1,026 research outputs found

    DY determinants, possibly associated with novel class II molecules, stimulate autoreactive CD4+ T cells with suppressive activity

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    A set of T cell clones (TCC) isolated from HLA-DR-, Dw-, DQ-matched allogeneic MLCs was found to proliferate autonomously when stimulated with cells carrying a wide range of class I or II specificities. This apparently unrestricted proliferation was relatively weak, and only low levels of IL-2 were present in the supernatants of stimulated cells. Autologous as well as allogeneic PBMC and B lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL) were capable of stimulating such clones, which were also restimulated by suppressive, but not by helper, TCC. Moreover, such clones displayed the unusual property of autostimulation. mAb inhibition experiments suggested that class II- or class II-restricted antigens were involved in stimulation. Thus, certain "broad" mAbs (TU39, SG520) reacting with multiple locus products inhibited activation of these reagents, but none of those reacting more specifically with DR (TU34, TU37, L243, Q2/70, SG157), DQ (TU22, SPV- L3, Leu 10), or DP (B7/21), or mixtures of these mAbs, were able to do so. Evidence from sequential immunoprecipitation experiments suggested that mAb TU39 bound class II-like molecules other than DR, DQ, and DP on TCC and B-LCL, and it is therefore proposed that such putative novel class II-like molecules may carry the stimulating determinants for these autoreactive clones. DY-reactive clones lacked helper activity for B cells but mediated potent suppressive activity on T cell proliferative responses that was not restricted by the HLA type of the responding cells. Suppressive activity was induced in normal PBMC by such clones, as well as by independent suppressive clones, which was also inhibited only by mAb TU39. These findings lead to the proposal that DY-reactive autostimulatory cells may constitute a self- maintaining suppressive circuit, the level of activity of which would be regulated primarily by the availability of IL-2 in the microenvironmen

    "Tolerization" of human T-helper cell clones by chronic exposure to alloantigen

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    Induction of clonal anergy in T-helper (Th) cells may have a role in regulating immune responses. A model system for studying Th cell tolerization at the clonal level in vitro could be useful for investigating the mechanisms involved. Accordingly, alloreactive helper cells were maintained in culture with interleukin 2 (IL 2) by intermittent stimulation with specific antigen. Regardless of the frequency of antigen stimulation, clones of age less than ca. 35 population doublings (PD) were found to undergo antigen-specific autocrine clonal expansion in the absence of exogenous IL 2. Such young clones (designated as phase I) could therefore not be "tolerized" by frequent exposure to antigen. In contrast, most clones of age greater than ca. 35 PD could be tolerized by frequent exposure to antigen (designated as phase II clones). Their autocrine proliferation was then blocked, although they still recognized antigen specifically as shown by their retained ability to secrete interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). The mechanism of response failure involved both an inability to upregulate IL 2 receptors in the absence of exogenous IL 2, as well as an inability to secrete IL 2. These defects were not overcome by stimulation with mitogens or calcium ionophore and phorbol esther in place of alloantigen. T-cell receptor, alpha, beta, and gamma-chain gene rearrangements remained identical in phase I and phase II clones. Tolerization of phase II clones could be avoided by increasing the period between antigen exposures. Despite this, whether or not phase II cells were capable of autocrine proliferation, they were found to have acquired the novel function of inducing suppressive activity in fresh lymphocytes. Suppressor-induction was blocked by the broadly reactive MHC class II-specific monoclonal antibody (moAb) TU39, but not by moAb preferentially reacting only with HLA-DR, DQ, or DP. Sequential immunoprecipitation on T-cell clones showed the presence of a putative non-DR, DQ, DP, TU39+ molecule on phase II clones. However, this molecule was also found on phase I clones. The nature of the TU39-blockable suppressor-inducing determinant present on phase II but not on (most) phase I clones thus remains to be clarified. In addition to suppressor-induction activity, phase II clones also acquired lytic potential as measured in a lectin approximation system. Cytotoxic (CTX) potential was also not influenced by the frequency of antigenic stimulation and could be viewed as a constitutive modulation of clonal functio

    Modeling And Measurements Of The Arc Plasma In A Mixture Of Gases

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    Abstract. Radial distributions of Ar mass fractions and temperatures in plasmas produced in a wall-stabilized arc have been calculated. Modeling have been performed for many different mixtures of Ar+N 2 and three different arc currents. The obtained results show that the radial distributions of Ar mass fractions strongly depend on the chemical composition of the plasma. In plasmas containing large amount of Ar the distributions have local minima at the arc axis (in high temperature plasma regions), whereas in plasmas consisting mainly of nitrogen the distributions reveal maxima on the discharge axis. Those features seem to be connected with the dissociation of the nitrogen

    Does cytomegalovirus infection contribute to socioeconomic disparities in all-cause mortality?

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    The social patterning of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and its implication in aging suggest that the virus may partially contribute to socioeconomic disparities in mortality. We used Cox regression and inverse odds ratio weighting to quantify the proportion of the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and all-cause mortality that was attributable to mediation by CMV seropositivity. Data were from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III (1988–1994), with mortality follow-up through December 2011. SES was assessed as household income (income-to-poverty ratio ≤1.30; >1.30 to ≤1.85; >1.85 to ≤3.50; >3.50) and education (high school). We found strong associations between low SES and increased mortality: hazard ratio (HR) 1.80; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.57, 2.06 comparing the lowest versus highest income groups and HR 1.29; 95% CI: 1.13, 1.48 comparing high school education. 65% of individuals were CMV seropositive, accounting for 6–15% of the SES-mortality associations. Age modified the associations between SES, CMV, and mortality, with CMV more strongly associated with mortality in older individuals. Our findings suggest that cytomegalovirus may partially contribute to persistent socioeconomic disparities in mortality, particularly among older individuals

    Molecular ND Band Spectroscopy in the Divertor Region of Nitrogen Seeded JET Discharges

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    In this contribution we present OES measurements in the JET tokamak of the deuterated NH (ND) radical and the correlation between results of those experiments and measurement of ammonia production. The observation region covers most of the divertor and its outer throat. Measurements are performed in different magnetic configurations. The results include temporal and spatial dependence of the molecular emission intensity and study of the emission band shape (vibrational and rotational temperatures) during different JET pulses, with or without nitrogen seeding. Results are a step towards the understanding of nitrogen-containing molecule creation and destruction in the divertor plasmaEURATOM 63305

    Altering crystal growth and annealing in ice-templated scaffolds.

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    The potential applications of ice-templating porous materials are constantly expanding, especially as scaffolds for tissue engineering. Ice-templating, a process utilizing ice nucleation and growth within an aqueous solution, consists of a cooling stage (before ice nucleation) and a freezing stage (during ice formation). While heat release during cooling can change scaffold isotropy, the freezing stage, where ice crystals grow and anneal, determines the final size of scaffold features. To investigate the path of heat flow within collagen slurries during solidification, a series of ice-templating molds were designed with varying the contact area with the heat sink, in the form of the freeze drier shelf. Contact with the heat sink was found to be critical in determining the efficiency of the release of latent heat within the perspex molds. Isotropic collagen scaffolds were produced with pores which ranged from 90 μm up to 180 μm as the contact area decreased. In addition, low-temperature ice annealing was observed within the structures. After 20 h at -30 °C, conditions which mimic storage prior to lyophilization, scaffold architecture was observed to coarsen significantly. In future, ice-templating molds should consider not only heat conduction during the cooling phase of solidification, but the effects of heat flow during ice growth and annealing.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Gates Cambridge Trust, the Newton Trust, and ERC Advanced Grant 320598 3D-E. A.H. held a Daphne Jackson Fellowship funded by the University of Cambridge.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10853-015-9343-

    Endoscopic access closure for direct implantation of valved stents

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    OBJECTIVES: The off-pump trans left ventricular approach provides an alternative option for insertion of stented aortic valves of any size for endovascular replacement. One of the key steps in this procedure is the repair of the ventricle after catheter withdrawal. This study evaluates the reliability of a new device for sutureless and quick repair of the left ventricle access. METHODS: The Amplatz-nitinol occluder consists of two square heads that squeeze the ventricle wall between them thus sealing the ventricular defect. In four adult pigs weighing 55 kg, left thoracoscopy was performed to open the pericardium and visualise the cardiac apex. Following a heparin injection (100 U/kg) under ICUS and fluoroscopic control, we inserted a 30 F sheath into the epigastric area through the cardiac apex up into the left ventricle thus simulating the approach for an off-pump aortic valve replacement. The sheath was then removed and the ventricle closed with the occluder. Animals were followed-up for three hours; the haemodynamics and pericardial bleeding were recorded. The animals were then sacrificed and the gross anatomy of the heart was examined. RESULTS: The device was successfully deployed in four animals in less than one minute. ACT was above 200 seconds in all cases. All animals survived the procedure with a mean arterial pressure of 50 +/- 15 mm Hg. Bleeding during deployment was 80 +/- 20 ml and over a 3 hour period was 800 +/- 20 ml. Examination of the gross anatomy examination demonstrated the correct positioning of the device. CONCLUSIONS: The occluder is easy to use and the procedure is feasible and reproducible. However, the occluder design requires technical improvements in order to reduce bleeding before it can be used clinically

    Mechanisms of immunosenescence

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    On April 7,8, 2009 a Symposium entitled "Pathophysiology of Successful and Unsuccessful Ageing" took place in Palermo, Italy. Here, the lectures of G. Pawelec, D. Dunn-Walters and. G. Colonna-Romano on T and B immunosenescence are summarized. In the elderly, many alterations of both innate and acquired immunity have been described. Alterations to the immune system in the older person are generally viewed as a deterioration of immunity, leading to the use of the catch-all term immunosenescence. Indeed, many immunological parameters are often markedly different in elderly compared to young people, and some, mostly circumstantial, evidence suggests that retained function of both innate and acquired immunity in the elderly is correlated with health status. What is often not clear from studies is how far immune dysfunction is a cause or an effect. A better understanding of immunosenescence and mechanisms responsible for proven deleterious changes is needed to maintain a healthy state in later life and to design possible therapeutic interventions

    Income and Markers of Immunological Cellular Aging

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    Socioeconomic disadvantage may contribute to poor health through immune-related biological mechanisms. We examined the associations between socioeconomic status, as measured by annual household income, and T-cell markers of aging, including the ratios of CD4 and CD8 effector cells to naïve cells (E:N ratio) and the CD4:CD8 T-cell ratio. We hypothesized that participants with a lower income would have higher E:N ratios and lower CD4:CD8 ratios compared to participants with a higher income, and that these associations would be partially mediated by elevated cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG antibody levels, a virus implicated in aging and clonal expansion of T-cells