80 research outputs found

    SK Penguji M Umar Suparwoto

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    SK Pembimbing dan Penguji Bagus A Wijaya

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    SK Penguji Tahmid Miftachurrozaq

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    Menguatkan Pendekatan Tradisi Sorongan dan Bandongan: Studi Kasus pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab (Kitab Kuning) di Pondok Pesantren Madura

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    The development of technology and information, some educators no longer develop traditional learning. This affected Islamic boarding schools in Madura, some students still could not read the yellow book. Meanwhile, ustadz and kyai have not been creative in developing the yellow book learning. This study aims to analyze the learning of Arabic (Kitab kuning with the sorongan and bandongan traditions approach. The setting of this research is the Babul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Pamekasan. The subjects of this research consist of ustadz, kiyai, and students. This research is qualitative research based on case studies. Data were collected using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Data analysis was strengthened by the theory of Miles and Huberman. Namely reduction, display, presentation, and verification of data. The results of the study found that the sorongan and bandongan approaches affected students' learning outcomes 75% of students' learning progress increased significantly. The sorongan and bandongan approaches are still preserved in Madura as a pesantren education culture that leads to the traditional model. Although kiyai and ustadz continue to improve their ability to implement the yellow book material

    Pola Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Visi Pesantren: Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Ngesong Jombang

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    Pesantren is an Islamic educational institution that excels in Islamic learning and education. However, these advantages do not lead to the life endurance of the pesantren, especially after the death of the founder. The orientation shift from the management based on the founder of Pesantren to a systemic approach pesantren management requires a comprehensive planning. This research was conducted to describe and analyze the pesantren’s planning pattern and the factors influencing the development of pesantren. This study employed a descriptive qualitative approach. The source of the data were Kiai, teachers, and the board of Pesantren. Data was collected through  observations and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the pesanteren’s planning was carried out through several stages i.e., vision formulation, human resource preparation, vision operationalization, program implementation, and supervision. While the factors that inlfuenced the pesantren’s vision development are internal factor i.e., the leadership and management of the pesantren, and external factor i.e., government and society

    SK Penguji Riskawati Saleh

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    SK Penguji Tesis Mgr Sinomba Rambe

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    SK Penguji Sukma Dewi Hapsari

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