114 research outputs found

    The effect of climate change on the upper stratospheric ozone depletion from Umkehr measurements over Antarctica

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    Ozone recovery in the upper stratosphere from Umkehr measurement over Syowa, Antarctica

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域気水圏シンポジウム 11月30日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階ロビ

    Long term changes in the upper stratospheric ozone at Syowa, Antarctica

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月15日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    What controls long-term Ozone changes other than Ozone-Depleting Substances in the Antarctic stratosphere?

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    In the upper stratosphere the inter-annual variability of ozone is mostly controlled by chemical reactions and is strongly influenced by the anthropogenic ozone-depleting substances (ODS). While at middle latitudes the ODS reached the maximum in the stratosphere by the end of 1990s, at high latitudes the turning in the growth rate of the ODS has been delayed by several years. Analysis of Umkehr observations helps to understand the influence of the ODS on ozone in the middle and upper stratosphere. We investigated the long-term trend in the upper stratospheric ozone over the Antarctic using re-processed Umkehr data at Syowa station (69.0 S, 39.5 E). The long-term variability and trend observed in Umkehr ozone profile data is in good agreement with the station’s overpass subset of the SBUV V8.6 Merged Ozone Dataset. The long-term trend is affected by the changes in the polar vortex position and its persistence relative to the geophysical location of Syowa station. We have found a high correlation between the Equivalent Latitude (EqLat) at 850K (10 hPa or 32 km) and stratospheric ozone. The Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode (SAM) is also considered as one of the explanatory parameters in our analysis of ozone variability over Syowa. High correlation is found between stratospheric ozone and SAM during high solar activity years (HS, 1978-1982, 1988-1992, and 1998-2002). The largest variability in the Antarctic stratosphere related to the SAM signal is observed from September to December. Since the SAM and upper stratospheric ozone are both affected by planetary wave propagation, their correlation reflects their response to the same mechanism, especially during HS.In this presentation, we describe attribution of ozone variability to the proxies and discuss differences in factors that affect upper, middle and lower stratospheric ozone over Syowa.第4回極域科学シンポジウム個別セッション:[OM] 気水圏11月14日(木) 統計数理研究所 3階セミナー室1(D305

    Retrieving vertical ozone profiles from measurements of global spectral irradiance

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    A new method is presented to determine vertical ozone profiles from measurements of spectral global (direct Sun plus upper hemisphere) irradiance in the ultraviolet. The method is similar to the widely used Umkehr technique, which inverts measurements of zenith sky radiance. The procedure was applied to measurements of a high-resolution spectroradiometer installed near the centre of the Greenland ice sheet. Retrieved profiles were validated with balloonsonde observations and ozone profiles from the space-borne Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). Depending on altitude, the bias between retrieval results presented in this paper and MLS observations ranges between -5 and + 3 %. The magnitude of this bias is comparable, if not smaller, to values reported in the literature for the standard Dobson Umkehr method. Total ozone columns (TOCs) calculated from the retrieved profiles agree to within 0.7 +/- 2.0% (+/- 1 sigma) with TOCs measured by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on board the Aura satellite. The new method is called the "Global-Umkehr" method

    South Pole Station ozonesondes: variability and trends in the springtime Antarctic ozone hole 1986–2021

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    Balloon-borne ozonesondes launched weekly from South Pole station (1986&ndash;2021) measure high vertical resolution profiles of ozone and temperature from surface to 30&ndash;35 km altitude. The launch frequency is increased in late winter before the onset of rapid stratospheric ozone loss in September. Ozone hole metrics show the yearly total column ozone and 14&ndash;21 km column ozone minimum values and September loss rates remain on an upward (less severe) trend since 2001. However, the data series also illustrate interannual variability, especially in the last three years (2019&ndash;2021). Here we show additional details of these three years by comparing minimum ozone profiles and the July&ndash;December 14&ndash;21 km column ozone time series. The 2019 anomalous vortex breakdown showed stratospheric temperatures began warming in early September leading to reduced ozone loss. The minimum total column ozone of 180 Dobson Units (DU) was observed on 24 September. This was followed by two stable and cold polar vortex years in 2020 and 2021 with total column ozone minimums at 104 DU (01 October) and 102 DU (07 October), respectively. These years also showed broad zero ozone (saturation loss) regions within the 14&ndash;21 km layer by the end of September which persisted into October. Validation of the ozonesonde observations is conducted through the ongoing comparison of total column ozone (TCO) measurements with the South Pole ground-based Dobson spectrophotometer. The ozonesondes show a constant positive offset of 2 &plusmn; 3 % (higher) than the Dobson following a thorough evaluation/homogenization of the ozonesonde record in 2018.</p