5 research outputs found

    A Note on Symmetries in the Rauzy Graph and Factor Frequencies

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    We focus on infinite words with languages closed under reversal. If frequencies of all factors are well defined, we show that the number of different frequencies of factors of length n+1 does not exceed 2C(n+1)-2C(n)+1.Comment: 7 page

    Nested quasicrystalline discretisations of the line

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    One-dimensional cut-and-project point sets obtained from the square lattice in the plane are considered from a unifying point of view and in the perspective of aperiodic wavelet constructions. We successively examine their geometrical aspects, combinatorial properties from the point of view of the theory of languages, and self-similarity with algebraic scaling factor θ\theta. We explain the relation of the cut-and-project sets to non-standard numeration systems based on θ\theta. We finally examine the substitutivity, a weakened version of substitution invariance, which provides us with an algorithm for symbolic generation of cut-and-project sequences