3 research outputs found

    Intra-annual variation in planktonic ciliate species composition (Protista: Ciliophora) in different strata in a shallow floodplain lake

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    <div><p> Abstract Aim: We aimed to evaluate the variation in planktonic ciliate species composition in different strata of the Guaran谩 Lake, encompassing high and low water periods, at the Upper Paran谩 River floodplain. Methods Samplings were collected monthly between March 2007 and February 2008, from the epilimnion, metalimnion and hypolimnion. Ciliates samples were filtered using a plankton net of 10碌m mesh size and identified in vivo under an optical microscope. Results Among 112 species identified, 13 were found exclusively during the high water periods and 39 during the low water period. Results of nonparametric extrapolation indices evidenced that the observed richness represented between 70% and 90% of the estimated richness. Regarding the variation in species composition, Beta1 index showed that the alteration in composition between strata during the low water period was slightly greater than that registered during high waters. Cluster analysis evidenced a higher dissimilarity in ciliate species composition between periods than among the different strata. The greatest variation in species composition was verified during the distinct hydrological periods, whereas no significant differences were observed for the different strata analysed. Conclusions We found that in the pelagic compartment, ciliate species composition changed significantly between hydrological periods, and a higher similarity in species composition among strata was observed during the high water period. Therefore, alterations in the vertical distribution seem to be related to the homogenizing effect of the floods in the water column stability.</p></div

    Abundance and size structure of planktonic protist communities in a Neotropical floodplain: effects of top-down and bottom-up controls

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    <div><p> Abstract: Aim: We aimed to assess the influence of bottom-up and top-down control mechanisms on the abundance and size structure of protist communities (heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates). We formulated the following hypothesis: bottom-up control mechanisms, related to the availability of resources in the environment, are responsible for structuring the abundance of these communities, whereas top-down control mechanisms, related to predation effects, determine the size pattern of these organisms. Methods Samples for planktonic organisms were taken in 20 shallow lakes belonging to the upper Paran谩 River floodplain. We evaluated linear regression models to select the best model which predicts the patterns observed according to Akaike Information Criterion. Results The best models selected to explain the abundance of heterotrophic flagellates included negative relations with picophytoplankton abundance and positive with rotifers abundance, while for their size structure, negative relationships were found with heterotrophic bacteria, ciliates and rotifers biovolumes. In relation to the ciliates, their abundances were positively related to the rotifers and picophytoplankton abundances and negatively with the heterotrophic bacteria abundance. On the other hand, for the size structure, the best models selected strong negative relations with the microcrustaceans biovolumes, in addition to relations with the different fractions of the phytoplankton. Conclusion For both flagellates and ciliates, their abundance is being mainly regulated by a bottom up control mechanism, whereas for the size structure the results showed that both food resources and predators were important, indicating that bottom-up and top-down mechanisms act simultaneously in determining the size of these microorganisms.</p></div

    Structure and dynamic of planktonic ciliate community in a large Neotropical river: the relevance of the pluviosity and tributaries in the biodiversity maintenance

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    <div><p> Abstract Aim: We investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of abundance and diversity of planktonic ciliate community, in the last undammed stretch of the Upper Paran谩 River, Brazil. Methods In order to reach this result, seven field campaigns were performed over two years. Plankton samples were collected from 10 transects through this stretch of the river (230 Km), near the banks and on the center, as well on seven of its tributaries. Results 118 ciliate species were identified, among which the peritrichs were the most abundant while the order Hymenostomatida was the most specious group. We recorded a remarkable increase in abundance and species richness along the river, especially in the rainy period. Moreover, in this period we found an increase in the beta-diversity along the river, which consists in a remarkable distinction among the low, middle and high stretch of the river. In this way, continuous changes in the community structure of planktonic ciliates were evidenced, highlighting the importance of the precipitation and tributaries in the maintenance of the highest regional diversity in the studied area. Conclusion Our results strongly suggest the requirement for conservation actions with the purpose to maintain those tributaries undammed, in order to avoid biotic homogenization processes and the consequent reduction of aquatic biodiversity in this important neotropical ecosystem.</p></div