518 research outputs found

    On Equivalence and Canonical Forms in the LF Type Theory

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    Decidability of definitional equality and conversion of terms into canonical form play a central role in the meta-theory of a type-theoretic logical framework. Most studies of definitional equality are based on a confluent, strongly-normalizing notion of reduction. Coquand has considered a different approach, directly proving the correctness of a practical equivalance algorithm based on the shape of terms. Neither approach appears to scale well to richer languages with unit types or subtyping, and neither directly addresses the problem of conversion to canonical. In this paper we present a new, type-directed equivalence algorithm for the LF type theory that overcomes the weaknesses of previous approaches. The algorithm is practical, scales to richer languages, and yields a new notion of canonical form sufficient for adequate encodings of logical systems. The algorithm is proved complete by a Kripke-style logical relations argument similar to that suggested by Coquand. Crucially, both the algorithm itself and the logical relations rely only on the shapes of types, ignoring dependencies on terms.Comment: 41 page

    Refinement Types for Logical Frameworks and Their Interpretation as Proof Irrelevance

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    Refinement types sharpen systems of simple and dependent types by offering expressive means to more precisely classify well-typed terms. We present a system of refinement types for LF in the style of recent formulations where only canonical forms are well-typed. Both the usual LF rules and the rules for type refinements are bidirectional, leading to a straightforward proof of decidability of typechecking even in the presence of intersection types. Because we insist on canonical forms, structural rules for subtyping can now be derived rather than being assumed as primitive. We illustrate the expressive power of our system with examples and validate its design by demonstrating a precise correspondence with traditional presentations of subtyping. Proof irrelevance provides a mechanism for selectively hiding the identities of terms in type theories. We show that LF refinement types can be interpreted as predicates using proof irrelevance, establishing a uniform relationship between two previously studied concepts in type theory. The interpretation and its correctness proof are surprisingly complex, lending support to the claim that refinement types are a fundamental construct rather than just a convenient surface syntax for certain uses of proof irrelevance

    Session Types with Arithmetic Refinements

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    Session types statically prescribe bidirectional communication protocols for message-passing processes. However, simple session types cannot specify properties beyond the type of exchanged messages. In this paper we extend the type system by using index refinements from linear arithmetic capturing intrinsic attributes of data structures and algorithms. We show that, despite the decidability of Presburger arithmetic, type equality and therefore also subtyping and type checking are now undecidable, which stands in contrast to analogous dependent refinement type systems from functional languages. We also present a practical, but incomplete algorithm for type equality, which we have used in our implementation of Rast, a concurrent session-typed language with arithmetic index refinements as well as ergometric and temporal types. Moreover, if necessary, the programmer can propose additional type bisimulations that are smoothly integrated into the type equality algorithm

    A Linear Logic Programming Language for Concurrent Programming over Graph Structures

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    We have designed a new logic programming language called LM (Linear Meld) for programming graph-based algorithms in a declarative fashion. Our language is based on linear logic, an expressive logical system where logical facts can be consumed. Because LM integrates both classical and linear logic, LM tends to be more expressive than other logic programming languages. LM programs are naturally concurrent because facts are partitioned by nodes of a graph data structure. Computation is performed at the node level while communication happens between connected nodes. In this paper, we present the syntax and operational semantics of our language and illustrate its use through a number of examples.Comment: ICLP 2014, TPLP 201

    Domain-Aware Session Types

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    We develop a generalization of existing Curry-Howard interpretations of (binary) session types by relying on an extension of linear logic with features from hybrid logic, in particular modal worlds that indicate domains. These worlds govern domain migration, subject to a parametric accessibility relation familiar from the Kripke semantics of modal logic. The result is an expressive new typed process framework for domain-aware, message-passing concurrency. Its logical foundations ensure that well-typed processes enjoy session fidelity, global progress, and termination. Typing also ensures that processes only communicate with accessible domains and so respect the accessibility relation. Remarkably, our domain-aware framework can specify scenarios in which domain information is available only at runtime; flexible accessibility relations can be cleanly defined and statically enforced. As a specific application, we introduce domain-aware multiparty session types, in which global protocols can express arbitrarily nested sub-protocols via domain migration. We develop a precise analysis of these multiparty protocols by reduction to our binary domain-aware framework: complex domain-aware protocols can be reasoned about at the right level of abstraction, ensuring also the principled transfer of key correctness properties from the binary to the multiparty setting

    Rast: A Language for Resource-Aware Session Types

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    Traditional session types prescribe bidirectional communication protocols for concurrent computations, where well-typed programs are guaranteed to adhere to the protocols. However, simple session types cannot capture properties beyond the basic type of the exchanged messages. In response, recent work has extended session types with refinements from linear arithmetic, capturing intrinsic attributes of processes and data. These refinements then play a central role in describing sequential and parallel complexity bounds on session-typed programs. The Rast language provides an open-source implementation of session-typed concurrent programs extended with arithmetic refinements as well as ergometric and temporal types to capture work and span of program execution. To further support generic programming, Rast also enhances arithmetically refined session types with recently developed nested parametric polymorphism. Type checking relies on Cooper's algorithm for quantifier elimination in Presburger arithmetic with a few significant optimizations, and a heuristic extension to nonlinear constraints. Rast furthermore includes a reconstruction engine so that most program constructs pertaining the layers of refinements and resources are inserted automatically. We provide a variety of examples to demonstrate the expressivity of the language
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