30 research outputs found

    Registration of holographic images based on the integral transformation

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    The paper describes the possibilities of using Fourier-Mellin transform for registering images of holographic interferograms. Registered holographic images will then allow automating their evaluation. Registration based on changes in image intensities using the discrete integral transforms was selected of the methods of registration. Whereas it was necessary to register the images, which are not only translated, but also rotated and with the changed of scale, the Fourier-Mellin transform was used. Use of the image discrete transforms is original in this field, proposed processing algorithm contains also simplified mean of calculating the angle of rotation of the test image instead of common Fourier-Mellin transformation method sequence

    Riadenie robota na báze inerciálneho systému

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    The structure of manufactured robots is not unified. There are a lot of conceptual and con-structional solutions of robots resulting from the expected utilization. A robotic system can be divid-ed into a mechanical and control subsystem irrespective of their solution. The motion of working organs of a robot is provided by mechanical parts. The activity of all the parts of the robot and pro-graming of its expected activity are enabled by the control subsystem.Štruktúra vyrábaných robotov nie je unifikovaná. Existuje množstvo koncepčných a konštrukčných riešení robotov vyplývajúcich z predpokladaného použitia. Bez ohľadu na ich riešenie sa dá robotický systém rozdeliť na mechanický a riadiaci podsystém. Analýza vlastností inercial-neho navigačného systému na báze elektronických gyroskopov naznačuje možnosti ich využitia v robotickom systéme

    Robot path optimization for spot welding applications in automotive industry

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    Rad se bavi problemom učinkovitog planiranja kretanja kod industrijskih robota. U prvom se dijelu razmatraju postojeće metode planiranja off-line putanje. U drugom se dijelu opisuje rad s jednim od simulacijskih sustava s automatskim generiranjem putanje i sposobnosti off-line programiranja. Uključen je postupak točkastog zavariranja. Praktična primjena ovoga uveliko ovisi o metodi za optimiziranje putanje robota s velikom točnosti, za transformiranje putanje u optimalni program robota u odnosu na vrijeme i energiju, prilagođen za stvarni svijet.The paper discusses the problem of effective motion planning for industrial robots. The first part deals with current method for off-line path planning. In the second part is presented the work done with one of the simulation systems with automatic trajectory generation and off-line programming capability. A spot welding process is involved. The practical application of this step strongly depends on the method for robot path optimization with high accuracy, i.e. the path transformation into a time and energy optimal robot program for the real world, which is discussed in the third step

    Návrh efektívneho spôsobu merania rozmerov na princípe inerciálneho meracieho systému

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    The work presents automated methods of dimensions measurement, extending the known horizont of used approach to measuring by the draft of a new unused method. a method described in the paper is based on the principle of self-localization of inertial sensors that are able to describe the actual value of angular velocity and acceleration in the direction of each coordinate axis. Prerequisite accuracy of these measurements is a clear definition of zero position in space and taking into account a wide range of ambient effects. The method should allows to measure dimensions of objects of complex shape with high accuracy even in places where usage of conventional methods is not always possible. The contribution also describes principles of inertial navigation systems and MEMS technology, which significantly reduces the cost of mentioned advanced technologies.Práca približuje problematiku automatizovaných metód merania rozmerov, pričom rozširuje doteraz známy obzor používaných prístupov K meraniam O návrh novej, doteraz nepoužívanej, metódy. V práci popisovaný spôsob merania rozmerov vychádza Z princípu vlastnej lokalizácie inerciálnych senzorov, schopných popisovať aktuálne hodnoty uhlových rýchlostí a zrýchlení V smere jednotlivých súradnicových osí priestoru. Nutným predpokladom presnosti týchto meraní je jasná definícia nulovej polohy systému V priestore a zohľadnenie širšieho spektra vplyvov okolia. Metóda by mohla umožniť meranie rozmerov tvarovo zložitých objektov S vysokou presnosťou, a to dokonca aj na miestach, kde by to pri použití konvenčných metód meraní nemuselo byť vždy možné. Príspevok taktiež informačne popisuje princípy funkcie inerciálnych navigačných systémov a technológie MEMS, ktorá značne znižuje náklady na použitie týchto pokrokových technológií

    Information Technology and Pragmatic Analysis

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    Similarity method has been in science for several centuries. The basis of the study is closely connected with mathematical linguistics. This approach has allowed obtaining new results in the analytical geometry, which, in turn, is used in different applications in information technology. The results are described briefly. Binary relations in linguistics and geometry are compared with the position of system analysis. The modified hypothesis of space as a binary structure is put forward on the basis of singular linear transformations. The hypothesis of the human sensory system is given shortly. Architecture computing appliance for solving this class of problems is proposed. The modified method is also applied in pattern recognition. The presence of symmetry in natural languages is shown briefly

    Solutions to the characteristic equation for industrial robot’s elliptic trajectories

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    Linearne nezavisne neprojektivne transformacije rabe se za različite vrste aplikacija. Predlaže se direktna analitička metoda za rješenje linearne transformacije karakteristične jednadžbe za industrijskog robota. Teorijska osnova metode proizlazi iz klasičnih rješenja sa simetrijama, ali metoda ne sadržava formule s korijenima. Automorfizmi se dijele na teoriju skupova i opću algebru. To nam omogućuje učinkovitiju primjenu te metode za druge tehničke zadatke.Linear independent non-projective transformations are used for different types of applications. Direct analytical method for solving the linear transformation of the characteristic equation for industrial robot is proposed. The theoretical basis of the method derives from the classical solutions with symmetries, but the method does not contain formulas with radicals. Automorphisms are divided into set theory and universal algebra. This feature allows us to use this method more efficiently for other engineering tasks


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    Frequently in a process of developing new specialized models of wheeled vehicles, the task of integrating a multitude of design criteria for parts, assemblies and mechanisms arises. Using a comparative analysis of various design solutions allows to determine the most optimal options for their design. The authors compare two possible layout drawings of the UMTET load-bearing frame: a simple ladder frame and a combined ladder-backbone load-bearing system. Based on the presented design and layout and weight characteristics, as well as the results of the estimated numerical strength analysis, it is concluded that there are certain advantages of using a combined ladder-backbone frame for the UMTET design


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    The paper presents such a research of one of the most important layout-forming parts of the unified machine for technological electric transport (UMTET), namely the load-bearing system. With all the variety of design criteria set for UMTET, the bearing frame must satisfy the following requirements: to be an installation base for the assumed units, UMTET mechanisms, as well as attached implements; to be technologically advanced and have a low production cost; to withstand operational operational loads with the minimum possible weight, which will allow to maximize the power and duration of UMTET operation without recharging

    Measurement of the Operating Parameters and Numerical Analysis of the Mechanical Subsystem

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    Submission is focused on completing the information system about quality, operation, automatic testing and new evaluating method of vehicle subsystem. Numeric analysis is carried out on the base of automatic collection and systematic recording of commercial car operation. Proposed new information system about operation and trial process allows verification according to the proposed method. Critical components verified in laboratory conditions are detected by numeric analysis of reliability. Quality level increasing not only for final product, but also related automatic test laboratory for cars is the result of respecting these principles