8 research outputs found


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    ICTY established the standard of “joint criminal enterprise” as a part of the justice implementation process in the conflict region of former Yugoslavia. The legal standard of the “joint criminal enterprise” consists of mandatory actus rea and mens rea elements and come up in three different forms. ICTY stated this principle was based on the rules of the international customary law, as well as the articles of the Rome and ICTY Statutes. From the criminal law science view, the most relevant of three JCE forms was the third one that was based on “prediction” criteria as a consisting main element of the perpetrator actus rea. Very soon, a great number of legal scholars and scientists object this ICTY approach as the one not actually based on the legal principles and to the international criminal law principles and the basic national criminal law systems legal institutes, as well. Regarding the fact that ICTY was the one introduced the “joint criminal enterprise” principle, it is extremely important for the ICTY itself to come back to the law implementation instead the law interpretation.Међународни Тирбунал за бившу Југославију је испуњавајући своју мисију успостављања правде на конфликтном подручју установио правни стандард ‹›удруженог злочиначког подухвата›› у три појавна облика и на бази прописаних обавезних објективних и субјективних елемената, при том се позивајући на међународно обичајно право и Статут Међународног кривичног суда и Статут Трибунала. Са аспекта правне науке, посебно интересантним се испоставио трећи облик овог стандарда, који се у суштини заснивао на критеријуму ‘’предвидивости’’ као основу потврђивања одговарајућег субјективног односа окривљеног лица према почињеном кривичном делу који га чини одговорним. Овакав став је убрзо наишао на оправдане примедбе великог броја истакнутих правних стручњака због своје правне неутемељености и противности суштинским кривично-правним институтима у националним правосудним системима и базним начелима међународног кривичног права. Обзиром да је инсистирање Трибунала на овом институту довело до одређених последица, веома је нужно да се сам Трибунал врати суштинској примени, а не интерпретацији права, као прихватљивом начину поновног успостављања система поштовања норми међународног кривичног права

    Walnut grafting success as affected by stratification

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    Abstract: The effect of air temperature and relative humidity inside a stratification room on walnut grafting success was investigated in this study. The whip-and-tongue grafting technique was used. One-year-old seedlings of local types of walnut (Juglans regia L.) and five cultivars and selections, including cv. Šeinovo (control), Ovčar, G-286, Elit and G-139 were used for grafting. Three stratification treatments were employed. The highest average graft success of 86.0% in both years in all the tested cultivars and selections was obtained with the treatment involving dipping scions and graft unions into paraffin, stratification in sawdust up to the union and covering with polyethylene foil. Among the cultivars and selections tested, the graft-take success was highest in cv. Šeinovo (87.7%) and lowest in selection G-139 (67.9%)

    Butler-volmer current equation and fractal nature correction in electrochemical energy

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    The Global Energy Crisis necessitated improving research into new, renewable and alternative energy sources. Due to that, our focus is on the area of some phenomena and applications where different synthetic methods and microstructure property optimization achieved significant improvement in the electro physical properties of output materials and components. This is especially important for higher energy efficiency and electricity production (batteries and battery systems, fuel cells, and hydrogen energy). The improvement of energy storage tank capacity is one of the most important development issues in the energy sphere too. It is because of this very promising research and application area that we are expanding the knowledge on these phenomena through fractal nature analysis. So, the results obtained in the field of electrochemical energy sources, especially in electrolyte development, are taken into account the analysis of fractal nature optimization. Based on the research field of fractal material science, particularly electronic materials, we conducted research in micro-structure fractal influence in the area of electrochemistry. We investigated the consolidation parameters of Fe2O3 redox processes. The influence of activation energy, fundamental thermodynamic parameters, and also the fractal correction of electrode surface area through complex fractal dimension with recognized grains and pores, and the Brownian motion of particles is introduced. Finally, the electrochemical Butler-Volmer equation fractalization is obtained. These results practically open new frontiers in electrochemical energy processes performed through the Arrhenius equation within electrolyte bulk and electrode relations and more complete and precise energy generation

    Grain yield of maize hybrids at different plant densities

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    Field trials with 12 maize hybrids belonging to FAO maturity groups 500, 600 and 700 were established under the agro environmental conditions of Smederevo in 2010 and 2011 to analyse grain yield and moisture content at different plant densities. The hybrids were sown in two independent trials in the two years at 51,000 and 62,000 plants ha-1, respectively, in a randomised block design with three replications. More favourable maize growing conditions i.e. more moderate air temperatures during the growing season, a more even distribution of precipitation and more rainy days were recorded in 2010 than in 2011, which had much lower precipitation amounts, particularly during July and August i.e. critical development stages (flowering and fertilization) of these hybrids. Grain yield of all maize hybrids was higher in 2010, mostly as the result of greater amounts of precipitation and their more even distribution during the growing season. In both years, significantly higher grain yields were obtained by FAO 600 maize hybrids. Grain yield in 2010 was significantly higher at the higher plant density in FAO 500 hybrids, as opposed to FAO 600 hybrids, which showed no significant difference in grain yield across plant densities. Grain moisture content at harvest did not significantly differ between plant densities in either year. Somewhat higher values for grain moisture at harvest in 2010 were recorded for FAO 600 hybrids. In 2011, there were no significant differences in grain moisture content among hybrids, nor between plant densities, mostly due to the very low amount of precipitation in the second part of the growing season

    Evaluation of potentially toxic element contamination in the riparian zone of the River Sava

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    Contaminated sediments transported onto the river terrace during high water events can contribute significant quantities of potentially toxic elements to riparian soils. Seven trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were analysed in the river sediment and riparian soil of the River Sava and their spatial distribution, potential toxicity and ecological risk levels were evaluated. The results showed that levels of all the trace metals were enriched to varying extents in both the sediment (As, Cr, Ni, and Pb) and soil (Ni) when compared to reference levels for sediments and European soils. Mean concentrations of trace metals in sediment and soil, apart from Pb, increased downstream in the River Sava. The similar increasing trend of these elements in sediment and soil may be explained by their increased load due to anthropogenic pressures (As, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediment and the significant accumulation of Ni in soil) and frequent periodic flooding (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn in sediment and Cd in soil are influenced by both high water events and natural factors such as the geological substrate), particularly in lowland regions. In this study, soluble As, Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni fractions in sediment and soil LT 10% indicated their low mobility. The exceptions were readily soluble Pb and Zn in the sediment and soil at some sampling sites. In the lower reaches, levels of Pb in sediment was indicative of a medium environmental hazard, while there was a high environmental hazard in the upper reaches with the average Pb content in sediment higher than the PEL. Pollution factors for Pb in soil indicated a medium environmental hazard in the upper and middle reaches and a high environmental hazard at some sites in the lower stretches of the Sava River, although total Pb content in soil was within the range proposed for European soils

    Pollen germination of the walnut cultivar ‛Geisenheim 286’ on different culture media

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    Pollen of the walnut cultivar ‛Geisenheim 286(27.8%) when the germination medium contained 0.8% of agar, 15% of sucrose, 600 ppm of ’ was cultured on germination media containing all possible combinations of sucrose (10, 15 and 20%); agar (0.6 and 0.8%); boric acid (0, 300 and 600 ppm) and calcium chloride (0, 50 and 100 ppm). A total of 54 different combinations of germination media were tested in an attempt to establish a suitable culture in vitro pollen germinability The interactions of the concentrations of agar and calcium chloride, boric acid and sucrose, calcium chloride and sucrose, as well as those of boric acid, calcium chloride and sucrose were significant. Pollen germination was maximized media for studying of the walnut. Significant differences in pollen germination were observed in response to changing concentrations of sucrose, boric acid and calcium chloride, but germination was not affected by changes in agar concentration. boric acid and 50 ppm of calcium chloride