464 research outputs found

    A probabilistic solution to the Stroock-Williams equation

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    We consider the initial boundary value problem \begin{eqnarray*}u_t=\mu u_x+\tfrac{1}{2}u_{xx}\qquad (t>0,x\ge0),\\u(0,x)=f(x)\qquad (x\ge0),\\u_t(t,0)=\nu u_x(t,0)\qquad (t>0)\end{eqnarray*} of Stroock and Williams [Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 58 (2005) 1116-1148] where Ī¼,Ī½āˆˆR\mu,\nu\in \mathbb{R} and the boundary condition is not of Feller's type when Ī½<0\nu<0. We show that when ff belongs to Cb1C_b^1 with f(āˆž)=0f(\infty)=0 then the following probabilistic representation of the solution is valid: u(t,x)=Ex[f(Xt)]āˆ’Ex[fā€²(Xt)āˆ«0ā„“t0(X)eāˆ’2(Ī½āˆ’Ī¼)sā€‰ds],u(t,x)=\mathsf{E}_x\bigl[f(X_t)\bigr]-\mathsf{E}_x\biggl[f'(X_t)\int_0^{\ell_t^0(X)}e^{-2(\nu-\mu)s}\,ds\biggr], where XX is a reflecting Brownian motion with drift Ī¼\mu and ā„“0(X)\ell^0(X) is the local time of XX at 00. The solution can be interpreted in terms of XX and its creation in 00 at rate proportional to ā„“0(X)\ell^0(X). Invoking the law of (Xt,ā„“t0(X))(X_t,\ell_t^0(X)), this also yields a closed integral formula for uu expressed in terms of Ī¼\mu, Ī½\nu and ff.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP865 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Embedding laws in diffusions by functions of time

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    We present a constructive probabilistic proof of the fact that if B=(Bt)tā‰„0B=(B_t)_{t\ge0} is standard Brownian motion started at 00, and Ī¼\mu is a given probability measure on R\mathbb{R} such that Ī¼({0})=0\mu(\{0\})=0, then there exists a unique left-continuous increasing function b:(0,āˆž)ā†’RāˆŖ{+āˆž}b:(0,\infty)\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\cup\{+\infty\} and a unique left-continuous decreasing function c:(0,āˆž)ā†’RāˆŖ{āˆ’āˆž}c:(0,\infty)\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\cup\{-\infty\} such that BB stopped at Ļ„b,c=infā”{t>0āˆ£Btā‰„b(t)\tau_{b,c}=\inf\{t>0\vert B_t\ge b(t) or Btā‰¤c(t)}B_t\le c(t)\} has the law Ī¼\mu. The method of proof relies upon weak convergence arguments arising from Helly's selection theorem and makes use of the L\'{e}vy metric which appears to be novel in the context of embedding theorems. We show that Ļ„b,c\tau_{b,c} is minimal in the sense of Monroe so that the stopped process BĻ„b,c=(Btāˆ§Ļ„b,c)tā‰„0B^{\tau_{b,c}}=(B_{t\wedge\tau_{b,c}})_{t\ge0} satisfies natural uniform integrability conditions expressed in terms of Ī¼\mu. We also show that Ļ„b,c\tau_{b,c} has the smallest truncated expectation among all stopping times that embed Ī¼\mu into BB. The main results extend from standard Brownian motion to all recurrent diffusion processes on the real line.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOP941 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The British Asian Option

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    Following the economic rationale of [7] and [8] we present a new class of Asian options where the holder enjoys the early exercise feature of American options whereupon his payoff (deliverable immediately) is the ā€˜best predictionā€™ of the European payoff under the hypothesis that the true drift of the stock price equals a contract drift. Inherent in this is a protection feature which is key to the British Asian option. Should the option holder believe the true drift of the stock price to be unfavourable (based upon the observed price movements) he can substitute the true drift with the contract drift and minimise his losses. The practical implications of this protection feature are most remarkable as not only is the option holder afforded a unique protection against unfavourable stock price movements (covering the ability to sell in a liquid market completely endogenously) but also when the stock price movements are favourable he will generally receive high returns. We derive a closed form expression for the arbitrage-free price in terms of the rational exercise boundary and show that the rational exercise boundary itself can be characterised as the unique solution to a nonlinear integral equation. Using these results we perform a financial analysis of the British Asian option that leads to the conclusions above and shows that with the contract drift properly selected the British Asian option becomes a very attractive alternative to the classic (European) Asian option.British Asian option; American Asian option; European Asian option; fixed/floating strike; arithmetic/geometric average; flexible Asian options; arbitrage-free price; rational exercise boundary; liquid/illiquid market; geometric Brownian motion; the Shiryaev process; optimal stopping, parabolic free-boundary problem; nonlinear integral equation; local time-space calculus

    Three-Dimensional Brownian Motion and the Golden Ratio Rule

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    Let X =(Xt)t=0 be a transient diffusion processin (0,8) with the diffusion coeffcient s> 0 and the scale function L such that Xt ?8 as t ?8 ,let It denote its running minimum for t = 0, and let ? denote the time of its ultimate minimum I8 .Setting c(i,x)=1-2L(x)/L(i) we show that the stopping time minimises E(|? - t|- ?) over all stopping times t of X (with finite mean) where the optimal boundary f* can be characterised as the minimal solution to staying strictly above the curve h(i)= L-1(L(i)/2) for i > 0. In particular, when X is the radial part of three-dimensional Brownian motion, we find that where ? =(1+v5)/2=1.61 ... is the golden ratio. The derived results are applied to problems of optimal trading in the presence of bubbles where we show that the golden ratio rule offers a rigourous optimality argument for the choice of the well known golden retracement in technical analysis of asset prices.

    Predicting the ultimate supremum of a stable L\'{e}vy process with no negative jumps

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    Given a stable L\'{e}vy process X=(Xt)0ā‰¤tā‰¤TX=(X_t)_{0\le t\le T} of index Ī±āˆˆ(1,2)\alpha\in(1,2) with no negative jumps, and letting St=supā”0ā‰¤sā‰¤tXsS_t=\sup_{0\le s\le t}X_s denote its running supremum for tāˆˆ[0,T]t\in [0,T], we consider the optimal prediction problem V=infā”0ā‰¤Ļ„ā‰¤TE(STāˆ’XĻ„)p,V=\inf_{0\le\tau\le T}\mathsf{E}(S_T-X_{\tau})^p, where the infimum is taken over all stopping times Ļ„\tau of XX, and the error parameter pāˆˆ(1,Ī±)p\in(1,\alpha) is given and fixed. Reducing the optimal prediction problem to a fractional free-boundary problem of Riemann--Liouville type, and finding an explicit solution to the latter, we show that there exists Ī±āˆ—āˆˆ(1,2)\alpha_*\in(1,2) (equal to 1.57 approximately) and a strictly increasing function pāˆ—:(Ī±āˆ—,2)ā†’(1,2)p_*:(\alpha_*,2)\rightarrow(1,2) satisfying pāˆ—(Ī±āˆ—+)=1p_*(\alpha_*+)=1, pāˆ—(2āˆ’)=2p_*(2-)=2 and pāˆ—(Ī±)<Ī±p_*(\alpha)<\alpha for Ī±āˆˆ(Ī±āˆ—,2)\alpha\in(\alpha_*,2) such that for every Ī±āˆˆ(Ī±āˆ—,2)\alpha\in (\alpha_*,2) and pāˆˆ(1,pāˆ—(Ī±))p\in(1,p_*(\alpha)) the following stopping time is optimal Ļ„āˆ—=infā”{tāˆˆ[0,T]:Stāˆ’Xtā‰„zāˆ—(Tāˆ’t)1/Ī±},\tau_*=\inf\{t\in[0,T]:S_t-X_t\ge z_*(T-t)^{1/\alpha}\}, where zāˆ—āˆˆ(0,āˆž)z_*\in(0,\infty) is the unique root to a transcendental equation (with parameters Ī±\alpha and pp). Moreover, if either Ī±āˆˆ(1,Ī±āˆ—)\alpha\in(1,\alpha_*) or pāˆˆ(pāˆ—(Ī±),Ī±)p\in(p_*(\alpha),\alpha) then it is not optimal to stop at tāˆˆ[0,T)t\in[0,T) when Stāˆ’XtS_t-X_t is sufficiently large. The existence of the breakdown points Ī±āˆ—\alpha_* and pāˆ—(Ī±)p_*(\alpha) stands in sharp contrast with the Brownian motion case (formally corresponding to Ī±=2\alpha=2), and the phenomenon itself may be attributed to the interplay between the jump structure (admitting a transition from lighter to heavier tails) and the individual preferences (represented by the error parameter pp).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOP598 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The law of the supremum of a stable L\'{e}vy process with no negative jumps

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    Let X=(Xt)tā‰„0X=(X_t)_{t\ge0} be a stable L\'{e}vy process of index Ī±āˆˆ(1,2)\alpha \in(1,2) with no negative jumps and let St=supā”0ā‰¤sā‰¤tXsS_t=\sup_{0\le s\le t}X_s denote its running supremum for t>0t>0. We show that the density function ftf_t of StS_t can be characterized as the unique solution to a weakly singular Volterra integral equation of the first kind or, equivalently, as the unique solution to a first-order Riemann--Liouville fractional differential equation satisfying a boundary condition at zero. This yields an explicit series representation for ftf_t. Recalling the familiar relation between StS_t and the first entry time Ļ„x\tau_x of XX into [x,āˆž)[x,\infty), this further translates into an explicit series representation for the density function of Ļ„x\tau_x.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOP376 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The British Russian Option

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    Following the economic rationale of [10] and [11] we present a new class of lookback options (by first studying the canonical 'Russian' variant) where the holder enjoys the early exercise feature of American options where upon his payoff (deliverable immediately) is the 'best prediction' of the European payoff under the hypothesis that the true drift of the stock price equals a contract drift. Inherent in this is a protection feature which is key to the British Russian option. Should the option holder believe the true drift of the stock price to be unfavourable (based upon the observed price movements) he can substitute the true drift with the contract drift and minimise his losses. The practical implications of this protection feature are most remarkable as not only is the option holder afforded a unique protection against unfavourable stock price movements (covering thea bility to sell in a liquid market completely endogenously) but also when the stock price movements are favourable he will generally receive high returns. We derive a closed form expression for the arbitrage-free price in terms of the rational exercise boundary and show that the rational exercise boundary itself can be characterised as the unique solution to a nonlinear integral equation. Using these results we perform a financial analysis of the British Russian option that leads to the conclusions above and shows that with the contract drift properly selected the British Russian option becomes a very attractive alternative to the classic European/American Russian option.
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