9 research outputs found

    The Comet ISON

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    In this work the comet’s light curve and the orbital parameters are obtained using high-precision data. We have studied the comet since January 31, 2013

    The University of Narino Observatory

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    The Astronomical Observatory of the University of Nari˜no was founded on March 2002 by Alberto Quijano Vodniza (Master’s Degree in Physics of the University of Puerto Rico). The Astronomical Observatory’s Director is a member of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY – AAS since 2007. As a result of our research, we have published some books and we have participated on several international meetings. In the year 2008 our Observatory received the international code “H78” from the MINOR PLANET CENTER of USA , by providing this institution with high quality scientific data of asteroids as well as of comets. We presented in this work the last researches about asteroids and comets. Keywords: AAS, MPC, University of Nari˜no, asteroids, comets

    Asteroides,Cometas, Estrellas Variables y Búsqueda de Exoplanetas

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    Conferencia invitada para el Congreso de Astronomía y Astrofísica-COCOA, que se llevó a cabo en Medellín-2008

    Obtención de la curva luminosa del asteroide 4179 toutatis

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    Mediante fotometría precisa (resolución en centésimas de magnitud), se obtuvo la curva luminosa del Asteroide Toutatis que hizo su máximo acercamiento a la Tierra ( 0.0104 A .U) el 29 de septiembre de 2004 y alcanzó una magnitud del orden de 8.9 en septiembre 28 de 2004. Es posible apreciar en algunas de las gráficas que obtuvimos, la variación de la brillantez asociada con el movimiento lento de rotación del asteroide cuyo período principal ha sido estimado por otros autores en 7 días 48 minutos. Este asteroide posee un movimiento de rotación muy complejo alrededor de dos ejes que puede ser debido a la colisión en el pasado con otro cuerpo

    Search of Exoplanets - Phase I

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    From the Astronomical Observatory at the University of Nariño-COLOMBIA, we have begun a systematic search for exoplanets. Initially we made differential photometry on variable stars weaker than the tenth magnitude to get enough experience on the establishment of stellar transits, so then we could undertake the work with exoplanets

    The Deep Impact Event as Seen from the University of Nariño Observatory – Colombia

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    The Astronomical Observatory of the University of Nariñno has participated in the program STSP (The Small Telescope Science Program), associate to the project DEEP IMPACT of NASA, by sending photographies and scientific data. We began to study comet 9P/Tempel 1’s activity in February 2005, and we have obtained the comet’s brightnes curve. The great many data taken during every night have a standard deviation of just 0.03 in magnitude. By means of the curve we can compare the physical behavior before and after the impact. A slight change in the magnitude can be observed as the comet gets closer firstly to the Earth and then to the Sun. Nevertheless, we have detected an abrupt change in the luminous activity after the impact that took place at dawn of July 4th. The magnitude dicreased in 0.76 during the night of that same day. The brightness measurements taken after the impact indicate a greater variation with regard to the average value than those taken before the collision. This could indicate that the system nucleus-coma of the comet acquired a certain instability, an instability which lasted several hours

    The Deep impact event as seen from the University of Nariño Observatory - Colombia

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    The Astronomical Observatory of the University of Nariñno has participated in the program STSP (The Small Telescope Science Program), associate to the project DEEP IMPACT of NASA, by sending photographies and scientific data

    Obtención de la Curva Luminosa de los Cometas C/2002T7 Linear,C/2001Q4 Neat y Espectrometría del C/2001Q4 Neat

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    En el presente trabajo mediante fotometría se obtuvo las curva de los cometas C/2002 T7 LINEAR y C/2001 Q4 NEAT y con base a ellas los respectivos índices cometarios y magnitudes absolutas para los astros citados. Para el primer cometa (cuando se acercaba al sol) el índice se calculó en 4 y su magnitud absoluta en 4.3. Para el segundo cometa, el índice se estimó en 8.4 y su magnitud absoluta en 6.2. Fue difícil predecir los parámetros correspondientes al cometa NEAT porque sólo se contó con 11 días entre la primera observación y el máximo acercamiento a la Tierra. Con la determinación de la magnitud absoluta y mediante la relación de David Hughes se estimó el radio del núcleo del cometa C/2002 T7 LINEAR en aproximadamente 2.7 kilómetros y su masa en 4.3x10 13 kilogramos . Mediante estudio espectrométrico de la coma del cometa C/2001 Q4 NEAT se detectó claramente la presencia de las bandas correspondientes a : C 2 ( D n = -1) , C 2 ( D n = 0), C 2 ( Dn = 1) y CN. No se detectaron las bandas de C 3 y la de C 2 ( D n = 2), bandas que otros autores observaron en el cometa Hale-Bopp

    Study of the 4179 Toutatis Asteroid

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    From August 13th -2004 to September 27th of the same year we had a lot of photos taken and we made precision differential photometry (hundredths of magnitute resolution) during several nights