3 research outputs found

    The Frequency of Elevated Serum Glucose Levels in Acute Stroke Patients who are not known to have Diabetes at the Time of Presentation in Lady Ready Hospital Peshawar A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Cerebrovascular accident represents a serious problem in public health. It’s one of the most common conditions that have a strong effect on individuals and communities and it’s one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide and this is more pronounced in developing countries like Pakistan, but limited data is available. According to recently released statistics for the United States, the overall mortality rate from stroke was 251.2 per 100 000 in 2007. During the time period of 1997 to 2007, the mortality rate from cerebrovascular disease (CVD) decreased to (27.8%). The 2007 mortality data of United States shows that (CVD) is among 33.6% (813 804) of all 2 243 712 deaths or one of every 2.9 deaths. This study was conducted in the MTI Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, Neurology department. This study is Cross-sectional, descriptive study, the Duration was six months 03 February 2016 to 03 August 2016. In our this study, the total number of 143 patients were observed by keeping 38.5% proportion of hyperglycemia (abnormally elevated blood glucose level) among that stroke patients, margin of error was 8% and confidence interval was 95%, WHO software was used for sample size determination and for sample collection non-probability consecutive sampling technique was used. This study shows that the mean standard deviation of age was (63± 28.34 years). Fifty-two (52%) percent of patients were men and forty-eight percent of patients were women. The incidence of abnormally high serum blood glucose was 27% in our subjects. In conclusions we found that the frequency of abnormally elevated blood glucose level was twenty-seven percent in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke) who were not known to have diabetes at the time of presentation in Lady Reading hospital Peshawar

    Dopamine Responsive Dystonia(DRD) in a 25 Year Old Lady

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    Dopamine responsive dystonia (DRD) is a dystonic syndrome of childhood, usually affecting gait. It presents with walking difficulties, spasticity or dystonia with a characteristic diurnal variation and MRI brain scan is normal in it. It may however develop into Parkinsonism later, which shows dramatic therapeutic response to levodopa. A 25 year old lady presented with difficulty in walking along with weakness and stiffness of both legs at Neurology OPD of Chandka Medical College Hospital,Larkana. After reaching at proper diagnosis of DRD, treatment was started. As a result of which, she showed dramatic improvement and was able to return back to her routine life

    Frequency of vitamin d deficiency in multiple sclerosis patients: a cross sectional study.

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    Vitamin D deficiency is linked to poor treatment response in patients with Multiple S clerosis. The aim of this study is to define the frequency of Vitamin D deficiency for early detection and timely intervention leading to improved morbidity rates