
GALACTICOIN: A new revenue stream for Real Madrid based on blockchain technology


White paper.SUMMARY: Football is indeed a beautiful game, and its appeal is unrivaled. This industry continues its pace as one of the fastest markets in the world and during the last years, the way clubs interact and engage with the fans has changed significantly due to digital transformation (KPMG, 2018a, pp.3), and the behavior of the new millennial generation. Likewise, fans and football supporters are looking to connect with their clubs and players, that’s why the participation on social media networks has increased, as well as the use of different technologies to enhance a better and personalized customer experience. Considering Real Madrid, as one of the leaders in the industry and the most valuable in terms of digital, how the club will face the fast development of technology to create a closer bonding with the upcoming generations? The current report is structured within five parts to provide an exciting project proposal that might boost the club’s potential, finding a solution to reach this challenging target market. The first part focuses on the situation analysis of the football industry and key industry trends plus an overall overview about Real Madrid (revenue, brand value, fans, digital strategy) introducing a current challenge the club is facing: Santiago Bernabéu renovation. Based on Real Madrid’s stadium case, the second part states the objectives and strategic planning to find a solution for the club through a new revenue stream based on a disruptive technology: the blockchain. For instance, the third part explains this technology and its advantages through a real example. Then, the report introduces the concept that the current project proposes: the Galácticoin for Real Madrid. The idea will be explained in detail, with all its benefits, timeline and the expected revenues. Finally, the document presents the conclusions based on a finance, brand value and fans perspective, according to the project objectives; the team chart description, advisors and references consulted

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