28 research outputs found

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Type II Turbines: III - Overall Performance of J71 Type IIA Turbine

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    The over-all component performance characteristics of the J71 Type IIA three-stage turbine were experimentally determined over a range of speed and over-all turbine total-pressure ratio at inlet-air conditions af 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 deg. R. The results are compared with those obtained for the J71 Type IIF turbine, which was previously investigated, the two turbines being designed for the same engine application. Geometrically the two turbines were much alike, having the same variation of annular flow area and the same number of blades for corresponding stator and rotor rows. However, the blade throat areas downstream of the first stator of the IIA turbine were smaller than those of the IIF; and the IIA blade profiles were curve-backed, whereas those of the IIF were straight-backed. The IIA turbine passed the equivalent design weight flow and had a brake internal efficiency of 0.880 at design equivalent speed and work output. A maximum efficiency of 0.896 occurred at 130 percent of design equivalent speed and a pressure ratio of 4.0. The turbine had a wide range of efficient operation. The IIA turbine had slightly higher efficiencies than the IIF turbine at comparable operating conditions. The fact that the IIA turbine obtained the design equivalent weight flow at the design equivalent operating point was probably a result of the decrease in the blading throat areas downstream of the first stator from those of the IIF turbine, which passed 105 percent of design weight flow at the corresponding operating point. The third stator row of blades of the IIA turbine choked at the design equivalent speed and at an over-all pressure ratio of 4.2; the third rotor choked at a pressure ratio of approximately 4.

    Investigation of Turbines Suitable for Use in a Turbojet Engine with High Compressor Pressure Ratio and Low Compressor-tip Speed VII : Experimental Performance of Modified Two-stage Turbine

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    Modifying the original turbine by closing down the first-rotor throat area and shrouding the first and second rotors resulted in an over-all increase in in efficiency of 3.5 percentage points. At equivalent design work and speed the rating and aerodynamic efficiences of the modified turbine were 0.825 and 0.846, respectively. The maximum rating and erodynamic efficiencies were 0.875 and 0.906, respectively. A radial survey indicated improved firstively. A radial survey indicated improved first and second-stage efficiencies but showed that the effective throat areas of the second stator and rotor were too large

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine. Iv-effect of First-stator Adjustment; Over-all Performance of J71-97 Turbine with 132-percent-design Stator Area

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    An experimental invesitgation of the effect of increasing the first-stator area of the J71-97 experimental three-stage turbine from 97 percent of design to 132 percent revealed (1) the maximum efficiency obtained decreased from 0.891 to 0.869, (2) the choking equivalent weight flows increased by approximately 13.6 percent, and (3) at the turbine match points required to maintain the compressor at constant design equivalent conditions the turbine efficiency decreased from 0.87 to 0.86

    Investigation of Turbines Suitable for Use in a Turbojet Engine Wtih High Compressor Pressure Ratio and Low Compressor-tip Speed V : Experimental Performance of Two-stage Turbine with Downstream Stator

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    An experimental investigation of a highly loaded two-stage turbine with a downstream stator revealed that (1) at equivalent design work and speed the brake internal efficiency was 0.81 and the maximum efficiency obtained was 0.85, and (2) the downstream stator left very little energy in the form of tangential velocity in the gas and, in general, performed well with 0.78 recovery being obtained at equivalent design work and speed

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine VII: Effect of First-stator Adjustment; Over-all Performance of J71-97 Turbine with 87-percent-design Stator Area

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    The performance results, as well as a compressor-turbine match point study based on a particular mode of engine operation, are compared with those previously obtained with the same turbine having first-stator areas 70, 95.6, and 132 percent of design. Maximum efficiencies for all turbine configurations were high, on the order of 87 to 89 percent. The efficiencies obtained at the match points for the 87-, 95.6-, and 132-percent turbines were slightly lower. No match point for the 70-percent turbine was obtained because, with first-stator areas less than 75.5 percent of design, the turbine would develop insufficient work to drive the compressor at the match point

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine VIII : Effect of First-stator Adjustment; Internal Flow Conditions of J71-97 Turbine with 70-percent-design Stator Area

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    Results of a survey investigation of the J71-97 experimental three-stage turbine equipped with a first-stator area 70 percent pf design are presented and compared with the turbine with a first-stator area 97 percent of design