5 research outputs found

    Health assessment of the population of São Paulo city, 2005

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    Objective: To present the broad indicator Z in order to evaluate the 31 sub-town halls in the city of São Paulo according to their health conditions. Methods: Birth rate, mortality rate and population mortality rate by transmissible diseases were calculated for 2005, standardizing the population mortality rate by transmissible diseases. For each age group, the median percentage of its participation was calculated for the population composition. Rresults: This study has shown that the broad indicator Z was capable of ordaining the 31 sub-town halls in the city of São Paulo, in decreasing order, according to their health conditions for the year 2005. Cconclusions: The order proposed according to Z values showed to be coherent with the level of health in sub-town halls. Therefore, it is a useful element to characterize the behavior of different populations or to compare the same population in different periods of time

    Prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade em escolares da região de Parelheiros do município de São Paulo Prevalence of overweight and obesity in school children of Parelheiros region in São Paulo city, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar, em uma amostra de escolares de uma região de baixo nível socioeconômico, a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com uma amostra de 218 crianças selecionadas de modo aleatório, a partir de um universo estimado de 1.500 crianças e adolescentes, com idade entre seis e 14 anos, provenientes de três escolas de ensino fundamental de Parelheiros, São Paulo, sem distinção de sexo ou etnia. Foram excluídas aquelas portadoras de qualquer doença metabólica ou endócrina diagnosticada ou em tratamento. Os indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, com medida do peso corporal e altura para cálculo do índice de massa corpórea e relação peso/altura. Todas as crianças responderam a um questionário aplicado pelos pesquisadores sobre hábitos alimentares. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de obesos e de portadores de sobrepeso foi respectivamente 14,7 e 16,5%. Entre os alunos obesos e com sobrepeso, o baixo consumo de frutas (10,8 e 10,8%), de verduras e legumes (16,4 e 9,1%) e o alto consumo de doces (72,2 e 78,1%) foram associados ao excesso de peso. A prática esportiva esteve ausente ou escassa nos obesos (81,3%) e portadores de sobrepeso (77,8%). CONCLUSÕES: Os alunos avaliados, embora provenientes de uma região pobre de São Paulo, apresentaram um perfil de transição nutricional, com altas taxas de obesidade e sobrepeso.<br>OBJECTIVE: To establish the prevalence of overweight and obesity in school children from low socioeconomical status. METHODS: This cross sectional study randomly enrolled 218 eighteen students out of 1.500 students with six to 14 years old from three schools located in Parelheiros, São Paulo, Brazil. Children with a diagnosis and or treatment of metabolic or endocrine diseases were excluded. The studied children had an anthropometric evaluation of weight and height, and body mass index was calculated. All children answered a questionnaire about daily food consumption and physical activity. RESULTS: The prevalence of obesity and overweight were respectively 14.7 and 16.5%. Among these students, the low consumption of fruits (10.8 and 10.8%), vegetables (16.3 and 9.1%) and the high consumption of candies (72.2 and 78.1%) were associated with weight excess. Poor physical activities was common among obese (81.3%) and overweight (77.8%) students. CONCLUSIONS: The evaluated students, despite living in a poor region of São Paulo, showed a profile of nutritional transition, with high obesity and overweight rates