5 research outputs found

    Schlaflos in Frankfurt : wenn die Nacht zum Fluch wird

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    Neueren Schätzungen zufolge leiden bis zu 15 Prozent der bundesdeutschen Bevölkerung unter klinisch bedeutsamen Schlafstörungen. Die "Internationale Klassifikation der Schlafstörungen" (ICSD-R) umfasst insgesamt 88 Störungen, die sich vier Oberkategorien zuordnen lassen: "Dyssomnien" (Schlafstörungen, die entweder durch Ein- oder Durchschlafstörungen oder übermäßige Schläfrigkeit gekennzeichnet sind), "Parasomnien" (zum Beispiel Schlafwandeln oder Sprechen im Schlaf), "Schlafstörungen bei körperlichen oder psychiatrischen Erkrankungen" sowie "Vorgeschlagene Schlafstörungen" (diagnostische Kategorien, die derzeit noch näher erforscht werden)

    Sleep apnea and occupational exposure to solvents

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    Objectives: The possible effects of exposure to neurotoxic substances such as gasoline, diesel fuel, paint, varnish, and solvents on the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea were examined. Methods: Four hundred and forty-three persons with incident obstructive sleep apnea were recruited within the framework of a case-referent study. A reference population (N=397) was included as the first reference group. In addition 106 patients whose sleep laboratory findings confirmed that they were not suffering from obstructive sleep apnea were then included as a second reference group. Data were gathered with a questionnaire which had to be filled out by the persons with obstructive sleep apnea (cases) and the referents themselves. In the assessment of occupational exposure the questionnaires were filled out by the subjects themselves, and a job-exposure matrix was also used. Data were analyzed using logistic regression to control for age, region, body mass index, cigarette smoking, and alcohol consumption. Results: None of the exposures were statistically significantly associated with obstructive sleep apnea. There was no correlation with occupation. Only current activities in service occupations revealed an increased odds ratio, 1.6 (95% confidence interval 1.1-2.4). Conclusions: No suggestion was found of an association between exposure to solvents and obstructive sleep apnea