15 research outputs found

    How do we see the end of the world?

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    In this essay author emphasizes the need for comprehensive world view in analyses about the end of the world and other eschatology issues

    Thinking Tool for Evolutionary Creation: God as Heterophenomenological Subject

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    Theological thinking is hard. It takes various forms depending on its object of reflection, and needs to be doctrinally informed, contextually appropriate and methodologically consistent. Theological thinking about evolutionary creation meets all said conditions and restrictions on some sort of a larger-than-usual scale. I, thus, introduce a thinking tool ā€“ intuition pump, as Daniel Dennett calls it ā€“ that can help us theologically contemplate evolutionary creation. This approach aims to put together and to combine evolution and creation within the context of the structure and form of Dennettā€™s proposed methodology and thought experiments using at one instance Gƶdelā€™s incompleteness theorems. This intuition pump has its implications and effects in other theological domains (Trinity, Christology and Sacramentology) but its natural context lies within theology of creation. I will start by presenting Dennettā€™s heterophenomenological method for scientific research of consciousness, stretching our theological imagination by using it. This thinking tool enables us to see this world as Godā€™s heterophenomenological world. At the same time, it enables us to recognize and confirm intrinsic properties or essences in nature and it warrant thinking about historicity of Adam and Eve

    Novi agresivni ateizam

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    Dennett\u27s Design Space as secular form of transcendence

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    In this paper I will try to shortly present a secular surrogates and forms of transcendence which we can find in various cultural, political and social contexts. And what is important to notice, is that all of these forms are horizontally located inside this world, and as such they represent beyond as something that is inside this universe, while, by its (traditional) definition, it should be outside. I will speak about transcendence (secular forms of transcendence) that becomes worldliness, briefly pointing some important moments in this process of lousing religion\u27s authorities over transcendence. In second part of this paper I will present Daniel Dennettā€™s idea Design Space which can be understood as some form of transcendence (or Beyond) based and understood in scientific worldview


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    Velika će europska obitelj uskoro postati bogatija za joÅ” jednoga člana, naime, za Republiku Hrvatsku. Zanimljivo je primijetiti kako su hrvatski mediji, skupa s predstavnicima vlasti, tijekom proteklog vremenskog perioda pregovora iznosili samo pozitivne stavove i miÅ”ljenja, tako da je javnost na neki način manipulirana. Ono Å”to je povod ovome tekstu jest ekonomska kriza koja je najizraženije pogodila eurozonu, samim tim i Europsku uniju. Pojavom te krize otvorilo se jedno Å”ire pitanje solidarnosti kako država članica Europske unije tako i njezinih građana. Pitanje je to koje nadilazi puku financijsko-ekonomsku razinu druÅ”tva te je bitno i za naÅ”e sudjelovanje u životu Europske unije. Stoga autor u prvome dijelu ovoga teksta ukratko predstavlja glavne institucije Europske unije te eurozonu koja predstavlja najveći stupanj ekonomske integracije, Å”to u sebi podrazumijeva zajedničku monetarnu politiku država članica. Kriza eurozone i načini ophođenja Europske unije prema toj krizi donekle su srediÅ”nji dio ovoga teksta te ujedno upućuju na jedan teoloÅ”ki osvrt po pitanju solidarnosti u vremenima krize.Croatia will soon become a full member of the European Union, also the member of the euro zone. It is interesting to note that the Croatian media were, along with representative sofa government, during the last period of negotiations, amounted only positive attitudes and opinions about EU, so that the public is manipulated in some way. There a son for this paper is an economic crisis which has strongest struck euro area, therefore the European Union. The emergence of this crisis has opened the question of solidarity. Therefore, in the first part of this paper author briefly describes the main institutions of the European Union, and eurozone that represent the largest stage of economic integration, which in itself implies a common monetary policy of member states. Eurozone crisis and ways that the European Union conduct in the crisis are central part of this text and also point to a theological view of solidarity in times of crisis

    Religion in darwinian paradigm: Daniel Dennett on religion

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    Daniel Dennett značajan je i utjecajan američki filozof, hrvatskom akademskom krugu uglavnom poznat preko pokreta Novog ateizma čiji je istaknuti predstavnik. Ovaj članak donosi njegovo promiÅ”ljanje religije koje se odvija u darvinističkoj paradigmi, u kojoj znanost ima ključnu ulogu. Ta je paradigma snažno kontraintuitivna, te je stoga problematična i nepristupačna većem dijelu ljudi. Članak iznosi Dennettovo nastojanje približavanja te paradigme čitateljima, a potom i njegovo promiÅ”ljanje religije kao prirodne pojave, njezine evolucije i uloge u suvremenom demokratskom druÅ”tvu.Daniel Dennett is a significant and influential American philosopher, mostly known to the Croatian academic circle through the New Atheism movement, of which he is a prominent representative. This paper presents his perception of religion that is developing in a Darwinian paradigm, in which science plays a key role. That paradigm is strongly counter-intuitive and consequently problematic and inaccessible to most people. The article presents Dennettā€™s efforts to bring the paradigm closer to readers, and then it puts forward his perception of religion as a natural phenomenon, its evolution and role in contemporary democratic society