30 research outputs found

    Virtual Cathode Diagnostics with a Large Dynamic Range for a Continuous Wave SRF Photoinjector

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    In a SRF photoinjector the close relationship between the laser pulse and the generated electron bunch parameters requires continuous monitoring of some of the laser pulse parameters. A laser diagnostic system, called virtual cathode, is a key part of a system that controls the stability of the laser. One of the main challenges for the virtual cathode is to cover the large dynamic range of the photocathode laser between commissioning at 120 Hz and operation at 1.3 GHz repetition rate with constant laser pulse parameters. The design of the virtual cathode as well as first measurements with a photocathode drive laser for the SRF injector test facility GunLab of BERLinPro will be presente

    Development of a Transfer Line for LPA-Generated Electron Bunches to a Compact Storage Ring

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    The injection of LPA-generated beams into a storage ring is considered to be one of the most prominent applications of laser plasma accelerators (LPAs). In a combined endeavour between Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) the key challenges will be addressed with the aim to successfully demonstrate injection of LPA-generated beams into a compact storage ring with large energy acceptance and dynamic aperture. Such a storage ring and the corresponding transfer line are currently being designed within the cSTART project at KIT and will be ideally suited to accept bunches from a 50 MeV LPA prototype developed at DESY. This contribution presents the foreseen layout of the transfer line from the LPA to the injection point of the storage ring and discusses the status of beams optics calculations

    Developing a 50 MeV LPA-based Injector at ATHENA for a Compact Storage Ring

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    The laser-driven generation of relativistic electron beams in plasma and their acceleration to high energies with GV/m-gradients has been successfully demonstrated. Now, it is time to focus on the application of laser-plasma accelerated (LPA) beams. The "Accelerator Technology HElmholtz iNfrAstructure" (ATHENA) of the Helmholtz Association fosters innovative particle accelerators and high-power laser technology. As part of the ATHENAe pillar several different applications driven by LPAs are to be developed, such as a compact FEL, medical imaging and the first realization of LPA-beam injection into a storage ring. The latter endeavour is conducted in close collaboration between Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Helmholtz Institute Jena (HIJ). In the cSTART project at KIT, a compact storage ring optimized for short bunches and suitable to accept LPA-based electron bunches is in preparation. In this conference contribution we will introduce the 50 MeV LPA-based injector and give an overview about the project goals. The key parameters of the plasma injector will be presented. Finally, the current status of the project will be summarized

    Status Report of the 50 MeV LPA-Based Injector at ATHENA for a Compact Storage Ring

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    Laser-based plasma accelerators (LPA) have successfully demonstrated their capability to generate high-energy electron beams with intrinsically short bunch lengths and high peak currents at a setup with a small footprint. These properties make them attractive drivers for a broad range of different applications including injectors for rf-driven, ring-based light sources. In close collaboration the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Helmholtz Institute Jena aim to develop a 50 MeV plasma injector and demonstrate the injection into a compact storage ring. This storage ring will be built within the project cSTART at KIT. As part of the ATHENA (Accelerator Technology HElmholtz iNfrAstructure) project, DESY will design, setup and operate a 50 MeV plasma injector prototype for this endeavor. This contribution gives a status update of the 50 MeV LPA-based injector and presents a first layout of the prototype design at DESY in Hamburg

    Multi-Objective Optimization of the Matching Beamline for External Injection into a Laser-Driven Plasma Accelerator

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    Accelerators based on laser plasma wakefield acceleration are of great interest for a new generation of compact machines. External injection of an electron beam from an RF injector into a plasma accelerating stage has the advantage that a well-controlled and fully characterized beam can be used. The matching of the electron bunches into an accelerating plasma wakefield places high demands on the electron beam quality. The electron beam size must be extremely small to match the field structure inside the plasma wake. The short period of the accelerating field in the plasma requires a bunch length in the (sub-)fs range. These electron beam properties result in a high electron density and strongly space charge dominated bunches. The beamline upstream of the plasma must be able to control the significant effect ofspace charge on the bunch and to transversely match the beam to the focusing fields of the plasma. Further constraints to the beamline design are given by the in-coupling of the highpower drive laser and the implementation of diagnostic tools. Choosing suitable settings for the beamline elements in order to match the beam thus poses a great challenge. Using multiobjective optimization, suitable settings for the beamline elements can be extracted from Pareto optimum solutions. The development of a universal multi-objective optimization algorithm for beamline matching as well as first optimization results are presented

    Multi Objective Optimization of an SRF Photoinjector with Booster Section for High Brightness Beam Performance

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    Several future accelerator projects, light sources and user experiments require high brightness electron beams. Superconducting radio frequency SRF photoinjectors operating in continuous wave cw mode hold the potential to serve as an electron source generating beams of high peak brightness and short bunch lengths. Different operation and design parameters of the SRF photoinjector impact the beam dynamics and thus the beam brightness. An universal multi objective optimization program based on a genetic algorithm was developed to extract optimum gun parameter settings from Pareto optimum solutions. After getting the first optimum results, the photoinjector is supplemented with a booster section downstream. The new optimization results are presented. Further, the optimization program is applied to evaluate the impact of the field flatness of the gun cavity on the high brightness performanc

    SRF Gun Beam Characterization Phase Space and Dark Current Measurements at ELBE

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    RF photoelectron sources with superconducting cavities provide the potential to generate high quality, high brightness electron beams for future accelerator applications. At Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, such an electron source was operated for many years. The commissioning of an improved SRF Gun with a new high performance gun cavity with low field emission and a superconducting solenoid inside the gun cryomodule SRF Gun II has started in June 2014. First low current measurements as well as studies of unwanted beam transport using SRF Gun II with a Cu photocathode and an acceleration gradient up to 7 MV m will be presented. First longitudinal beam characterization of the SRF Gun in combination with ELBE, a two stage superconducting linear accelerator will be discusse