74 research outputs found

    Frequency-Dependent Template Profiles for High Precision Pulsar Timing

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    Pulsar timing experiments require high fidelity template profiles in order to minimize the biases in pulse time-of-arrival (TOA) measurements and their uncertainties. Efforts to acquire more precise TOAs given fixed effective area of telescopes, finite receiver noise, and limited integration time have led pulsar astronomers to the solution of implementing ultra-wideband receivers. This solution, however, has run up against the problem that pulse profile shapes evolve with frequency, which raises the question of how to properly measure and analyze TOAs obtained using template-matching methods. This paper proposes a new method for one facet of this problem, that of template profile generation, and demonstrates it on the well-timed millisecond pulsar J1713+0747. Specifically, we decompose pulse profile evolution into a linear combination of basis eigenvectors, the coefficients of which change slowly with frequency such that their evolution is modeled simply by a sum of low degree piecewise polynomial spline functions. These noise-free, high fidelity, frequency-dependent templates can be used to make measurements of so-called "wideband TOAs" simultaneously with an estimate of the instantaneous dispersion measure. The use of wideband TOAs is becoming important for pulsar timing array experiments, as the volume of datasets comprised of conventional, subbanded TOAs are quickly becoming unwieldly for the Bayesian analyses needed to uncover latent gravitational wave signals. Although motivated by high precision timing experiments, our technique is applicable in more general pulsar observations.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted to Ap

    The nanograv nine-year data set: Excess noise in millisecond pulsar arrival times

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    Gravitational wave (GW) astronomy using a pulsar timing array requires high-quality millisecond pulsars (MSPs), correctable interstellar propagation delays, and high-precision measurements of pulse times of arrival. Here we identify noise in timing residuals that exceeds that predicted for arrival time estimation for MSPs observed by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves. We characterize the excess noise using variance and structure function analyses. We find that 26 out of 37 pulsars show inconsistencies with a white-noise-only model based on the short timescale analysis of each pulsar, and we demonstrate that the excess noise has a red power spectrum for 15 pulsars. We also decompose the excess noise into chromatic (radio-frequency-dependent) and achromatic components. Associating the achromatic red-noise component with spin noise and including additional power-spectrum-based estimates from the literature, we estimate a scaling law in terms of spin parameters (frequency and frequency derivative) and data-span length and compare it to the scaling law of Shannon & Cordes. We briefly discuss our results in terms of detection of GWs at nanohertz frequencies

    The NANOGrav Nine-year Data Set: Measurement and Analysis of Variations in Dispersion Measures

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    We analyze dispersion measure (DM) variations of 37 millisecond pulsars in the nine-year North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) data release and constrain the sources of these variations. DM variations can result from a changing distance between Earth and the pulsar, inhomogeneities in the interstellar medium, and solar effects. Variations are significant for nearly all pulsars, with characteristic timescales comparable to or even shorter than the average spacing between observations. Five pulsars have periodic annual variations, 14 pulsars have monotonically increasing or decreasing trends, and 14 pulsars show both effects. Of the four pulsars with linear trends that have line-of-sight velocity measurements, three are consistent with a changing distance and require an overdensity of free electrons local to the pulsar. Several pulsars show correlations between DM excesses and lines of sight that pass close to the Sun. Mapping of the DM variations as a function of the pulsar trajectory can identify localized interstellar medium features and, in one case, an upper limit to the size of the dispersing region of 4 au. Four pulsars show roughly Kolmogorov structure functions (SFs), and another four show SFs less steep than Kolmogorov. One pulsar has too large an uncertainty to allow comparisons. We discuss explanations for apparent departures from a Kolmogorov-like spectrum, and we show that the presence of other trends and localized features or gradients in the interstellar medium is the most likely cause

    Multi-Messenger Gravitational Wave Searches with Pulsar Timing Arrays: Application to 3C66B Using the NANOGrav 11-year Data Set

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    When galaxies merge, the supermassive black holes in their centers may form binaries and, during the process of merger, emit low-frequency gravitational radiation in the process. In this paper we consider the galaxy 3C66B, which was used as the target of the first multi-messenger search for gravitational waves. Due to the observed periodicities present in the photometric and astrometric data of the source of the source, it has been theorized to contain a supermassive black hole binary. Its apparent 1.05-year orbital period would place the gravitational wave emission directly in the pulsar timing band. Since the first pulsar timing array study of 3C66B, revised models of the source have been published, and timing array sensitivities and techniques have improved dramatically. With these advances, we further constrain the chirp mass of the potential supermassive black hole binary in 3C66B to less than (1.65±0.02)×109 M⊙(1.65\pm0.02) \times 10^9~{M_\odot} using data from the NANOGrav 11-year data set. This upper limit provides a factor of 1.6 improvement over previous limits, and a factor of 4.3 over the first search done. Nevertheless, the most recent orbital model for the source is still consistent with our limit from pulsar timing array data. In addition, we are able to quantify the improvement made by the inclusion of source properties gleaned from electromagnetic data to `blind' pulsar timing array searches. With these methods, it is apparent that it is not necessary to obtain exact a priori knowledge of the period of a binary to gain meaningful astrophysical inferences.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Ap
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