1,289 research outputs found

    GALACTICOIN: A new revenue stream for Real Madrid based on blockchain technology

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    White paper.SUMMARY: Football is indeed a beautiful game, and its appeal is unrivaled. This industry continues its pace as one of the fastest markets in the world and during the last years, the way clubs interact and engage with the fans has changed significantly due to digital transformation (KPMG, 2018a, pp.3), and the behavior of the new millennial generation. Likewise, fans and football supporters are looking to connect with their clubs and players, that’s why the participation on social media networks has increased, as well as the use of different technologies to enhance a better and personalized customer experience. Considering Real Madrid, as one of the leaders in the industry and the most valuable in terms of digital, how the club will face the fast development of technology to create a closer bonding with the upcoming generations? The current report is structured within five parts to provide an exciting project proposal that might boost the club’s potential, finding a solution to reach this challenging target market. The first part focuses on the situation analysis of the football industry and key industry trends plus an overall overview about Real Madrid (revenue, brand value, fans, digital strategy) introducing a current challenge the club is facing: Santiago Bernabéu renovation. Based on Real Madrid’s stadium case, the second part states the objectives and strategic planning to find a solution for the club through a new revenue stream based on a disruptive technology: the blockchain. For instance, the third part explains this technology and its advantages through a real example. Then, the report introduces the concept that the current project proposes: the Galácticoin for Real Madrid. The idea will be explained in detail, with all its benefits, timeline and the expected revenues. Finally, the document presents the conclusions based on a finance, brand value and fans perspective, according to the project objectives; the team chart description, advisors and references consulted

    Sports industry research North America: USA & Canada

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    The Sports Industry is a potential business that not only involves the game at the field. It includes different aspects like food & beverage, apparel, sponsorship, licensing, events, tourism, and infrastructure (ATKearney, 2011). In North America this industry is one of the most important in terms of creating a positive impact to the economy, increasing surprisingly fast the GDP of the United States and Canada. The United States and Canada are the world’s biggest sports nations that provide a wide range of sport facilities and infrastructure and hosts yearly enigmatic events in key cities like Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Vancouver and Toronto. For this reason, we identified that these countries are a strategic move for any sports-related company to keep growing within the Sports Industry. The current report aims to provide a comprehensive research about the Sports Industry in North America, describing and analyzing possible investment opportunities in these countries for the upcoming years. The document is structured to explain an I) Overview of The Sports Industry in the United States and Canada, including the main sports leagues, secondary sports, sport facilities and new technology and trends. Then, we will discuss about the II) Main Leagues in North America considering its main teams, athletes, events, and highlight sport cases. Finally, we will describe the III) Sports Media Industry in North America, explaining about the Print, TV, Radio, Online channels and current media trends

    “Rafiki Kahawa Shamba”: Developing “coffee tourism” in organic coffee farm to support local economic development in Tanzania

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    Final paper submitted to: AD650 Economic Development via Tourism in Developing World: Tanzania, Spring, 2017, Professor Samuel Mendlinger. Assignment #3: New Tourism Service for Tanzania

    Pecuniary Knowledge Externalities: Evidence from European Regions

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    The paper investigates the effects of agglomeration and specialization of technological activities on regional productivity growth,applying the notion of pecuniary knowledge externalities. The latter are indirect interdependencies between firms mediated by the price system. Pecuniary knowledge externalities enable to appreciate both the positive and negative effects associated with the regional concentration of knowledge generating activities. Our analysis leads to specify the hypothesis of an inverted U-shaped relationship between the agglomeration of innovation activities and productivity growth. The empirical investigation, based upon 138 European regions in the years 1996 through 2003, supports the hypothesis that agglomeration yields diminishing positive net effects beyond a maximum. The homogeneity of knowledge generating activities however reduces absorption costs and hence rises the net benefits at each agglomeration level.

    Integration and classification of spatial data for 3D modelling and monitoring of built heritage

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    Practitioners\u27 learning about healthcare supply chain management in the COVID-19 pandemic: a public procurement perspective

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    Purpose The procurement and supply of crucial healthcare products in the early stages of the COVID-19 emergency were chaotic. To prepare for future crises, we must be able to describe what went wrong, and why, and map out ways to build agility and resilience. How can this be done effectively, given the highly complex and diverse network of actors across governments, care providers and supply chains, and the extreme uncertainty and dynamism in the procurement system and supplier markets? The purpose of this study was to capture learning from practitioners in real time in a way that could frame and inform capacity building across healthcare systems with varying procurement and supply management maturity. Design/methodology/approach This exploratory study involved interviews with 58 senior public procurement practitioners in central and regional governments, NGOs and leaders of professional organizations from 23 countries, very early in the COVID crisis. Following the first, inductive phase of analysis leading to five descriptive dimensions, the awareness-motivation-capability (A-M-C) framework was applied in a further round of coding, to understand immediate challenges faced by procurement practitioners, how the complex, multi-level procurement system that shaped their motivations to respond and critical capabilities required to face these challenges. Findings Developments across 23 countries and practitioners\u27 learning about procurement and supply in the pandemic crisis can be captured in five overarching themes: governance and organization, knowledge and skills, information systems, regulation and supply base issues. Together these themes cover the strengths and gaps in procurement and supply capability encountered by procurement leaders and front-line personnel. They highlight the various facets of structure, resource and process which constitute organizational capability. However, to account better for the highly dynamic situation characterized by both unprecedented rivalry and cooperation, analysts must also pay attention to actors\u27 emerging awareness of the situation and their rapidly changing motivations. Originality/value The application of the A-M-C framework is unique in the healthcare supply chain and disaster management literature. It enables a comprehensive overview of healthcare procurement from a system perspective. This study shows how increasing system preparedness for future emergencies depends both on developing critical capabilities and understanding how awareness and motivation influence the effective deployment of those capabilities

    Processing trauma : dialogic memory and communal discourses in Virginia Woolf's Jacob's Room, Mrs Dalloway, The Waves and Between the Acts

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    In this thesis I examine relationships between recollections of loss and the narrating of memory in works of Modernist author, Virginia Woolf. Woolf’s position within discussions of early twentieth-century responses to trauma has long been the subject of debate, and her focus on alienation, death, and the detrimental influence of the larger, patriarchal sphere is crucial to critical analyses of her works. I argue that Woolf’s depiction of memory is a more sophisticated one than has been previously recognized. In her fictional delineations of death and destruction, as well as in her theoretical musings on the process of remembering, Woolf conceives of a local communal sphere that is more conducive to the experience of individuated responses to loss, rather than the public sphere where notions of national identity, appropriate expressions of bereavement, and performed masculinity facilitate a continuous cycle that both produces and perpetuates such violence. These ideas are further complicated through Woolf’s depiction of a different means of ordering the larger collective, one that can only be conceived through spontaneous moments of unity and connection. My argument situates Woolf’s position both contextually and theoretically, with reference to her own essays addressing recollection, along with contemporary discussions of the process of narrating memory and moments of trauma. It is organised in terms of the chronological publication of her novels, with the chapters moving from Jacob’s Room to Mrs Dalloway, followed by The Waves, and ending with her final work of fiction, Between the Acts. Within this framework I delineate a progression in Woolf’s own theories that marks her growing interest in, and working through of, unexpected loss, as well as a response that permits individuated expressions of mourning and temporary moments of connection. I end with a brief discussion of her suggested responses to such devastation, concluding that her conceptualisation of a dynamic, remembering community is a means by which she can challenge the homogeneity of the patriarchal status quo, as well as emphasising the importance of not only the articulation of trauma, but also the listening to and legitimising of such discourses
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