23 research outputs found

    Influence of Father’s Weight and Height on Weight of Male and Female Newborns

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    The study included 1,596 newborns and their parents living in Šibenik County, Croatia. All newborns are born between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation, with no congenital anomalies and from a single pregnancy. Fathers and mothers of male babies are older than those of girl babies (p < 0.01). Mean values for weight, height, BMI in parents and the woman’s parity are equal (p = 0.05). Pregnancy with male baby lasts longer and the babies are heavier (p < 0.05). Where the fathers weight between 70 and 79 kg and 80 to 89 kg, and where the fathers are 175 to 179 cm or 180 to 184 cm tall with normal BMI the male babies are heavier than the females at birth (p < 0.05). Increased weight, height and BMI in the father increase the birth weight of both male and female babies (p < 0.00001). The authors concludes that parents (father and/or mother) of male babies are older than those of girls, that pregnancy for males babies lasts longer and that male babies are born heavier than girls. With increased weight, and height and BMI in the father, the birth weight of both male and female babies increases

    Effect of Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I on Fetal Macrosomia in Healthy Women

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    The aim of the study was to determine the values of insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF- I) and glucose in the umbilical cord blood of macrosomic ( 4000 g) and control (3,000–3,500 g) infants born to healthy mothers, and to assess their possible correlation with the newborns’ birth weight and maternal anthropometric parameters. A series of 207 macrosomic term infants, and 200 control term infants, born to healthy mothers with normal oral glucose tolerance test throughout gestation, were studied. The glucose concentration did not differ between the macrosomic and control group while macrosomic infants had significantly higher values of insulin and IGF-I. Female macrosomic infants had significantly higher levels of insulin and IGF-I than male macrosomic infants. The levels of insulin and IGF-I, but not levels of glucose, differed between the macrosomic and control group according to the maternal weight, height, pregestational body mass index, weight gain during gestation, and maternal birth weight. The maternal anthropometric parameters were significantly greater in the macrosomic infants. Accordingly, macrosomia was concluded to be a multifactorial condition

    The Effect of High Birth Weight (4000 g or More) on the Weight and Height of Adult Men and Women

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    Three hundred and twenty eight examined adult men and 346 examined adult women were macrosomic at birth (4000 g or over). The control group consisted of 564 adult men and 749 adult women with birth weights of 2500 to 3999 g. Both male and female macrosomic babies achieve greater weights and heights in adulthood than those in the control group. There are more overweight and obese men in the macrosomic group than in the control group and the same is true of the women (p < 0.001). The mean values of the BMI (body mass index) for the macrosomic adults are greater than those for the control group (p < 0.001). Fetal macrosomia is a good predictor of the weight and height of adult men and women

    All near-infrared multiparametric luminescence thermometry using Er3+, Yb3+-doped YAG nanoparticles

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    This paper presents four new temperature readout approaches to luminescence nanothermometry in spectral regions of biological transparency demonstrated on Yb3+/Er3+-doped yttrium aluminum garnet nanoparticles. Under the 10 638 cm-1 excitation, down-shifting near infrared emissions (>10 000 cm-1) are identified as those originating from Yb3+ ions' 2F5/2 → 2F7/2 (∼9709 cm-1) and Er3+ ions' 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 (∼6494 cm-1) electronic transitions and used for 4 conceptually different luminescence thermometry approaches. Observed variations in luminescence parameters with temperature offered an exceptional base for studying multiparametric temperature readouts. These include the temperature-dependence of: (i) intensity ratio between emissions from Stark components of Er3+ 4I13/2 level; (ii) intensity ratio between emissions of Yb3+ (2F5/2 → 2F7/2 transition) and Er3+ (4I13/2 → 4I15/2 transition); (iii) band shift and bandwidth and (iv) lifetime of the Yb3+ emission (2F5/2 → 2F7/2 transition) with maximal sensitivities of 1% K-1, 0.8% K-1, 0.09 cm-1 K-1, 0.46% K-1 and 0.86% K-1, respectively. The multimodal temperature readout provided by this material enables its application in different luminescence thermometry setups as well as improved the reliability of the temperature sensing by the cross-validation between measurements. © 2021 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Comparison of Three Ratiometric Temperature Readings from the Er3+ Upconversion Emission

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    The emission of Er3+ provides three combinations of emission bands suitable for ratiometric luminescence thermometry. Two combinations utilize ratios of visible emissions (2H11/2→4I15/2 at 523 nm/ 4S3/2→4I15/2 at 542 nm and 4F7/2→4I15/2 at 485 nm/ 4S3/2→4I15/2 at 545 nm), while emissions from the third combination are located in near-infrared, e.g., in the first biological window (2H11/2→4I13/2 at 793 nm/ 4S3/2→4I13/2 at 840 nm). Herein, we aimed to compare thermometric performances of these three different ratiometric readouts on account of their relative sensitivities, resolutions, and repeatability of measurements. For this aim, we prepared Yb3+,Er3+:YF3 nanopowders by oxide fluorination. The structure of the materials was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis and particle morphology was evaluated from FE-SEM measurements. Upconversion emission spectra were measured over the 293–473 K range upon excitation by 980 nm radiation. The obtained relative sensitivities on temperature for 523/542, 485/542, and 793/840 emission intensity ratios were 1.06 ± 0.02, 2.03 ± 0.23, and 0.98 ± 0.10%K−1 with temperature resolutions of 0.3, 0.7, and 1.8 K, respectively. The study showed that the higher relative temperature sensitivity does not necessarily lead to the more precise temperature measurement and better resolution, since it may be compromised by a larger uncertainty in measurement of low-intensity emission bands

    Possibilities of implementing Ambient Assisted Living concept in traffic environment

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    Demographic trends at national levels, caused by the aging of the population, raise the barriers to the possibilities of higher quality of living of the people when their working part of life comes to an end. The contribution to increasing the quality of life can be mostly realized by using customized information-communication solutions and services within the concept of “Ambient Assisted Living” (AAL). The AAL concept uses the advanced available technology to enable new products, services and processes that help ensure higher quality of living for the elderly, the disabled and persons of slow mobility. It also supports enhanced social connectivity, access to the outside world and it should provide inclusion and mobility (autonomy) to all persons. By applying the AAL concept in everyday movements and lives of the users allows the creation of the user base of all relevant information. With synergic action of several technologies the AAL concept becomes even more complex. In order to present this complexity, the paper describes the capabilities of individual technologies depending on the users’ needs, and the models of establishing the possible solutions. The application of the AAL concept in the traffic environment can contribute to significant increase in the quality of life also outside the basic environment (flat, house…). It is necessary to explore also the challenges of the interoperability and the area of coverage of services based in this way because of the sensitivity of the target users to the reliability of the system operation

    Ekosystem świadczenia usług dla użytkowników transportu publicznego

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    Current possibilities of wireless technologies for informing users (visually impaired) should be explored and defined according to the models of assistive technologies and e-business systems. The goal of this research is to choose a wireless technology whose characteristics can raise the level of the life quality for target user group, and propose guidelines for the development of informing services. Characteristics of wireless technologies will be explored according to user requirements, with the purpose of providing accurate and real-time information to the end user. User requirements are defined on the basis of the research results conducted among the target group of users moving through traffic network on a daily basis. Based on the results the architecture of the system for informing users and service delivery model whose main task is the fulfillment of customers’ requirements was presented. The proposed solution represents a concept with all elements of assistive technologies and possible can be applied in the Internet of Things environment.Aktualne możliwości technologii bezprzewodowych dla informowania użytkowników (niedowidzących) należy zbadać i zdefiniować zgodnie z modelami technologii wspomagających i systemami e-biznesu. Celem tych badań jest wybór technologii bezprzewodowej, której cechy mogą poprawić poziom jakości życia dla docelowej grupy użytkowników oraz zaproponowanie wskazówek do opracowania usług informacyjnych. Cechy technologii bezprzewodowych zostaną zbadane wg wymagań użytkowników, w celu dostarczania użytkownikowi końcowemu dokładnych informacji w czasie rzeczywistym. Wymagania użytkownika są definiowane na podstawie wyników badań prowadzonych wśród docelowej grupy użytkowników poruszających się codziennie w sieci ruchu. Na podstawie tych wyników przedstawiono architekturę systemu informowania użytkowników oraz model świadczenia usługi, których głównym celem jest spełnianie wymagań użytkowników. Proponowane rozwiązanie prezentuje koncepcję ze wszystkimi elementami technologii wspomagających i przypuszczalnie może być zastosowane w środowisku Internetu Rzeczy