71 research outputs found
The prevalence of obesity, diabetes, arterial hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is increasing
worldwide. Nowdays we are witnessing a pandemic of metabolic syndrome and obesity and an epidemic of these diseases in Croatia
as well. Moreover, every second Croatian citizen dies because of cardiovascular diseases. Visceral obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia
and arterial hypertension tend to cluster forming a syndrome that we call metabolic syndrome. The concept of metabolic syndrome
was defined several decades ago as visceral type of obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL-cholesterol, arterial hypertension and
diabetes mellitus (insulin resistance). Most widely used definition is the one by National Education Cholesterol Program, NCEP -
Adult treatment Panel III - ATP III . Therefore, visceral obesity is considered as one of the greatest risks for mortality worldwide.
COVID pandemia increased the risk od deaths especially among patients with metabolic syndrome. Pandemia perpetuated several
other socio-economical risk factors (stress, depression, physical inactivity, devian strongly influence
cardiovascular health. Unfortunately, SARS-COV-2 virus enters the host (human) cell using signaling pathways (ANG II Rc) known
very well from the metabolic syndrome research and connecting those two entities predesponing these patients for a much worse
prognosis when infected with SARS-COV-2 virus. To conclude - chronic obesity pandemia goes hand by hand with novel COVID-19
pandemia dramatiacally increasing the risk of severe morbidity and mortality
Pompe disease, also known as glycogen storage disease type II, is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme acid-Ī±-glucosidase. It is a chronic and progressive disease characterized by storage of glycogen mostly in muscles. Late onset cases typically present with proximal muscle weakness and respiratory insufficiency or exertional dyspnea. Treatment is now available with intravenous infusion of recombinant acid Ī±-glucosidase
PorodiÄna hiperkolesterolemija - mislimo li dovoljno o ovoj teÅ”koj bolesti? [Familial hypercholesterolemia - do we think enough about this severe disease?]
Familial hypercholesterolemia is the most common genetic metabolic disorder and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease, in particular coronary heart disease (CHD). Gene mutations for LDL receptor, APOB or PCSK9 are the main causes of the disease. The incidence of homozygous form of disease is 1:1000000 and ofheterozygous 1:500. Some of the patients have clinical signs like xanthomas, xanthelasmas and corneal arcus. More predictive for the diagnosis are elevated serum LDL cholesterol values and positive family history of early CHD. Identification of the causative mutation provides definitive diagnosis. Diet, statins, combined therapy (statins and ezetimibe) are the first line of treatment, mostly in high doses. LDL apheresis is the procedure of mechanical removal of LDL particles from plasma and has to be performed in patients with homozygous or severe heterozygous form of the disease together with drug treatment. There is a need to increase the awareness of this disease in Croatia but also worldwide with one main goal: to early diagnose and prevent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
Unos soli, metaboliÄki sindrom i pretilost (Hrvatska Nacionalna Kampanja za Smanjenje Unosa Kuhinjske Soli (CRASH))
Dobro je poznato kako je visok unos kuhinjske soli važan faktor rizika za bubrežne i kardiovaskularne bolesti. No svjesnost o navedenom nije joÅ” dosegla željenu razinu kako u opÄoj populaciji tako i u bolesnika koji boluju od navedenih bolesti. MetaboliÄki sindrom i komponente koje ga Äine (arterijska hipertenzija, intolerancija glukoze, dislipidemija, pretilost) važan je faktor rizika za nastanak kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Rezultati nekih recentnijih studija ukazuju kako su prekomjerna konzumacija kuhinjske soli i metaboliÄki sindrom usko povezani. S obzirom na navedeno, ovom pilot studijom, koja je dio Nacionalnog programa za smanjenje unosa kuhinjske soli (CRASH-Croatian Action on Salt and Health), pokuÅ”ali smo istražiti koliko je okviran unos soli u ispitivanoj populaciji te odrediti povezanost izmeÄu unosa soli i metaboliÄkog sindroma
Epidemiologija arterijske hipertenzije u Hrvatskoj i svijetu
Arterijska hipertenzija (AH) jedan je od najvažnijih spreÄivih (preventabilnih) uzroka prijevremenog umiranja i jedan od najveÄih javnozdrastvenih problema danaÅ”njice u svijetu. Prevalencija AH je veÄa nego ranije i kreÄe se oko 40% u odraslim populacijama europskih zemalja, dok je u Sjedinjenim AmeriÄkim Državama znaÄajno niža. Prema rezultatima studije āEpidemiologija arterijske hipertenzije u Hrvatskoj (EH-UH)ā prevalencija AH u Hrvatskoj je 37,5%. AH je uÄestalija u žena nego u muÅ”karaca, Å”to se podudara s veÄinom drugih zemalja diljem svijeta, ukljuÄujuÄi SAD u kojem se bilježi znaÄajniji porast prevalencije AH u žena, kao i u zemljama bivÅ”ih socijalistiÄkih ekonomija. Žene u Hrvatskoj svjesnije su od muÅ”karaca, ÄeÅ”Äe se lijeÄe i u veÄem broju postižu kontrolu AT-a unatoÄ prosjeÄno nižem stupnju obrazovanja, viÅ”em ITM-u i nižim mjeseÄnim primanjima. U Hrvatskoj se lijeÄi neÅ”to viÅ”e hipertoniÄara
od europskog prosjeka, ali manje nego u SAD-u i Kanadi. Kontrola AH u Hrvatskoj je iznad europskog prosjeka, izuzev neÅ”to bolje kontrole u Å panjolskoj i Engleskoj. Kao i u veÄine europskih zemalja, Hrvatska ima sliÄnu distribuciju AT-a i AH uz loÅ”ije rezultate u usporedbi sa SAD-om i Kanadom koji su iako daleko ispred nas, i dalje u velikoj mjeri ugroženi visokim brojem radno onesposobljenih ljudi zbog posljedica koje nosi AH u obliku poveÄane kardiovaskularne smrtnosti i pobola. Stoga su osvjeÅ”Äivanje problema, rano otkrivanje AH osobito u odreÄenim segmentima populacije, prihvaÄanje zdravih životnih navika te redovito uzimanje terapije kljuÄni u postizanju bolje kontrole AT-a, a time i boljeg i dužeg života
PorodiÄna hiperkolesterolemija je najÄeÅ”Äi genetski metaboliÄki poremeÄaj koji je povezan sa znaÄajnim pobolom i smrtnosti od kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Glavni uzrok bolesti su mutacije gena za LDL-receptor, molekulu APOB ili enzim PCSK9. Postoji homozigotni oblik bolesti s incidencijom 1:1ā
000 te heterozigotni oblik s 1:500. U kliniÄkom statusu bolesnika nalazimo ksantome, ksantelazme i arcus corneae senilis. U postavljanju dijagnoze pomaže nam iscrpna anamneza (podatak o preboljelim srÄanim bolestima te kliniÄki znakovi koronarne bolesti srca, pozitivna obiteljska anamneza o ranoj smrti zbog srca), poviÅ”ena koncentracija LDL-kolesterola te neka fenotipska obilježja. KonaÄna pouzdana dijagnoza u bolesnika koji se prema kliniÄkoj slici i razini LDL-kolesterola uklapaju u definiciju porodiÄne hiperkolesterolemije postavlja se jedino analizom DNK. Pronalazak mutacije otvara moguÄnost retrogradnog probira u obitelji s ciljem otkrivanja srodnika koji takoÄer nose mutaciju i imaju znatan rizik da preuranjeno obole od koronarne bolesti ili infarkta miokarda pa podlegnu ovoj opasnoj bolesti. Dijeta, statini, kombinirana terapija (statini i ezetimib) prva su linija lijeÄenja, i to uglavnom u visokim dozama. Äesto ovakav terapijski pristup nije dovoljan pa je uz davanje lijekova potrebno provoditi postupak afereze ā mehaniÄkog uklanjanja LDL-Äestica iz krvi. Taj je postupak katkad jedina opcija u bolesnika koji su homozigoti jer je joÅ” i sad konzervativniji nego Å”to je to transplantacija jetre. Projektima koji ukljuÄuju podizanje svijesti o ovoj bolesti, boljim probirom te omoguÄavanjem genske analize bolesnika s porodiÄnom hiperkolesterolemijom postiže se ranija dijagnoza, bolje lijeÄenje te u skladu s time prevencija pobola i smrtnosti od kardiovaskularne bolesti i u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj.Familial hypercholesterolemia is the most common genetic metabolic disorder and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease, in particular coronary heart disease (CHD). Gene mutations for LDL receptor, APOB or PCSK9 are the main causes of the disease. The incidence of homozygous form of disease is 1:1ā
000 and of heterozygous 1:500. Some of the patients have clinical signs like xanthomas, xanthelasmas and corneal arcus. More predictive for the diagnosis are elevated serum LDL cholesterol values and positive family history of early CHD. Identification of the causative mutation provides definitive diagnosis. Diet, statins, combined therapy (statins and ezetimibe) are the first line of treatment, mostly in high doses. LDL apheresis is the procedure of mechanical removal of LDL particles from plasma and has to be performed in patients with homozygous or severe heterozygous form of the disease together with drug treatment. There is a need to increase the awareness of this disease in Croatia but also worldwide with one main goal: to early diagnose and prevent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
Fabryjeva bolest - smjernice za dijagnozu i lijeÄenje odraslih bolesnika [Fabry disease - guidelines for diagnosis and management of adult patients]
Early diagnosis and management of patients with Fabry disease (FD) requires a multidisciplinary approach of several different experts. The aim of this document is to provide health care professionals with guidelines for management of adult patients with Fabry disease. These guidelines were produced by the staff of the Division of Metabolic Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Center Zagreb, which is the Referral Expert Center for Rare and Metabolic Diseases of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Croatia. The first guidelines ever published in Croatia concerning a rare metabolic disease are presented. This document provides a short summary on Fabry disease, how to diagnose Fabry disease, management of patients with this disease, follow-up of the patients, and gives recommendations on therapy and genetic testing
A Pilot Croatian Survey of Risk Factor (CRO-SURF) Management in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
A pilot survey was performed to determine the presence of known risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Croatian
patients with diagnosed coronary heart disease (CHD) using a new questionnaire. The idea was to test this new and very
simple questionnaire but also to compare the data collected in this pilot survey with the results of the last Croatian national
survey (TASPIC-CRO V) and so to obtain the information whether secondary prevention has improved between
2003 and 2010. 122 patients with established CHD (88 men, 34 women, mean age 66.3 years) treated in Zagreb University
Hospital Center were included. Data collection was based on filling the SURF questionnaire right after the clinical
exam or later using review of medical records. Patients were hospitalized because of CABG (1%), PCI (8%), ACS (35%) or
chronic stable angina (56%). The history of arterial hypertension had 95% patients (however, on admission mean systolic
pressure was 130.1 mmHg, diastolic 76.8 mmHg), 90% had dyslipidaemia ( total cholesterol <4.5 mmol/L had 43%;
1.2 mmol/L (women) or >1.0 mmol/L
(men) had 67%), 25% had diabetes which was poorly regulated (mean HbA1c 8.2%), 18% were active smokers. After discharge
only 24% performed cardiac rehabilitation. Mean body mass index of the patients was 28.3 kg/m2 (32% were
obese, 72% overweight). Compared to TASPIC-CRO V there was lower usage of aspirin than recommended on discharge.
This was also true for statin therapy. More patients were taking beta blockers, calcium antagonists and diuretics than 7
years ago. This pilot survey showed that CRO-SURF questionnaire is short, quick, effective and simple to use. It is a
good and cost effective tool to collect data on CVD risk factors and their management. The results obtained by using it indicate
that there is still a high prevalence of modifiable risk factors in Croatian patients with CHD
Risk Factors for Microvascular Atherosclerotic Changes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder primarily characterized by elevated blood glucose levels and by microvas- cular and macrovascular complications which increase the morbidity and mortality.The aim of this study was to assess whether in high risk patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus whose blood pressure and lipid levels are well controlled still exist risk factors for microvascular changes and target organ damage (nephropathy and retinopathy). In this case con- trol retrospective study 326 patients (111 with nephropathy and/or retinopathy and 215 controls) were enrolled. Nephro- pathy or retinopathy was present in 10.1% and 26.9% cases, respectively. Only 71% of patients (no significant difference between cases and controls) were treated with antidiabetic drugs. Therefore their diabetes was not properly controlled (hemoglobin A1c was 7.96% in cases and 7.58% in controls). Patients with microvascular changes had significantly lon- ger diabetes than the controls (p < 0.05) but there were no significant differences between these two groups concerning lipids concentrations. Statins and fibrates were used by significantly less (p < 0.05) patients with microvascular compli- cations than by those without them (21.6% vs. 36.3% and 1.8% vs. 17.2% respectively). The results of this study suggest that the duration of the disease and adequate control of glycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are more im- portant for microvascular complications than the serum lipoproteins levels. Lipid-lowering treatment might have an im- pact on microvascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes, irrespectively of their serum lipid levels
Unos soli u seoskoj populaciji u Hrvatskoj ā procjena koriÅ”tenjem jednokratno skupljenog uzorka mokraÄe
Prekomjeran unos soli važan je i znaÄajan Äimbenik rizika za arterijsku hipertenziju, moždani udar, hipertrofiju lijeve klijetke, mikroalbuminuriju, bronhalnu astmu, osteoporozu, nefrolitijazu, i neke zloÄudne tumore, kao Å”to su rak želuca i nazofarinksa (1-12). Velik broj epidemioloÅ”kih studija je pokazao da je unos soli danas u svijetu nekoliko puta viÅ”i od preporuÄenih 5 g dnevno prema trenutno važeÄim smjernicama Svjetske Zdrastvne Organizacije (SZO) (13). Iz navedenog se nameÄe potreba za nekim jednostanim, brzim i jefitinim metodama kojima bi se moglo procjeniti trenutno stanje unosa soli u nekoj populaciji. DvadesetÄetiri satni (24h) urin zlatni je standard za odreÄivanje unosa soli (5,13,14). MeÄutim, ova je metoda nepraktiÄna i teÅ”ko izvodiva u javnozdrastvenim i velikim epidemioloÅ”kim istraživanjima, kao i javnozdravstvenim aktivnostima usmjerenim na sniženje arterijskog tlaka u zajednici. Stoga su Tanaka i sur. (14) utvrdili metodu procjene dnevnog unosa natrija (soli) iz jednokratno skupljenog uzorka urina.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio procijena unosa soli u seoskoj populaciji kontinentalne Hrvatske pomoÄu Tanaka-Kawasakijeve metode
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