16 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Team Assisted Individualization Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas VI Sdn 12 Kubu

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    Improve learning outcomes using Team Assisted Individualization on the mathematics teaching sixth grade at SDN 12 Kubu. This study aims to describe the application of learning mathematics with Team Assisted Individualization that can improve student learning outcomes in mathematics teaching sixth grade at SDN 12 Kubu. The research method used is descriptive method to shape research in form of classroom action research. At the meeting the results I obtained 5556 %, 72,22 % to 83,33 % meeting II and III at the meeting.Based on the results obtained with use of Team Assisted Individualization on the mathematics learning can improve learning outcomes of sixth grade student of SDN 12 Kubu

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar IPA dengan Metode Inquiry pada Peserta Didik Kelas IV SD Swasta Erna Sanggau

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    The problem in this research is an attempt to improve the learners learning activities by using inquiry method in Natural Science subjects at the fourth grade students in the Private Elementary School Erna Kapuas District Sanggau. This research method is descriptive, in the Classroom Action Research form, and the nature of this research is qualitative research, the research subjects are teacher and fourth grade students in the Private Elementary School Erna which consisted of 28 people in whole. The techniques used in this research were the technique of direct observation, documentary technique, and data collection tool were used as observation guidelines. The result based on observation by using inquiry method had improved can learning activity of students. This shows that the hypothesis that stated the application of the inquiri method in natural Science lessons at the fourth grade in the Private Elementary School Erna can improve learners learning activities, accepted

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Peserta Didik dengan Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen pada Pelajaran Ipakelas IV Sdn

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    The problem in this research is an attempt to improve the learners' learning activities by using experimental method in natural science subjects at the fourth grade students in the Elementary School 11 Sebuduh Kembayan Sanggau. This research method is descriptive, in the Classroom Action Research, and the nature of this research is qualitative research, the research subjects are teacher and fourth grade students in the Elementary School 11 Sebuduh Kembayan Sanggau which consisted of 12 people in whole. The techniques used in this research were the technique of direct observation, documentary technique, and data collection tool were used as observation guidelines. The result based on observation by using experimental method had improved can learning activity of students. This shows that the hypothesis that stated the application of the experimental method in natural science lessons at the fourth grade students in the Elementary School 11 Sebuduh Kembayan Sanggau can improve learners' learning activities, accepted

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Bermain Peran Untukmeningkatkan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Pkn Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    Improved learning activities using learning models play a role in learning civics class IV Sanggau SDN 06 Tanjung Bunga. This study aims to determine the improvement of students' learning activities using a model of learning to play a role in learning civics class IV Sanggau SDN 06 Tanjung Bunga. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. This type of research is a Class Action. The results of research on student learning activity cycle I obtained the results of students who are less active by 40.65% and the second cycle to 2.77%. Then an increase 37.88%. Student learning outcomes in cycle I gained an average of 55.45%, an increase in cycle II with 74.54%. Improved performance of teachers in preparing lesson plans on the first cycle of 2.68% increase in the second cycle of 3.73%. Improved teacher performance in implementing the learning in the first cycle increased by 2.97% in the second cycle of 3.92%. Based on the above results it can be concluded that the use of role-play learning model can improve student learning activities in the subjects of fourth grade Civics SDN 06 Tanjung Bunga districts Kembayan Sanggau district

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Matematika Menggunakan Metode Inquiry Kelas V SD Paroki Katedral Sanggau

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    Dengan masalah umum penelitian adalah bagaimanakah peningkatan aktivitas belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Matematika menggunakan metode inquiry Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Paroki Katedral Sanggau? Tujuan umum penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatkan aktivitas belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran matematika menggunakan metode inquiry Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Paroki Katedral Sanggau.Bentuk penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK).Metode penelitian adalah metode deskriftip. Subyek penelitian adalah peserta didik Kelas V Sekolah Dasar dengan rician jumlah peserta didik laki-laki 14 orang dan jumlah peserta didik perempuan 20 orang. Prosedur penelitian dalam setiap siklus mencakup tahapan tahapan: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Dari observasi siklus 1 untuk menentukan perbaikan pada siklus berikutnya dapat mengalami peningkatan. Berdasarkan hasil yang dapat dipersentasikan pada setiap siklus dapat di simpulkan bahwa peningkatan aktivitas fisik dari siklus I 50% kesiklus II 91%,aktivitas mental dari siklus I 45% ke siklus II 90%,dan aktivitas emosional dari siklus I 59% ke siklus II 88%, jadi peningkatan aktivitas belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Matematika menggunakan metode inquiry Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Paroki Katedral Sanggau dari siklus I 51,33% kesiklus II 93,67% meningkat sebesar 43,34%. Guru dapat meningkatkan hasil prestasi belajar peserta didik pada Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Belajar, Metode Inquiry,Matematika. Abstrack: With research general issue [is] how make-up of activity learn educative participant in study of Mathematics use method of inquiry Class of V Elementary School of Paroki Cathedral of Sanggau? Target of research public is to mendeskripsikan peningkatkan of activity learn educative participant in study of mathematics use method of inquiry Class of V Elementary School of Paroki Cathedral of Sanggau.Bentuk research [is] research of class action ( Research PTK).Metode [is] method of deskriftip. Research Subyek [is] educative [by] participant [of] Class of V Elementary School with rician of[is amount of educative [by] participant [of] men 14 educative [by] participant amount and people [of] woman 20 people. Research procedure in each;every cycle include;cover step step: planning, execution, and observation of refleksi. Of cycle observation 1 to determine to repair [at] next cycle can experience of improvement .Pursuant to result of percentage which can in each cycle earn [in] concluding that make-up of physical activity of cycle of I 50% II kesiklus 91%,activity bouncing from cycle of I 45% to cycle of II 90%,and emotional activity of cycle of I 59% to cycle of II 88%, becoming the make-up of activity learn educative participant in study of Mathematics use method of inquiry Class of V Elementary School of Paroki Cathedral of Sanggau of cycle of I 51,33% II kesiklus 93,67% mounting equal to 43,34%. Teacher can improve result of achievement learn educative [by] participant [at] Semester 1 School Year 2013 / 2014

    Persepsi Santriwati Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ulum Tentang Melanjutkan Pendidikan Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Email :[email protected] Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data objektif tentang persepsi santriwati tentang melanjutkan pendidikan pada perguruan tinggi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 122 santriwati. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket atau kuesioner. Pengolahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan SPSS 20. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi Santriwati Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ulum Tentang Melanjutkan Pendidikan Pada Perguruan Tinggi tergolong positif dengan rata-rata skor terbesar 93,0328 dan presentase sebesar 71,31%. Persepsi santriwati Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ulum tentang minat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan pada Perguruan Tinggi termasuk kategori “Sangat Positif” dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 32,8033 dan presentase frekuensi sebesar 50,00%. Sedangkan persepsi santriwati Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ulum tentang Perguruan Tinggi Umum dan Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam termasuk kategori “positif” dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 18,5984 dan presentase frekuensi sebesar 56,60%. Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Santriwati, Perguruan Tinggi Abstract: The purpose of this research was to obtain data on the perception of the female students continue their education in college. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach with descriptive method with survey forms. The population in this research were 122 female students. Data collection techniques used in this study was a questionnaire or questionnaires. The data in this study using SPSS 20. Based on the results of this study indicate that the perception of female students of Darul Ulum Madrasah Aliyah About Continuing Education In Higher Education classified as positive with an average score of 93.0328 and the largest percentage of 71.31%. Perception santriwati Darul Ulum Madrasah Aliyah of interest for continuing education at the College, including the category of "Very Positive" with an average score of 32.8033 and the percentage frequency of 50.00%. While the perception of female students of Darul Ulum Madrasah Aliyah on Public Higher Education and College of Islamic Religion are "positive" with an average score of 18.5984 and frequency percentage of 56.60%