48 research outputs found

    Beneficiile culturilor de acoperire asupra culturilor agricole

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    Culturi de acoperire: producția de biomasă și reciclarea nutrienților Studii privind efectul rotației și asolamentelor asupra solului Studii privind efectul rotației și fertilizării asupra culturilor de acoperire Efectul culturilor de acoperire asupra producției culturilo

    Effect of climatic conditions on some physiological indicators of winter wheat cultivated in organic farming system

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    Leaf area index, normalized index of vegetation and yield are important traits affected by environmental factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three different year on leaf area index, normalized index of vegetation and its implication on the winter wheat yield cultivated in organic farming system. Twenty wheat cultivars were sowing during 2016-2018 under rainfed conditions at National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea, Romania, on a cambic chernozem soil. Climatic conditions and cultivars strongly influenced all studied traits in this study. The highest leaf area index and NDVI were reached in 2016, while the lowest ones were recorded in organic farming system for all cultivars in 2018. In conditions of 2018 year LAI ranged from 1.6 (Bezostaia) to 3.1 m2 /m2 (Glosa), reflecting less favorable conditions of water and nutrients supply than in 2016 when in the same genotypes the LAI values were 0.35 and 0.54, respectively. The correlations between leaf area index, normalized index of vegetation and yield obtained in experimental years, were very significantly positive, suggesting that a higher yield in organic farming system can be associated with capacity of cultivar for a higher leaf area to achieve a good ground cover

    Ghid tehnologic pentru culturi de acoperire

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    Generalități privind alegerea culturilor de acoperire Culturi de acoperire după recoltarea culturilor de toamnă Culturi de acoperire după culturile de primăvară Rotația culturilor Controlul bolilor și dăunătorilor Culturi de captare și acoperir


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    Chemical fertilizers costs intensified worldwide from 2019 to 2022 due to the gas price crisis. Also the climate change affects crops susceptibility and response to applied synthetic inputs in conventional agriculture. Farmers are returning to agroecological measures and shifting to organic agriculture. In both agricultural systems seed producing is adding value to the final product. This study case aims to analyze the production cost and income on winter wheat (Glosa variety – used by over 60% of Romanian farmers), for certified seed in organic agriculture system. The used data are from applied technology in experimental and seed production fields of National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea, Calarasi county, Romania. The production costs are influenced by manual operations and fuel price. Seed production in organic agriculture, even if generated an income of 476.05 €/ha, for this study case in 2022, is not economical viable without organic farming subsidies in all situations


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    Chemical fertilizers costs intensified worldwide from 2019 to 2022 due to the gas price crisis. Also the climate change affects crops susceptibility and response to applied synthetic inputs in conventional agriculture. Farmers are returning to agroecological measures and shifting to organic agriculture. In both agricultural systems seed producing is adding value to the final product. This study case aims to analyze the production cost and income on winter wheat (Glosa variety – used by over 60% of Romanian farmers), for certified seed in organic agriculture system. The used data are from applied technology in experimental and seed production fields of National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea, Calarasi county, Romania. The production costs are influenced by manual operations and fuel price. Seed production in organic agriculture, even if generated an income of 476.05 €/ha, for this study case in 2022, is not economical viable without organic farming subsidies in all situations


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    In order to identify wheat cultivars most suitable for cultivation in organic agriculture, we tested 16 Romanian winter wheat cultivars in yield tests organized in South Romania at Fundulea and Valului Traian during 2019-2022. Most of the yield variation was due to the variation of environmental conditions, but cultivars also had a significant effect. Older cultivars yielded less than modern ones, and highest average grain yields were obtained in the most recently registered cultivars, Ursita and FDL Abund. Genetic progress for yield achieved in breeding programs performed in conventional agriculture conditions was also reflected in the cultivars’ performance under organic agriculture.&nbsp


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    Helianthus annuus (sunflower) is an oilseed crop with multiple food and industrial uses, such as production of edible oil, the biofuel industry, the manufacture of soap and fodder production. Sunflower is the most important honey plant, considering the large areas cultivated with sunflower and the quality of nectar. Due to its ability to use soil moisture and soil nitrogen reserve better than other species, and to good productivity and the high quality of its by-products, sunflower crop is representing a good option for organic farming systems. This study presents an overview of organic production of sunflower in Romania, starting from a general analysis of the European Union organic production of sunflower and going to an in depth analysis of Romanian cultivation and production, presenting an up-to-date report on the dynamics of the sunflower cultivation, up to county level

    The Evolution of Alfalfa, as Important Crop in Organic Farming System in Romania

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    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is considered to be one of the oldest and most important fodder plants. Its current importance in improving soil fertility by fixing atmospheric nitrogen with the help of bacteria (Rhizobium meliloti), as well as a cover plant by sequestering carbon, its melliferous value and adaptation to different climate and soil conditions, confirm the importance of this plant in the organic farming system. As a result, in this context, the aim of this work is to highlight the cultivation of alfalfa in an organic farming system in the north-eastern area of Romania, in period 2019-2021, with particular reference to the evolution of the organic surfaces, the framework cultivation technology, as well as some variants of efficient utilization of production. Thus, the organic (certified I, II and organic) alfalfa has had an upward evolution in recent years, being cultivated on 14149,84 ha in 2017 and reaching 25612,86 ha in 2019. Also, in organic farm from North-east development region of Romania, the average production of alfalfa for dray hay was 4.8 t/ha and price of selling was 144,63 €/t, respectively, the average seeds production was 0.5 t/ha with 206,62 €/t