40 research outputs found

    On the evolution of the density pdf in strongly self-gravitating systems

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    The time evolution of the probability density function (PDF) of the mass density is formulated and solved for systems in free-fall using a simple appoximate function for the collapse of a sphere. We demonstrate that a pressure-free collapse results in a power-law tail on the high-density side of the PDF. The slope quickly asymptotes to the functional form Pv(ρ)ρ1.54\mathrm{P}_v(\rho)\propto\rho^{-1.54} for the (volume-weighted) PDF and Pm(ρ)ρ0.54\mathrm{P}_m(\rho)\propto\rho^{-0.54} for the corresponding mass-weighted distribution. From the simple approximation of the PDF we derive analytic descriptions for mass accretion, finding that dynamically quiet systems with narrow density PDFs lead to retarded star formation and low star formation rates. Conversely, strong turbulent motions that broaden the PDF accelerate the collapse causing a bursting mode of star formation. Finally, we compare our theoretical work with observations. The measured star formation rates are consistent with our model during the early phases of the collapse. Comparison of observed column density PDFs with those derived from our model suggests that observed star-forming cores are roughly in free-fall.Comment: accepted for publication, 13 page

    Importance of the initial conditions for star formation

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    This thesis investigates the impact of the initial conditions on present-day star formation. Using numerical simulations, we follow the gravitational collapse of dense molecular clouds under different initial turbulent motions and initial density distributions. Our analysis focuses on the morphology of the cloud, the time and location of the formation of stars, the energetics during the collapse, the formation of clusters including their internal structure, their accretion behaviour as well as their mass distribution. The morphology of the cloud and the total number of stars are strongly influenced by the initial type of turbulence and the initial density profile. The results range from almost unperturbed cores with a single star to strongly filamentary cores with hundreds of stars in disconnected clusters. The internal structure of protostellar clusters is systematically but not significantly influenced by the initial conditions. Concerning the accretion rates as well as the dynamical interactions of stars within the clusters, we observe a fairly uniform behaviour, not reflecting the large variations in the initial conditions. The simulations presented in this thesis were performed using the grid-based code FLASH, developed mainly at the University of Chicago

    An IFU investigation of possible Lyman continuum escape from Mrk 71/NGC 2366

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    Mrk 71/NGC 2366 is the closest Green Pea (GP) analog and candidate Lyman Continuum (LyC) emitter. Recently, 11 LyC-leaking GPs have been detected through direct observations of the ionizing continuum, making this the most abundant class of confirmed LyC-emitters at any redshift. High resolution, multi-wavelength studies of GPs can lead to an understanding of the method(s), through which LyC escapes from these galaxies. The proximity of Mrk 71/NCG 2366 offers unprecedented detail on the inner workings of a GP analog, and enables us to identify the mechanisms of LyC escape. We use 5825-7650{\AA} integral field unit PMAS observations to study the kinematics and physical conditions in Mrk 71. An electron density map is obtained from the [S II] ratio. A fortuitous second order contamination by the [O II]3727 doublet enables the construction of an electron temperature map. Resolved maps of sound speed, thermal broadening, "true" velocity dispersion, and Mach number are obtained and compared to the high resolution magneto-hydrodynamic SILCC simulations. Two regions of increased velocity dispersion indicative of outflows are detected to the north and south of the super star cluster, knot B, with redshifted and blueshifted velocities, respectively. We confirm the presence of a faint broad kinematical component, which is seemingly decoupled from the outflow regions, and is fainter and narrower than previously reported in the literature. Within uncertainties, the low- and high-ionization gas move together. Outside of the core of Mrk 71, an increase in Mach numbers is detected, implying a decrease in gas density. Simulations suggest this drop in density can be as high as ~4 dex, down to almost optically thin levels, which would imply a non-zero LyC escape fraction along the outflows... [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 17 pages, 16 figures, 4 table

    Gamma-ray emission from spectrally resolved cosmic rays in galaxies

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    Cosmic rays (CRs) are ubiquitous in the interstellar medium (ISM) of nearby galaxies, but many of their properties are not well-constrained. Gamma-ray observations provide a powerful tool in this respect, allowing us to constrain both the interaction of CR protons with the ISM and their transport properties. To help better understand the link between observational signatures and CR physics, we use a series of magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) AREPO simulations of isolated galaxies performed using spectrally-resolved CR transport in every computational cell, with subsequent gamma-ray emission calculated using the CRAYON+ (Cosmic RAY emissiON) code. In each of our simulated halos, modelling the energy-dependent spatial diffusion of CRs leads to a more extended distribution of high-energy (~100 GeV) gamma rays compared to that predicted by a 'grey' steady-state model, which is especially visible in the corresponding emission maps and radial profiles. Despite this, the total gamma-ray spectra can often be well approximated by the steady-state model, although recovering the same spectral index typically requires a minor variation of the energy dependence of the diffusion coefficient. Our simulations reproduce the observed spectral indices and gamma-ray spectra of nearby star-forming galaxies and also match recent observations of the far infrared--gamma-ray relation. We find, however, that the spectrally resolved model yields marginally smaller luminosities for lower star formation rates compared to grey simulations of CRs. Our work highlights the importance of modelling spectrally resolved CR transport for an accurate prediction of spatially resolved high-energy gamma-ray emission, as will be probed by the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array observatory.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments are welcome

    SILCC VII -- Gas kinematics and multiphase outflows of the simulated ISM at high gas surface densities

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    We present magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the star-forming multiphase interstellar medium (ISM) in stratified galactic patches with gas surface densities Σgas=\Sigma_\mathrm{gas} = 10, 30, 50, and 100 Mpc2\mathrm{M_\odot\,pc^{-2}}. The SILCC project simulation framework accounts for non-equilibrium thermal and chemical processes in the warm and cold ISM. The sink-based star formation and feedback model includes stellar winds, hydrogen-ionising UV radiation, core-collapse supernovae, and cosmic ray (CR) injection and diffusion. The simulations follow the observed relation between Σgas\Sigma_\mathrm{gas} and the star formation rate surface density ΣSFR\Sigma_\mathrm{SFR}. CRs qualitatively change the outflow phase structure. Without CRs, the outflows transition from a two-phase (warm and hot at 1 kpc) to a single-phase (hot at 2 kpc) structure. With CRs, the outflow always has three phases (cold, warm, and hot), dominated in mass by the warm phase. The impact of CRs on mass loading decreases for higher Σgas\Sigma_\mathrm{gas} and the mass loading factors of the CR-supported outflows are of order unity independent of ΣSFR\Sigma_\mathrm{SFR}. Similar to observations, vertical velocity dispersions of the warm ionised medium (WIM) and the cold neutral medium (CNM) correlate with the star formation rate as σzΣSFRa\sigma_\mathrm{z} \propto \Sigma_\mathrm{SFR}^a, with a0.20a \sim 0.20. In the absence of stellar feedback, we find no correlation. The velocity dispersion of the WIM is a factor 2.2\sim 2.2 higher than that of the CNM, in agreement with local observations. For ΣSFR1.5×102Myr1kpc2\Sigma_\mathrm{SFR} \gtrsim 1.5 \times 10^{-2}\,\mathrm{M}_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\,\mathrm{kpc}^{-2} the WIM motions become supersonic.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA