3,661 research outputs found

    Preheating of massive fermions after inflation: analytical results

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    Non-perturbative production of fermions after chaotic inflation has been the object of several studies in the very recent past. However, the results in the most interesting case of production of massive fermions in an expanding Universe were so far known only numerically. We provide very simple and readable analytical formulae, both for the spectra of the created fermions and for their total energy density. Their derivation is closely related to the one adopted for bosons and exploits the fact that the production occurs during very short intervals of nonadiabatical change of the fermionic frequency. Our formulae show the presence of resonance bands if the expansion of the Universe is neglected, and their disappearance when the latter is included. As in the bosonic case, this last effect is due to the stochastic character that the expansion gives to the whole process. Backreaction is considered in the last part of the work. All our analytical results are in excellent agreement with the previous numerical ones in the regime of validity of the latter. However, a more accurate scaling for the energy density of the produced fermions is here found.Comment: Final version, 31 pages, 9 figure

    Galilean invariance and the consistency relation for the nonlinear squeezed bispectrum of large scale structure

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    We discuss the constraints imposed on the nonlinear evolution of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) of the universe by galilean invariance, the symmetry relevant on subhorizon scales. Using Ward identities associated to the invariance, we derive fully nonlinear consistency relations between statistical correlators of the density and velocity perturbations, such as the power spectrum and the bispectrum. These relations are valid up to O (f_{NL}^2) corrections. We then show that most of the semi-analytic methods proposed so far to resum the perturbative expansion of the LSS dynamics fail to fulfill the constraints imposed by galilean invariance, and are therefore susceptible to non-physical infrared effects. Finally, we identify and discuss a nonperturbative semi-analytical scheme which is manifestly galilean invariant at any order of its expansion.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Galilean invariant resummation schemes of cosmological perturbations

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    Many of the methods proposed so far to go beyond Standard Perturbation Theory break invariance under time-dependent boosts (denoted here as extended Galilean Invariance, or GI). This gives rise to spurious large scale effects which spoil the small scale predictions of these approximation schemes. By using consistency relations we derive fully non-perturbative constraints that GI imposes on correlation functions. We then introduce a method to quantify the amount of GI breaking of a given scheme, and to correct it by properly tailored counterterms. Finally, we formulate resummation schemes which are manifestly GI, discuss their general features, and implement them in the so called Time-Flow, or TRG, equations.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    A review of Axion Inflation in the era of Planck

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    Because the inflationary mechanism is extremely sensitive to UV-physics, the construction of theoretically robust models of inflation provides a unique window on Planck-scale physics. We review efforts to use an axion with a shift symmetry to ensure a prolonged slow-roll background evolution. The symmetry dictates which operators are allowed, and these in turn determine the observational predictions of this class of models, which include observable gravitational waves (potentially chiral), oscillations in all primordial correlators, specific deviations from scale invariance and Gaussianity and primordial black holes. We discuss the constraints on this class of models in light of the recent Planck results and comment on future perspectives. The shift symmetry is very useful in models of large-field inflation, which typically have monomial potentials, but it cannot explain why two or more terms in the potential are fine-tuned against each other, as needed for typical models of small-field inflation. Therefore some additional symmetries or fine-tuning will be needed if forthcoming experiments will constrain the tensor-to-scalar ratio to be r < 0.01.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. Invited review to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    On the Construction of Quintessential Inflation Models

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    Attention has been recently drawn towards models in which inflation and quintessence schemes are unified. In such `quintessential inflation' models, a unique scalar field is required to play both the role of the inflaton and of the late-time dynamical cosmological constant. We address the issue of the initial conditions for quintessence in this context and find that, in the two explicit examples provided, inflation can uniquely fix them to be in the allowed range for a present day tracking.Comment: LaTex; 14 pages, 1 figure. V2: improved version, some points clarifie

    Trajectories with suppressed tensor-to-scalar ratio in Aligned Natural Inflation

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    In Aligned Natural Inflation, an alignment between different potential terms produces an inflaton excursion greater than the axion scales in the potential. We show that, starting from a general potential of two axions with two aligned potential terms, the effective theory for the resulting light direction is characterized by four parameters: an effective potential scale, an effective axion constant, and two extra parameters (related to ratios of the axion scales and the potential scales in the 22-field theory). For all choices of these extra parameters, the model can support inflation along valleys (in the 22-field space) that end in minima of the potential. This leads to a phenomenology similar to that of single field Natural Inflation. For a significant range of the extra two parameters, the model possesses also higher altitude inflationary trajectories passing through saddle points of the 22-field potential, and disconnected from any minimum. These plateaus end when the heavier direction becomes unstable, and therefore all of inflation takes place close to the saddle point, where - due to the higher altitude - the potential is flatter (smaller ϵ\epsilon parameter). As a consequence, a tensor-to-scalar ratio r=O(104102)r = {\rm O } \left( 10^{-4} - 10^{-2} \right) can be easily achieved in the allowed nsn_s region, well within the latest 1σ1 \sigma CMB contours

    Gravitational leptogenesis in Natural Inflation

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    We compute the gravitational leptogenesis generated from the parity-violating gravitational waves sourced by an abelian gauge field coupled to a pseudo-scalar inflation. We show that, once the CMB bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is enforced, the lepton asymmetry produced by this mechanism during inflation is too small to account for the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe, irrespectively of the inflaton potential, the strength of its coupling to the gauge field, and the details of reheating.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    Ward identities and consistency relations for the large scale structure with multiple species

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    We present fully nonlinear consistency relations for the squeezed bispectrum of Large Scale Structure. These relations hold when the matter component of the Universe is composed of one or more species, and generalize those obtained in Peloso, Pietroni '13 and Kehagias, Riotto '13 in the single species case. The multi-species relations apply to the standard dark matter + baryons scenario, as well as to the case in which some of the fields are auxiliary quantities describing a particular population, such as dark matter halos or a specific galaxy class. If a large scale velocity bias exists between the different populations new terms appear in the consistency relations with respect to the single species case. As an illustration, we discuss two physical cases in which such a velocity bias can exist: (1) a new long range scalar force in the dark matter sector (resulting in a violation of the equivalence principle in the dark matter-baryon system), and (2) the distribution of dark matter halos relative to that of the underlying dark matter field.Comment: Published versio

    Stability analysis of chromo-natural inflation and possible evasion of Lyth's bound

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    We perform the complete stability study of the model of chromo-natural inflation (Adshead and Wyman '12), where, due to its coupling to a SU(2) vector, a pseudo-scalar inflaton chi slowly rolls on a steep potential. As a typical example, one can consider an axion with a sub-Planckian decay constant f. The phenomenology of the model was recently studied (Dimastrogiovanni, Fasiello, and Tolley '12) in the m_g >> H limit, where m_g is the mass of the fluctuations of the vector field, and H the Hubble rate. We show that the inflationary solution is stable for m_g > 2 H, while it otherwise experiences a strong instability due to scalar perturbations in the sub-horizon regime. The tensor perturbations are instead standard, and the vector ones remain perturbatively small. Depending on the parameters, this model can give a gravity wave signal that can be detected in ongoing or forthcoming CMB experiments. This detection can occur even if, during inflation, the inflaton spans an interval of size Delta chi = O (f) which is some orders of magnitude below the Planck scale, evading a well known bound that holds for a free inflaton (Lyth '97).Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Revised study of tensor mode

    L^p-summability of Riesz means for the sublaplacian on complex spheres

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    In this paper we study the L^p-convergence of the Riesz means for the sublaplacian on the sphere S^{2n-1} in the complex n-dimensional space C^n. We show that the Riesz means of order delta of a function f converge to f in L^p(S^{2n-1}) when delta>delta(p):=(2n-1)|1\2-1\p|. The index delta(p) improves the one found by Alexopoulos and Lohoue', 2n|1\2-1\p|, and it coincides with the one found by Mauceri and, with different methods, by Mueller in the case of sublaplacian on the Heisenberg group.Comment: Rapporto interno Politecnico di Torino, Novembre 200