36 research outputs found

    La distribuzione della pratica nell’apprendimento di un nuovo atto motorio in età preadolescenziale

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate if, and to what extent, in elementary school children, different methods of timing distribution of training sessions are able to significantly affect the learning of a new motor task. Almost 1,000 children, aged between 6 and 10 years, participated the  study. The children had to learn an oculo-manual coordination task, completely new to them, using different ways of practice’s distributing (concentrated or distributed).The children were divided into three groups (A, B and C) and each group was subdivided into five sub-groups, correponding to the five classes of the first grade schools. The training involved 120 total launches to be carried out in a week, distributed as follows: group A performed a training distributedover 6 consecutive days; b) group B, played a training distributed in 3 alternating days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), group C, carried out a training distributed over 3 consecutive days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). Seven days after the end of the acquisition period each group repeated a session of 20 launches, divided into blocks of 10 with 5 minutes of recovery.It has been observed that, in terms of improvement, the learning of a new task, performed using the concentrated practice, appears less advantageous than that performed with distributed practice.However, what is learned with concentrated practice seems to last longer than what is learned with distributed practice. It has also been seen that the learning speed in males is greater than in females.Scopo del presente studio è stato quello di valutare se, e in che misura, in bambini di scuola elementare, differenti modalità di distribuzione temporale delle sedute di allenamento siano in grado di incidere significativamente sull’apprendimento di un nuovo compito motorio. All’esperimento hanno preso parte quasi 1.000 bambini, di età compresa tra i 6 e i 10 anni, frequentanti le Scuole Elementari.I bambini venivano avviati all’apprendimento di un compito di coordinamento oculomanuale, del tutto nuovo per loro, utilizzando differenti modalità di distribuzione della pratica (concentrata o distribuita).I bambini sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi (A, B e C) e ogni gruppo era suddiviso in 5 sottogruppi, da ricondurre alle cinque classi delle scuole di primo grado. L’allenamento prevedeva 120 lanci complessivi da effettuarsi in una settimana, così distribuiti: il gruppo A svolgeva un allenamento distribuito in 6 giorni consecutivi; b) il gruppo B, svolgeva un allenamento distribuito in 3 giorni alternati (lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì), il gruppo C, svolgeva un allenamento distribuito in 3 giorni consecutivi (per es., lunedì, martedì, mercoledì). Sette giorni dopo la fine del periodo di acquisizione ogni gruppo ripeteva una sessione di 20 lanci, suddivisi in blocchi da 10 con 5 minuti di recupero.Si è osservato come, in termini di miglioramento, l’apprendimento di un compito, svolto utilizzando la pratica concentrata appare meno vantaggioso rispetto a quello eseguito con pratica distribuita.Tuttavia, quello che viene appreso con la pratica concentrata sembra durare di più rispetto a ciò che viene appreso con la pratica distribuita. Si è visto, inoltre, che la velocità di apprendimento nei maschi è maggiore rispetto alle femmine

    Il Contributo dell’Istituzione Scolastica e dello Sport contro il Doping Giovanile

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    The purpose of this research work is to highlight the contribution that sportcan provide for a sustainable educational and training development foryoung athletes.There are, of course, some basic social and cultural criticalities to be overcomein order to assert the values of sport; so it is necessary to counter thegrowing phenomenon of youth doping.Lo scopo del presente lavoro di ricerca è quello di evidenziare il contributoche lo sport può fornire per uno sviluppo educativo e formativo sostenibilenei confronti di giovani atleti.Vi sono, ovviamente, alcune criticità sociali e culturali di base da superareaffinché si possano affermare i valori propri dello sport; è necessario, quindi,contrastare il crescente fenomeno del doping giovanile

    Reduction of mdx mouse muscle degeneration by low-intensity endurance exercise: a proteomic analysis in quadriceps muscle of exercised versus sedentary mdx mice

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    In our recent study was shown a significant recovery of damaged skeletal muscle of mice with x-linked muscular dystrophy (mdx) following low-intensity endurance exercise, probably by reducing the degeneration of dystrophic muscle. Consequently, in the present work we aimed to identify proteins involved in the observed reduction of degenerating fibers. To this end, we used proteomic analysis to evaluate changes in the protein profile of quadriceps dystrophic muscles of exercised versus sedentary mdx mice. Four protein spots were found to be significantly changed and were identified as three isoforms of Carbonic anhydrase 3 (CA3) and superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (SODC). Protein levels of CA3 isoforms were significantly up-regulated in quadriceps of sedentary mdx mice and were completely restored to wild type mice values, both sedentary and exercised, in quadriceps of exercised mdx mice. Protein levels of SODC were down-regulated in quadriceps of sedentary mdx mice and were significantly restored to wild type mice values, both sedentary and exercised, in quadriceps of exercised mdx mice. Western blot data were in agreement with those obtained using proteomic analysis and revealed the presence of one more CA3 isoform that was significantly changed. Based on data found in the present study, it seems that low-intensity endurance exercise may in part contribute to reduce cell degeneration process in mdx muscles, by counteracting oxidative stress


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    This article stems from a reflection conducted within the Project "Pharma – HUB: Hub for the repositioning of drugs in rare diseases of the nervous system in pediatric age" (POST4), of which the writer is a member. Since the last century, much reflection has been given to the construct of sustainability and accessibility from an environmental, social, and cultural point of view and political scientists, ecologists, economists, journalists but also pedagogues have discussed it. During 2020, the European Commission considered sustainable development as the vital core of the 2030 Agenda of United Nations, so much so that it developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 169 targets associated with them to be achieved in the decade 2020-2030. Surely today the class is inclusive when it allows everyone and everyone to carry out activities in order to develop the structure of the self. This short essay addresses the importance of the relationship between Giocodanza, Corporeality and Motricity for the discovery of the Self in the child, starting from the fourth objective of the 2030 Agenda: Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting continuous learning opportunities for all. It follows that sustainable development and accessibility appear to be solid and useful conceptual frameworks, from which to build a fair and sustainable well-being in the classroom and, consequently, in society, in favor of future generations


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    Questo articolo nasce da una riflessione condotta nell'ambito del progetto Piaceri, denominato Visinmusa, di cui chi scrive è referente locale per l'input e l'intento è quello di effettuare una ricognizione dei concetti chiave delle problematiche che sorgono quando si indaga il campo di studio dei beni di interesse culturale e la possibilità della loro fruizione universale. In tal modo, colloca l'orientamento teorico dell'Universal Design all'interno di un quadro inclusivo. La possibilità di superare le barriere architettoniche è spesso intesa solo come un obbligo derivante da una disposizione di legge, e gli interventi strutturali che ne derivano molto spesso appaiono parziali e poco funzionali alle diverse esigenze degli utenti. Non basta quindi limitarsi a garantire i diritti delle persone, come sancito dalla Costituzione italiana, ma è altrettanto importante verificare che i visitatori possano effettivamente accedere e godere di quanto previsto da tali diritti, rendendo significativa e qualitativamente migliore l'esperienza artistica degli utenti disabili


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    Psychomotricity has spread in the Italian school context, in the second half of the seventies, proposing itself as a discipline with individualized and personalized itineraries, oriented to develop the motor, relational and cognitive skills of children with disabilities, managing to carry on, since the first experimentation protocols, both the educational and therapeutic branches. In this scenario, psychomotor practice is proposed as an added value able to contribute to the improvement of the educational and training offer of schools and to enrich educational-didactic practices in an inclusive perspective. With this aim, the Municipality of Bologna has proposed, within kindergartens,  the AGIO Project which proposes psychomotor activity paths within the training offer, to promote well-being and the prevention of social disadvantage.  It was presented by Luisa Formenti and aims specifically to experiment with sensory-motor-perceptual patterns and fusional pleasure, to the development of creativity, and to the enhancement of body expressiveness, communication and symbolization skills


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    AbstractTo comprehensively frame the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) and the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), it is necessary to start from the analysis of the pivotal context of application of the two methods, the autism spectrum disorder, and its areas of impairment. ESDM is a behavioral conditioning program that involves early management of the autistic child, which can begin in the age group between 12 and 36 months and can last up to 48-60 months of the infant's life. ABA is a method that involves the practical application of the principles that study human behavior and the strategies and techniques by which it can be conditioned. There is a need for early care of autistic pupils, as early as nursery and kindergarten, and the application of the principles of the ESDM method first and the ABA method, from 48-60 months of life onwards, to achieve educational success and outline new inclusive horizons

    Modelli e strategie educative per favorire la didattica dell'allenamento

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    Tra le strategie operative di un allenatore rientrano le competenze pedagogiche nel condurre razionalmente l'allenamento, nello stimolare l'apprendimento sociale e nell'assumere concretamente la funzione di modello che deve essere trasmesso agli atleti. La descrizione dei modelli di azione proposti nella didattica sono utili per approfondire e comprendere le problematiche connesse con l'attività di coaching. L'efficacia dei singoli modelli di azione concreti può essere valutata sulla base di una posizione normativa in relazione alla metodologia didattica adoperata. L'allenatore, dopo un'attenta analisi e riflessione della situazione, ha il compito di costruire delle sequenze di azioni in funzione dei diversi modi in cui potrebbe evolversi la situazione, adottare strategie per ampliare la capacità comunicativa, cambiare la prospettiva di osservazione e strutturare i metodi per la verifica delle proprie cognizioni

    Accessibility and usage of cultural heritage by the disabled users: Understanding of parents’ points of view

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    Background: Italian educational system express a growing attention toward the strategies utilized for improving the accessibility and participation for all individuals, but not always for the disabled users’ needs, underestimating the value of inclusive education in various contexts of everyday life. Method: A preliminary study with 82 parents of children and preadolescents with intellectual disability, sensory impairments, and physical disability was carried out adopting the “inclusive research paradigm” to investigate parents’ perceptions, levels of satisfaction, and attitudes toward obstacles/facilitators to accessibility and usage of cultural heritage sites in Sicilian context. Results: Using an online questionnaire, parental satisfaction degree with accessibility to cultural heritage sites by the disabled users is rather low, mainly in relation to elimination of architectural barriers and to the offered information by these sites to disabled people. Most parents of disabled users believe that these sites are partially or not at all accessible to people with physical disabilities and the same results are observed for users with sensory and intellectual disabilities. Additionally, they agree with the idea that guides and internal staff in places of cultural heritage are partially or not at all prepared to welcome people with disabilities, and haptic routes and audio guides are not at all suitable for sensory impaired users. Conclusions: Knowing the parents’ attitudes might make possible the comprehension of obstacles and facilitators in accessing these cultural heritage sites and the creation of different opportunities for presenting information and other materials in an inclusive way