7 research outputs found

    Graphene Nanopores

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    Graphene is a two-dimensional, atomic thin, usually impermeable nanomaterial with astonishing electrical, magnetic and mechanical properties and can therefore at its own right be found in applications as sensors, energy storage or reinforcement in composite materials. By introducing nanoscale pores graphene alter and extend its properties beyond permeability. Graphene then resembles a nanoporous sensor, a nanoporous, atomic thin membrane which opens up for such varied applications such as water purification, industrial waste water treatment, mineral recovery, analytical chemistry separation, molecular size exclusion and supramolecular separations. Due to its nanoscopic size it can serve as nanofilters for ion separation even at ultralow nano- or picomolar concentrations. It is an obvious choice for DNA translocation, reading of the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA molecule, and other single molecular analyses as well for biomedical nanoscopic devices since dimensions of conventional membranes does not suffice in those applications. Even though graphene nanopores are known to be unstable against filling by carbon adatoms they can be stabilized by dangling bond bridging via impurity or foreign atoms resulting in a robust nanoporous material. Finally, graphene’s already exceptional electronic properties, its charge carriers exhibit an unusual high mobility and ballistic transport even at 300 K, can be made even more favorable by the presence of nanopores; the semimetallic graphene turns into a semiconductor. In the pores, semiconductor bands with an energy gap of one electron volt coexist with localized states. This may enable applications such as nanoscopic transistors

    Long term observation of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense in a microfluidic channel

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    We controlled and observed individual magnetotactic bacteria (Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense) inside a 5 {\mu}m high microfluidic channel for over four hours. After a period of constant velocity, the duration of which varied between bacteria, all observed bacteria showed a gradual decrease in their velocity of about 25 nm/s2^2. After coming to a full stop, different behaviour was observed, ranging from rotation around the centre of mass synchronous with the direction of the external magnetic field, to being completely immobile. Our results suggest that the influence of the high intensity illumination and the presence of the channel walls are important parameters to consider when performing observations of such long duration.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Microfabrication and Magnetic Particle Spectrometry of Magnetic Discs

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    We report on the fabrication of dispersions of Au/Ni81Fe19/Au magnetic discs with two and three micrometer diameter and thickness in the order of hundred nanometers. The magnetisation reversal of the discs was analysed on a time-scale of an hour and a few milliseconds, to asses their suitability for magnetic particle imaging. We conclude that compared to FeraSpin particles, these microfabricated particles saturate in fields as low as 12 mT, the shape of the hysteresis loop is relatively independent on the field sweep rate, and the difference in phase between higher harmonics is constant up to the 20th harmonic. These radically different magnetic properties suggest that that microfabricated particles might have advantages for applications such as magnetic particle imaging.

    A Thermodynamic Description of Turbulence as a Source of Stochastic Kinetic Energy for 3D Self‐Assembly

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    The extent to which one can use a thermodynamic description of turbulent flow as a source of stochastic kinetic energy for 3D self‐assembly of magnetically interacting macroscopic particles is investigated. It is confirmed that the speed of the objects in the flow field generated in this system obeys the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, and their random walk can be defined by a diffusion coefficient following from the Einstein relation. However, it is discovered that the analogy with Brownian dynamics breaks down when considering the directional components of the velocity. For the vectorial components, neither the equipartition theorem nor the Einstein relation is obeyed. Moreover, the kinetic energy estimated from the random walk of individual objects is one order of magnitude higher than the value estimated from Boltzmann statistics on the interaction between two spheres with embedded magnets. These results show that introducing stochastic kinetic energy into a self‐assembly process by means of turbulent flow can to a great extent be described by standard thermodynamic theory, but anisotropies and the specific nature of the interactions need to be taken into account

    Long term observation of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense in a microfluidic channel

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    We controlled and observed individual magnetotactic bacteria (Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense) inside a 5 {\mu}m high microfluidic channel for over four hours. After a period of constant velocity, the duration of which varied between bacteria, all observed bacteria showed a gradual decrease in their velocity of about 25 nm/s2^2. After coming to a full stop, different behaviour was observed, ranging from rotation around the centre of mass synchronous with the direction of the external magnetic field, to being completely immobile. Our results suggest that the influence of the high intensity illumination and the presence of the channel walls are important parameters to consider when performing observations of such long duration

    A Thermodynamic Description of Turbulence as a Source of Stochastic Kinetic Energy for 3D Self‐Assembly

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    The extent to which one can use a thermodynamic description of turbulent flow as a source of stochastic kinetic energy for 3D self‐assembly of magnetically interacting macroscopic particles is investigated. It is confirmed that the speed of the objects in the flow field generated in this system obeys the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, and their random walk can be defined by a diffusion coefficient following from the Einstein relation. However, it is discovered that the analogy with Brownian dynamics breaks down when considering the directional components of the velocity. For the vectorial components, neither the equipartition theorem nor the Einstein relation is obeyed. Moreover, the kinetic energy estimated from the random walk of individual objects is one order of magnitude higher than the value estimated from Boltzmann statistics on the interaction between two spheres with embedded magnets. These results show that introducing stochastic kinetic energy into a self‐assembly process by means of turbulent flow can to a great extent be described by standard thermodynamic theory, but anisotropies and the specific nature of the interactions need to be taken into account.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electronic Components, Technology and Material