475 research outputs found


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    This study develops a model based on the yield potential of various soil types in 12 Iowa counties to estimate the potential value of switching from uniform to variable fertilizer rates. Results indicate modest increases in the gross returns over fertilizer costs, ranging from 7.43to7.43 to 1.52 per acre. The net profitability of variable-rate technology (VRT) is sensitive to the per acre costs of moving to a VRT program. Under the assumptions of the model, applying variable rates would increase yield by 0.05 to 0.5 bushels per acre, and would reduce fertilizer costs by 1.19to1.19 to 6.83 per acre.Crop Production/Industries,

    New Teacher Perceptions - Mentoring and Coaching at a California Catholic School

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    An explanatory case study was employed to explore the perceptions of the influence of coaching and mentoring programs on new first year teachers. The research was conducted at a private Catholic high school in Southern California. Guided by the Situational Leadership model, which was founded in the ideal that no single approach to leadership exists, this study examined how new first-year teachers perceive the influence of coaching and mentoring programs on their growth and performance, and their students’ learning in a private Catholic high school in Southern California. This study revealed that new first-year teachers perceived that coaching and mentoring had a significant impact on their growth and performance as well as their students‘ learning. Nine new first-year teachers participated in semistructured interviews with the researcher. Questionnaires were also utlized to gather data from all new first-year teachers some of whom may not have opted to participate in the interview. A focus group of site administrators was also used. The questionnaires, interviews, and focus group data were coded using hand coding and Nvivo software. Responses to the questionnaires, the interviews, and the focus group reflected the new first-year teachers\u27 perceptions of coaching and mentoring programs. New first-year teachers benefit from the support of experienced teachers who act as coaches and mentors. Future studies should discuss the long-term impact of the program as well as expand the scope of the study


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    The total expected cost of sequestering carbon in agricultural soils is estimated under a possible EQIP program offering a per-acre subsidy to adopt conservation tillage and a carbon credit program where producers can sell their carbon credit in an external market. Both programs are compared to the minimum cost solution.Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Efficiency of Sequestering Carbon in Agricultural Soils (The)

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    Agricultural tillage practices are important human-induced activities that can alter carbon emissions from agricultural soils and have the potential to contribute significantly to reductions in greenhouse gas emission (Lal et al., 1998). This research investigates the expected costs of sequestering carbon in agricultural soils under different subsidy and market-based policies. Using detailed National Resources Inventory data, we estimate the probability that farmers adopt conservation tillage practices based on a variety of exogenous characteristics and profit from conventional practices. These estimates are used with physical models of carbon sequestration to estimate the subsidy costs of achieving increased carbon sequestration with alternative subsidy schemes.

    Moving from Uniform to Variable Fertilizer Rates on Iowa Corn: Effects on Rates and Returns

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    There is a growing need for research that estimates the potential value to farmers of acquiring and using improved information about spatial variability within their fields. This paper considers the potential value of switching from single rate technologies (SRT) to variable rate technologies (VRT) for applying nitrogen fertilizer in 12 Iowa counties. Changes in yields, nitrogen use, and profits are estimated for individual field and entire counties. The economic and environmental impacts of moving from SRT to VRT depend heavily on the amount of inherent yield variability in field

    Der Berliner Lehrerverein

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    DER BERLINER LEHRERVEREIN Der Berliner Lehrerverein / Pautsch, Otto (Public Domain) ( - ) Cover front ( - ) Title page ( - ) 128. Gemeindeschule. Berlin ( - ) Preface ( - ) Das Erwachen des Standesbewusstseins ([7]) 1. Der Berlinische Schullehrerverein (8) 2. Der gesellige Lehrerverein (23) 3. Vereinssplitter (29) 4. Der Kommunallehrerverein (35) Das Morgenrot der Einheit (59) 1. Berliner Bezirksverband des Deutschen Lehrervereins (59) 2. Der Bezirksverband im Urteil seiner Zeit (74) 3. Am Sterbelager des Vereinspartikularismus (76) 4. Unser Richtefest (85) 5. MĂ€nner der Zeit (95) Der Einheitsbau (104) 1. Der Ă€ußere Bau (105) 2. Berliner LokalkĂ€mpfe (122) 3. Berlin als Vorort des Deutschen Lehrervereins (154) 4. Auf schulpolitischer Wacht (158) 5. Der 8. Deutsche Lehrertag (175) 6. Unsere Feste (181) 7. Aus der Werkstatt der Kleinarbeit im Verein (194) 8. MĂ€nner der Zeit (197) Schlußwort (223) Anhang (227) 1. Unsere Ehrenmitglieder (227) 2. Der Vorstand des Berliner Lehrervereins (228-229) 3. SĂ€mtliche bisherige Vorstandsmitglieder des Berliner Lehrervereins, geordnet nach der Dauer ihrer Zugehörigkeit zum Vorstande (bis Ende 1905) (231-232) 4. Verzeichnis sĂ€mtlicher bisheriger Mitglieder des geschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrenden Ausschusses des Deutschen Lehrervereins (233) 5. VortrĂ€ge (235) 6. AusschĂŒsse, Vereinigungen und VerbĂ€nde des Berliner Lehrervereins (245) I. StĂ€ndige AusschĂŒsse (245) II. Vereinigungen (272) III. VerbĂ€nde mit selbstĂ€ndiger Kassenverwaltung (294) IV. Verschiedene Institutionen (302) Contents ( - ) Cover back ( - ) ColorChart ( -

    Optimal Information Acquisition Under a Geostatistical Model

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    Studies examining the value of switching to a variable rate technology (VRT) fertilizer program assume producers possess perfect soil nitrate information. In reality, producers estimate soil nitrate levels with soil sampling. The value of switching to a VRT program depends on the quality of the estimates and on how the estimates are used. Larger sample sizes, increased spatial correlation, and decreased variability improve the estimates and increase returns. Fertilizing strictly to the estimated field map fails to account for estimation risk. Returns increase if the soil sample information is used in a Bayesian fashion to update the soil nitrate beliefs in nonsampled sites

    Review of experiments on the chronic toxicity exerted by some pollutants on animal species from the Bay of GdaƄsk

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    Subject of the experimental investigations are the effects of chronic toxicity exerted by the following pollutants of industrial origin on some animals from the Bay of GdaƄsk: 1. phosphogypsum; 2. some detergents, i.e. a commercial product "SOLO", a mixture of nonionic and anionic surfactants (for household purposes), and an oil-spill remover Gamlen "CW" Solvent; 3. crude Kuwait oil and one of its derivatives, the fuel oil No. III. -The experimental animals are: Crangon crangon L., Rhithropanopeus harrisi (Gould), the crucial carp (Carassius carassius L.), the pike (Esox lucius L.) and the perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). Beside these inhabitants of the Bay of GdaƄsk, also carp fry is used in one of the experiments. -The pollutants mentioned above induce sublethal changes in: the enzymic system, the reproductive activity, embryonic and larval development. Additionally, degenerative changes in the ultrastructure of crustacean brain and pathological disturbances in function and structure of isolated mitochondria could be observed. The general conclusion is that chronic sublethal toxicity may severely affect or even destroy some marine ecosystems
