14,465 research outputs found

    Boundary States for AdS₂ Branes in AdS₃

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    We construct boundary states for the AdS₂ D-branes in AdS₃. We show that, in the semi-classical limit, the boundary states correctly reproduce geometric configurations of these branes. We use the boundary states to compute the one loop free energy of open string stretched between the branes. The result agrees precisely with the open string computation in hep-th/0106129

    Elliptic Curve Variants of the Least Quadratic Nonresidue Problem and Linnik's Theorem

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    Let E1E_1 and E2E_2 be Q\overline{\mathbb{Q}}-nonisogenous, semistable elliptic curves over Q\mathbb{Q}, having respective conductors NE1N_{E_1} and NE2N_{E_2} and both without complex multiplication. For each prime pp, denote by aEi(p):=p+1#Ei(Fp)a_{E_i}(p) := p+1-\#E_i(\mathbb{F}_p) the trace of Frobenius. Under the assumption of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) for the convolved symmetric power LL-functions L(s,SymiE1SymjE2)L(s, \mathrm{Sym}^i E_1\otimes\mathrm{Sym}^j E_2) where i,j{0,1,2}i,j\in\{0,1,2\}, we prove an explicit result that can be stated succinctly as follows: there exists a prime pNE1NE2p\nmid N_{E_1}N_{E_2} such that aE1(p)aE2(p)<0a_{E_1}(p)a_{E_2}(p)<0 and p<((32+o(1))logNE1NE2)2. p < \big( (32+o(1))\cdot \log N_{E_1} N_{E_2}\big)^2. This improves and makes explicit a result of Bucur and Kedlaya. Now, if I[1,1]I\subset[-1,1] is a subinterval with Sato-Tate measure μ\mu and if the symmetric power LL-functions L(s,SymkE1)L(s, \mathrm{Sym}^k E_1) are functorial and satisfy GRH for all k8/μk \le 8/\mu, we employ similar techniques to prove an explicit result that can be stated succinctly as follows: there exists a prime pNE1p\nmid N_{E_1} such that aE1(p)/(2p)Ia_{E_1}(p)/(2\sqrt{p})\in I and p<((21+o(1))μ2log(NE1/μ))2. p < \left((21+o(1)) \cdot \mu^{-2}\log (N_{E_1}/\mu)\right)^2. Comment: 30 page

    On Logarithmically Benford Sequences

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    Let IN\mathcal{I} \subset \mathbb{N} be an infinite subset, and let {ai}iI\{a_i\}_{i \in \mathcal{I}} be a sequence of nonzero real numbers indexed by I\mathcal{I} such that there exist positive constants m,C1m, C_1 for which aiC1im|a_i| \leq C_1 \cdot i^m for all iIi \in \mathcal{I}. Furthermore, let ci[1,1]c_i \in [-1,1] be defined by ci=aiC1imc_i = \frac{a_i}{C_1 \cdot i^m} for each iIi \in \mathcal{I}, and suppose the cic_i's are equidistributed in [1,1][-1,1] with respect to a continuous, symmetric probability measure μ\mu. In this paper, we show that if IN\mathcal{I} \subset \mathbb{N} is not too sparse, then the sequence {ai}iI\{a_i\}_{i \in \mathcal{I}} fails to obey Benford's Law with respect to arithmetic density in any sufficiently large base, and in fact in any base when μ([0,t])\mu([0,t]) is a strictly convex function of t(0,1)t \in (0,1). Nonetheless, we also provide conditions on the density of IN\mathcal{I} \subset \mathbb{N} under which the sequence {ai}iI\{a_i\}_{i \in \mathcal{I}} satisfies Benford's Law with respect to logarithmic density in every base. As an application, we apply our general result to study Benford's Law-type behavior in the leading digits of Frobenius traces of newforms of positive, even weight. Our methods of proof build on the work of Jameson, Thorner, and Ye, who studied the particular case of newforms without complex multiplication.Comment: 10 page

    Linnik's Theorem for Sato-Tate Laws on Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication

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    Let E/QE/\mathbb{Q} be an elliptic curve with complex multiplication (CM), and for each prime pp of good reduction, let aE(p)=p+1#E(Fp)a_E(p) = p + 1 - \#E(\mathbb{F}_p) denote the trace of Frobenius. By the Hasse bound, aE(p)=2pcosθpa_E(p) = 2\sqrt{p} \cos \theta_p for a unique θp[0,π]\theta_p \in [0, \pi]. In this paper, we prove that the least prime pp such that θp[α,β][0,π]\theta_p \in [\alpha, \beta] \subset [0, \pi] satisfies p(NEβα)A, p \ll \left(\frac{N_E}{\beta - \alpha}\right)^A, where NEN_E is the conductor of EE and the implied constant and exponent A>2A > 2 are absolute and effectively computable. Our result is an analogue for CM elliptic curves of Linnik's Theorem for arithmetic progressions, which states that the least prime pa(modq)p \equiv a \pmod q for (a,q)=1(a,q)=1 satisfies pqLp \ll q^L for an absolute constant L>0L > 0.Comment: 11 pages; made minor modification