6 research outputs found

    Medan Makna Menangkap Hasil Laut dalam Bahasa Melayu Dialek Pontianak di Sungai Kakap

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    Catching the seafood is the activity of fishermen to hunt for fish and other sea products. This research related to linguistic focus on the study of the meaning field of catching sea product in the Malay dialect of Pontianak on the Sungai Kakap. This research uses the descriptive method with qualitative research form. The instruments used are leksem, vocabularies of the tools, part of tools, techniques, and products obtained. The researcher conducted the data analysis of the meaning component, the lexical meanings and the semantic function based on the classification of the tools, part of the tools, techniques, and the obtained seafood. From this research, it found leksem contained in catching of sea products in totals 98 leksem consisting of 5 leksem fishing gears, 16 catching phrases, 14 leksem part tools, 15 phrase tool parts, 14 technicals leksem, 4 leksem kinds of seafood, 30 phrase seafood . The data was obtained from the interview conducted by researcher during research in Kakap Village and Sungai Kupah Village, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency

    Konjungsi Koordinatif Bahasa Melayu Dialek Ketapang

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    : The common problem of this research is how a coordinating conjunction ketapan dialect of Malay language. The general problems of this research are bounded into three sub-problems, namely form coordinative conjunctions, conjunctions coordinative function and meaning of coordinating conjunctions. The purpose of this research is to describe the three issues that are restricted, whereas the benefits of this research are to provide input for researchers of other languages ​​who are interested to know BMDK, provide knowledge of Indonesian people, especially Kalimantan Barat on the conjunction coordinative BMDK, this research enrich the knowledge and experience of the researcher in writing the scientific papers related to language BMDK particular, this research can be used as a reference for further research that will examine BMDK, describe the variation vocabulary especially BMDK coordinative conjunctions. The from of this research is a descriptive study with qualitative form. Of the data of this research is Ketapang Malay dialect spoken by native speakers Mulia Kerta village community, whereas the data obtained through interviews about the coordinative conjunction with the informant who recorded and then translated and recorded. The technique of data collection used in this research is a recording technique, which consists of Listen Proficient (SLC), Mechanical Listen Non involved Proficient and Engineering Record

    Medan Makna Berkebun Karet dalam Bahasa Melayu Dialek Melawi

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    This study aims to describe the components of meaning, types of meaning, and semantic functions of each lexeme in the semantic field of rubber farming in the Melawi Malay dialect. Research method used in this study is descriptive method with qualitative form. This research was the Melawi Malay dialect used by the informants, while the data in this study were the words spoken bye the informants containing semantic field of rubber farming. The techniques used were direct technique and documentation, and the tools for collecting data interview instruments, and video recorders. Based on the analysis of data, this study collected 46 lexemes related to rubber farming, 30 lexemes categorized as verb, 16 lexemes categorized as nouns. There are 39 lexical meanings, 11 collocations, activites using tools, activites without tools, tools made of metal, tools made of wowen materials, tools made of wood, tools made of plastic, tools made of rock, tools made of of zinc, utensils made of leaves, utensils made of coconut shells, utensils made of bamboo. There are 30 lexemes with verb semantic functions, 16 lexemes with noun semantic functions

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Kreatif Puisi Menggunakan Model Cooperative Think Talk Write melalui Media Gambar

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    The purpose of this research wasto know the enhancement skill creative writing poetry using cooperative models think talk write through the medium of drawing on grade VIII B SMP Negeri 8 Singkawang. The method used in this research is descriptive method, with the form of qualitative research design of classroom action research (PTK). Based on the analysis, planning results can be obtained in the first cycle obtain the results of 92.2% (excellent). Furthermore, on the second cycle increased by 3.1% to obtain the results of 95.3% (excellent) and the third cycle also increased by 1.6% to 96.9% results. Results of the implementation cycle I get the results, 67.3% (enough). Furthermore, the second cycle increased by 11.6%, with the results obtained for 78.9% (good), and the third cycle and an increase of 9.6% with the result of 88.5% (excellent The mean value obtained by the students in the first cycle reached 68.5 (enough). Cycle II reached 72 (enough), and increased in the third cycle with an average of 76 (excellent)