and properties. The effective response actions play vital role in the disaster situation because the large amount of properties and valuable lives are depending on it. But, the rescue teams and emergency organizations have many problems and delays to give the effective response to the victim areas. To reduce the risk and damage, identifying the best evacuation routes for the recuse teams is vital. The proposed system provides not only the recuse teams which locate near the victim area but also the best evacuation routes to move people from the hazard place to the safe places. This paper describes a web-based application for the best evacuation route assessment during natural disaster

    Optimal Route Identification on Complex Road Network by Using Advanced Dijkstra’s Algorithm

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    Emergency events never happen with prior alert and notification, and can damage people andcause permanent loss as consequences. For that reason, how to report the emergency serviceorganizations, to distinguish the location of emergency case exactly and to drive that place intime become the key factors in developing countries. The performance of emergency serviceswill be the best if they reach the incident site without delay where lives of damaged people andproperties can be saved. In order to get the incident site finally, emergency vehicles use the roadnetwork. Therefore, the optimal route finding problem for emergency vehicle becomes theimperative component in evacuation processes. But, according to the lack of effective emergencyroute response system and good structure road network, there are many difficulties for drivers togo and give the rapid response and rescue actions immediately. Calculating the optimal routebecomes one of the main tasks for emergency service transportation, which aims to provide theroute from an emergency service location to the emergency event location on a road map.Choosing a suitable route finding methods amongst the existing ones that apply on actual roadnetworks is also an important task for emergency service transportation. According to theseinspirations, the optimal route finding system for emergency vehicles is developed on theprinciples of client-server architecture. This architecture includes reporting and identifying theexact location of emergency case, calculating the nearest emergency services and calculating theoptimal route between emergency services and incident place. The proposed route findingsystem is mainly focused on Fire Emergency Event. In this research work, the importance ofroad network structure is presented, the problems faced by the drivers on the road network andthe issues of route finding process are discussed and the solutions to these problems aredescribed and explained in detail. To develop the proposed work, the database of Yangon RegionRoad Network is created with Open Street Map (OSM), and Quantum Geographic InformationSystem (QGIS) tool is applied on it to create the usable data format in the system. The locationof emergency services and streets condition data such as the streets that are not wide enough topass in or one-ended streets which are supported by Myanmar Fire Service Department and somedata are collected from satellite images and some are composed by crowd sourcing. The wellorganized database of proposed system can be used for verifying the exact location emergencycase, providing the nearest emergency services locations and the optimal route to go to theemergency location. The optimal route identification system for emergency vehicles is developedbased on Web Service by using well-organized database. In this research work, the distinction ofthe original route finding method and the proposed route finding method are presented, and thesetwo methods are applied on real road network data in order to compare and analyze theiroperational performance. In this proposed work, distance and time are used as cost factors tocalculate the optimal route. The proposed optimal route finding system is implemented as WebBased Application, and the results are displayed on Google map that must guide the drive way toreach the preferred place in time. The system can offer various kinds of optimal route findingsystem for other applications by altering and using appropriate geo-spatial databases

    Shortest Path Finding System by using Transitive Closure and Dijkstra’s Algorithms

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    Nowadays, optimization/minimization is a key factor in almost all topics of operation research, management science and economic. Road networks can be minimized within different constraints like time, distance, cost and traffic running on the road. This study is based on distance to calculate shortest path. This paper is intended to present shortest path finding system on Mandalay road map. In this system, Transitive Closure and Dijkstra’s algorithms are used to find the shortest path. Transitive Closure algorithm is used to get all pairs of paths and the result is used to check whether there is a path between user chosen source and destination. If the pair of path exists, then Dijkstra’s algorithm calculates shortest path of user desired source and destination. And then the result of shortest path is display to user. This system presents how it can be applied Transitive Closure and Dijkstra’s Algorithms on Mandalay road map. In this system, the locations of Mandalay as vertices and associated distance between each location as weight of edges of a directed graph

    Effective Emergency Response System by Using Improved Dijkstra’s Algorithm

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    Everyday a large number of human lives andproperties are lost due to emergency events. Whenemergency case happened, there are some problemsthat not only the delay in calling the emergencyservice teams to get the needed services but also thedifficulty that to know about the incident site and toobtain its exact location. It is a real challenge toreport to the rescue teams and to get the rapidresponse in time. When the emergency eventoccurred, it is extremely important to reach theemergency vehicles to incident site as fast aspossible. To get the required emergency services, theoptimal route is essential needed to know. So, wedevelop GIS based effective emergency responsesystem to provide emergency services. The proposedsystem is intended to verify the incident location inshort time, to find the nearest emergency services andto calculate the optimal route to go the incident site.The proposed work also considers the trafficcongestion based on Modified Dijkstra’s Algorithm

    Optimal Route Finding to Support Fire Emergency Service

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    Urban fire is one of the most ordinaryproblems in all nations. Fire can cause seriousdamages to people and properties. When the fireevent occurred, it is extremely important to reachthe fire vehicles to incident site as fast aspossible. To reach to the incident site in shorttime and fast, we need to exactly identify theincident location and need to determine thesuitable route. But there are some difficulties toidentify the incident location and to chooseoptimal route. Because the road networkinfrastructure of Myanmar is still weak instructure. In some townships, there are narrowedroads which could not clearly see from GoogleEarth and not wide enough to enter the firevehicles and closed roads which are not passedthrough the other streets. These roads can causeproblems for drivers and delays during theemergency cases. Another difficulty is thatGoogle Map can’t give the user desired locationwhen we used the specific address. As mention inabove, some fire vehicles can't reach the incidentlocation in time. So, we develop GIS based optimal route finding system to support fireemergency services. This system is intended toidentify the fire incident location in short time, tofind the nearest fire station and calculate theoptimal route to travel the incident site from firestation by avoiding the closed and narrowedroads. In this paper, the optimal route iscalculated by using Dijkstra’s Algorithm and we also considered the traffic condition in routefinding