76 research outputs found

    Sunday consumer behavior: A case study in retail marketing

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    The Sunday opening of shops is a very debated topic on both international and national levels. On a European level, the regulation of Sunday work is varied, with most Member States that, like Italy, do not impose restrictions on openings and working hours. The present work aims to analyze the European reference framework of Sunday openings, focusing on the Italian situation, which is currently experiencing proposals for change. Moreover, from the statistical analysis of the purchase data made in the main Italian stores of a multinational company, the "profile of the Sunday consumer" is highlighted, analyzing the characteristics and peculiarities that orient Sunday shopping. The Two Step cluster analysis provides different profiles, among which emerges the consumer profile of Sunday, which assumes peculiar characteristics and different from those of consumers of the other days of the week

    Identification of relationship between housing difficulty and property values in urban areas

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    The objective of the present work is to use statistical data to identify territorial zones characterized by the correlation between urban access to services and quality of housing and the value of property ownership. While poverty is widely accepted to be an inherently multi-dimensional concept, it has proved very difficult to develop measures that both capture this multidimensionality and make comparisons over time and space easy. With this in mind, we attempt to apply a Total Fuzzy and Relative (TFR) approach, based on a fuzzy measure of the degree of association of an individual to the totality of the poor and an approach of semantic distance (Munda, 1995), based on the definition of a “fuzzy distance” as a discriminating reference to rank the availability to property in real estate market, as complement of urban poverty, in a specific case (the Italian City of Bari)

    Identification of relationship between housing difficulty and property values in urban areas

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    The objective of the present work is to use statistical data to identify territorial zones characterized by the correlation between urban access to services and quality of housing and the value of property ownership. While poverty is widely accepted to be an inherently multi-dimensional concept, it has proved very difficult to develop measures that both capture this multidimensionality and make comparisons over time and space easy. With this in mind, we attempt to apply a Total Fuzzy and Relative (TFR) approach, based on a fuzzy measure of the degree of association of an individual to the totality of the poor and an approach of semantic distance (Munda, 1995), based on the definition of a “fuzzy distance” as a discriminating reference to rank the availability to property in real estate market, as complement of urban poverty, in a specific case (the Italian City of Bari)

    Identification of relationship between housing difficulty and property values in urban areas

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    The objective of the present work is to use statistical data to identify territorial zones characterized by the correlation between urban access to services and quality of housing and the value of property ownership. While poverty is widely accepted to be an inherently multi-dimensional concept, it has proved very difficult to develop measures that both capture this multidimensionality and make comparisons over time and space easy. With this in mind, we attempt to apply a Total Fuzzy and Relative (TFR) approach, based on a fuzzy measure of the degree of association of an individual to the totality of the poor and an approach of semantic distance (Munda, 1995), based on the definition of a “fuzzy distance” as a discriminating reference to rank the availability to property in real estate market, as complement of urban poverty, in a specific case (the Italian City of Bari)

    Dati amministrativi e informazioni statistiche: l'archivio Asia

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    Dottorato di ricerca in statistica. 12. ciclo. A.a. 1998-99. Tutor Carlo Cecchi. Coordinatore Marco ColiConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Biblioteca Centrale P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Piazza Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Le tecniche di integrazione di dati

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    Lo studio delle tecniche di integrazione di più fonti costituisce per gli studiosi un obiettivo di grande interesse, in quanto permette di realizzare un quadro conoscitivo unitario e di godere di un valore aggiunto significativo, rispetto al contenuto informativo delle singole indagini.L'integrazione di dati provenienti da archivi diversi è una esigenza avvertita sia nella fase di produzione, organizzazione e controllo dei dati statistici, che nella fase di analisi. In particolare, le tecniche di abbinamento di informazioni individuali, riferite agli elementi di una stessa popolazione, contenute in due o più archivi, consentono di sfruttare in modo più penetrante informazioni correntemente raccolte in indagini statistiche o presenti in archivi amministrativi, anche al fine di ottenere letture integrate dei fenomeni e della loro evoluzione

    Analisi della povertĂ : approcci e metodologie

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    Tra i temi di maggior interesse in campo sia economico sia sociale, si pone l’ analisi della povertà, come fattore di evoluzione e di misura del livello di benessere della società attuale. Ai metodi basati su variabili di natura oggettiva (risorse che di fatto sono a disposizione della famiglia) si affiancano misurazioni di carattere soggettivo, basate sulla percezione che la famiglia ha della propria condizione. L’analisi congiunta di metodi oggettivi e soggettivi (l’essere e il sentirsi poveri) evidenzia gli aspetti problematici che caratterizzano le famiglie escluse da standard di vita riferiti ad un preciso contesto storico, geografico, sociale e culturale. La complessità del fenomeno povertà pone, dunque, l’esigenza di individuare tecniche di analisi che permettano di inquadrare la povertà in un contesto più ampio, per migliorare la conoscenza del problema da affrontare mediante specifici interventi economici e sociali

    Seeds for Ceeds

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    Si è appena conclusa una serie di incontri organizzati dal dipartimento di Economia, Management e Metodi Quantitativi (DEMM) dell’Università Statale di Milano, a conclusione del progetto "Dipartimento di Eccellenza" - Centre of Excellence in Economics and Data Science (CEEDS). I temi trattati dal palinsesto di eventi intitolato "Seeds from Ceeds" riguardano alcune delle sfide più attuali del nostro tempo, quelle legate al ruolo dei dati nella società contemporanea, i Big Data e la Data Science
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