4,735 research outputs found

    Media Narratives and Possibilities for Teachers’ Embodied Concepts of Self

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    Non-print media of radio, television, and film tell narratives about the image and practice of teachers, but how might these media narratives shape conceptions of teachers as well as teachers’ conceptions of themselves? What elements of the media narratives do we incorporate and reject in the narratives that we construct about their professional identities? How do these media and personal narratives interact with larger social narratives, such as the purposes for schools and gender role expectations? We take a historical view of the shaping power of media narratives and the contexts in which they flourished by looking to past depictions of teachers in radio, television, and film

    Principles of Catholic Social Teaching, Critical Pedagogy, and the Theory of Intersectionality: An Integrated Framework to Examine the Roles of Social Status in the Formation of Catholic Teachers

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    This article discusses the relevance of an analytic framework that integrates principles of Catholic social teaching, critical pedagogy, and the theory of intersectionality to explain attitudes toward marginalized youth held by Catholic students preparing to become teachers. The framework emerges from five years of action research data collected in Foundations of American Education classes in a teacher education program of a Mid-Atlantic Catholic Liberal Arts University. The authors propose new directions for research on Catholic schools and suggest that the gaps between espoused values and practices in Catholic schools as identified by researchers over the last decade might be more readily redressed in teacher education programs in Catholic universities and colleges where the cycle of elitism may be recognized, taught, and transformed in the very formation of future teachers. Résumé Principes de la doctrine sociale catholique, pédagogie critique et théorie de l’intersectionalité : cadre intégré permettant l’examen des rôles du statut social dans la formation des enseignants catholiques Cet article traite de la pertinence d’un cadre analytique intégrant les principes de la doctrine sociale catholique, la pédagogie critique et la théorie de l’intersectionalité pour expliquer les attitudes vis-à-vis des jeunes marginalisés adoptées par les étudiants catholiques qui se préparent à devenir enseignant. Ce cadre est le fruit de cinq années de données de recherche action recueillies auprès des Fondations des cours d’éducation américaine dans le programme de formation des professeurs de l’université Mid-Atlantic Catholic Liberal Arts. Les auteurs proposent de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur les écoles catholiques et suggèrent que le fossé existant entres les valeurs et pratiques embrassées par les écoles catholiques, telles qu’elles ont été identifiées par les chercheurs au cours de la dernière décennie, peut être plus facilement comblé dans les programmes de formation des professeurs des universités et établissement supérieurs catholiques, où le cycle de l’élitisme est susceptible d’être reconnu, enseigné et transformé dans la formation même reçue par les futurs enseignants. Resumen Principios de la doctrina social católica, la pedagogía crítica y la teoría de interseccionalidad: un marco integrado para examinar los roles del estatus social en la formación de los profesores católicos Este artículo discute la relevancia de un marco analítico que integra los principios de las enseñanzas católicas, la crítica pedagógica y la teoría de interseccionalidad para explicar actitudes hacia los jóvenes marginados mostradas por estudiantes católicos que se preparan para ser profesores. El marco emerge tras cinco años de recopilación de información bajo investigación-acción en clases de Foundations of American Education, en un programa de educación de profesores de una universidad de artes liberales católica del Atlántico Medio. El autor propone nuevas direcciones para la investigación en escuelas católicas y sugiere que las distancias entre los valores abrazados y las prácticas de las escuelas católicas, tal y como investigadores han identificado en la última década, podrían redirigirse más fácilmente en programas de formación del profesorado en universidades y escuelas universitarias católicas en las que el ciclo del elitismo puede reconocerse, enseñarse y transformarse en la misma formación de futuros profesores

    On the Development of the Artillery Flight Characterization Electronics Rescue Kit

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    21st AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar, 23 - 26 May 2011, Dublin, IrelandThis paper investigates a prospective avionics suite rescue kit to salvage some of the state-of-the-art electronics in the data-collecting fuze system employed on an artillery projectile. A single-use data collection fuze is currently in use by the Army that relays sensor measurements for the purpose of characterizing the flight of an artillery projectile. The goal of the present study is to develop a parachute/parafoil-based system to be deployed automatically at apogee, so that the ! Reuse-Fuze" becomes separated from the body of the artillery shell and safely recovered. The paper presents the overall design of the Reuse-Fuze system, including the release mechanism, deceleration system, and impact survivability considerations. The successful design of a recoverable and reusable fuze-shaped data collection system will allow the Army to conduct repeated artillery testing without increasing the cost of expensive electronics hardware
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