481 research outputs found

    Tachinid Fly Parasitism and Phenology of the Neotropical Red-Shouldered Stink Bug, Thyanta perditor (F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), on the Wild Host Plant, Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae).

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    Field and laboratory studies were conducted with the Neotropical redshouldered stink bug Thyanta perditor (F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) aiming to evaluate parasitismincidence on adults by tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae), which were raised in the laboratory for identification. Egg deposition by flies on adult body surface was mapped. In addition, nymph and adult incidence on the wild host plant black jack, Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae), during the vegetative and the reproductive periods of plant development was studied. Seven species of tachinid flies were obtained: Euthera barbiellini Bezzi (73% of the total) and Trichopoda cf. pictipennis Bigot (16.7%) were the most abundant; the remaining five species, Gymnoclytia sp.; Phasia sp.; Strongygaster sp.; Cylindromyia cf. dorsalis (Wiedemann); and Ectophasiopsis ypiranga Dios & Nihei added 10.3% of the total. Tachinid flies parasitism on T. perditor adults was significantly greater on the dorsal compared to the ventral body surface. On the dorsal surface, the pronotum was significantly preferred and the wings the least preferred site. No differences were observed on the number of tachinid fly eggs deposited on wings, considering the ?under? and ?above? sites. Results indicated a significantly greater number of nymphs on mature compared to immature seeds. Adults significantly preferred immature compared to mature seeds; both were less abundant on leaves/stems and inflorescences


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    ABSTRACT Laboratory studies were conducted to verify the influence of photophase on diapause incidence in the Neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (Fabr., 1798), fed with soybean [Glycine max (L.)] Merrill pods. Nymphs were maintained at three different photophases: 10 h, 12 h, and 14 h, with constant temperature of 25 ± 1 o C and relative humidity of 65 ± 5%. With 14 h, aproximately 100% of the adults showed mature reproductive organs; the shoulder (spine) length was significantly greater (2.96 and 2.79 mm for females and males, respectively) than those of bugs maintained at the photophase of 12 h (2.60 mm for females and males) and 10 h (2.59 and 2.53 mm for females and males). At the longer photophase (14 h), E. heros showed better reproductive performance and greater feeding activity than insects reared at 10 h and 12 h; in all photophases bugs tended to reduce feeding from the 1st to the 6th week of life. Body color was considered an unreliable parameter to indicate diapause incidence. However, at 14 h, 60% of the insects were dark brown and 40% were reddish brown. These results indicate that E. heros enters reproductive diapause with photophase of 12 hours or less, showing immature reproductive organs or with intermediate development, with shoulder (spine) less developed and reduced feeding activity. Key words: Neotropical brown stink bug, diapause, photoperiod, reproductive organs, feeding activity. RESUMO Influência da fotofase na diapausa reprodutiva, formas sazonais e atividade alimentar de Euschistus heros (Fabr., 1798) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) A influência da fotofase na diapausa do percevejo-marrom Euschistus heros (Fabr.) alimentado com soja [Glycine max (L.)] Merrill foi estudada em laboratório. Os experimentos foram conduzidos sob três fotofases, 10 h, 12 h e 14 h, mantendo-se constantes a temperatura (25 ± 1 o C) e a umidade relativa (65 ± 5%). Sob 14 h, cerca de 100% dos insetos apresentaram órgãos reprodutivos maduros; os espinhos pronotais, medidos aos 10 dias de vida adulta, foram significativamente maiores (2,96 e 2,79 mm para fêmeas e machos, respectivamente) que os espinhos dos insetos mantidos sob 12 h (2,60 mm para fêmeas e machos) ou 10 h (2,59 e 2,53 mm para fêmeas e machos, respectivamente). Com a fotofase mais longa, ocorreu desempenho reprodutivo e atividade alimentar maiores do que o observado para adultos criados sob fotofase de 10 h ou 12 h. Em todas as fotofases observou-se tendência de diminuição da atividade alimentar dos percevejos da 1 a à 6 a semana. A coloração do corpo mostrou-se como um parâmetro não confiável para indicar a diapausa, mas, sob 14 h, cerca de 60% dos insetos apresentaram Braz. J. Biol., 62(2): 231-238, 2002 232 MOURÃO, A. P. M. and PANIZZI, A. R. corpo marrom-escuro e os demais marrom-avermelhado. Esses resultados demonstram que esse percevejo entra em diapausa reprodutiva sob fotofase de 12 horas ou menos, apresentando órgãos reprodutivos imaturos ou com desenvolvimento intermediário, espinhos pronotais menos desenvolvidos e redução na atividade alimentar. Palavras-chave: percevejo-marrom, diapausa, fotoperíodo, órgãos reprodutivos, atividade alimentar

    Reação de progênies de soja, em 2013, para cancro da haste e podridão radicular de fitóftora.

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    Rearing the southern green stink bug using an artificial dry diet and an artificial plant.

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    Laboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted with an artificial dry diet to rear nymphs, and with an artificial plant as substrate for egg laying by the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.). The artificial diet was composed of: soybean protein (15 g); potato starch (7.5 g); dextrose (7.5 g); sucrose (2.5 g); cellulose (12.5 g); vitamin mixture (niacinamide 1 g, calcium pantothenate 1 g, thiamine 0.25 g, riboflavin 0.5 g, pyridoxine 0.25 g, folic acid 0.25 g, biotin 0.02 mL, vitamin B12 1 g ? added to 1,000 mL of distilled water) (5.0 mL); soybean oil (20 mL); wheat germ (17.9 g); and water (30 mL). Nymphs showed normal feeding behavior when fed on the artificial diet. Nymphal development time was longer than or similar to that of nymphs fed on soybean pods. Total nymphal mortality was low (ca. 30%), both for nymphs reared on the artificial diet, and for nymphs fed on soybean pods. At adult emergence, fresh body weights were significantly (P<0.01) less on the artificial diet than on soybean pods. Despite the lower adult survivorship and fecundity on artificial plants than on soybean plants, it was demonstrated for the first time that a model simulating a natural plant, can be used as a substrate for egg mass laying, in conjunction with the artificial diet

    Effect of green-belly stink bug, Dichelops furcatus (F.) on wheat yield and development.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-28T23:48:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ID439242016v79CropProtection.pdf: 1075995 bytes, checksum: 6b09a11cbae72fe37816cffeb808e599 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-03201

    Artificial neural networks in the classification and identification of soybean cultivars by planting region.

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    Vinte variedades de soja (Glycine max), quatorze convencionais e seis variedades transgênicas (RR) foram analisadas quanto ao teor de proteína, ácido fítico, teor de óleo, fitosteróis, cinzas, minerais e ácidos graxos que foram tabelados e apresentados à rede neural do tipo perceptron de múltiplas camadas para a classificação e identificação quanto a região de plantio e quanto a variedade convencional ou transgênica. A rede neural utilizada classificou e testou corretamente 100% das amostras cultivadas por região. Para o banco de dados contendo informações sobre sojas transgênicas e convencionais foi obtido um desempenho de 94,43% no treinamento da rede, 83,30% no teste e 100% na validação

    Artificial neural networks in the classification and identification of soybean cultivars by planting region.

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    Vinte variedades de soja (Glycine max), quatorze convencionais e seis variedades transgênicas (RR) foram analisadas quanto ao teor de proteína, ácido fítico, teor de óleo, fitosteróis, cinzas, minerais e ácidos graxos que foram tabelados e apresentados à rede neural do tipo perceptron de múltiplas camadas para a classificação e identificação quanto a região de plantio e quanto a variedade convencional ou transgênica. A rede neural utilizada classificou e testou corretamente 100% das amostras cultivadas por região. Para o banco de dados contendo informações sobre sojas transgênicas e convencionais foi obtido um desempenho de 94,43% no treinamento da rede, 83,30% no teste e 100% na validação. Twenty soybean (Glycine max) varieties, 14 conventional and 6 transgenic varieties were analyzed for protein content, phytic acid, oil content, phytosterols, ash, minerals and fatty acids. The data were tabled and presented to the multilayer perceptron neural network for classification and identification of their planting region and whether they were a conventional or transgenic. The neural network used correctly classified and tested 100% of the samples cultivated per region. For the data bank containing information on transgenic and conventional soybean, a performance of 94.43% was obtained in the training of the neural network, 83.30% in the test and 100% in the validation

    Tempeh flour as a substitute for soybean flour in coconut cookies.

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    The objective of this study was to prepare roasted and lyophilized tempeh flour with soybean cultivar BRS 267 to apply them in the formulation of coconut biscuits. The cookies produced with whole soy flour and mixed flour of soybean and tempeh were evaluated for proximate composition, fatty acid profile, and isoflavone aglycones in order to verify the effects of inoculation with the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus and those of the drying processes of roasting and lyophilization on the chemical characteristics of the final product. Sensory acceptance and purchase intention of the formulated products were also evaluated. The results indicate the maintenance of linolenic acid, which is important in the prevention of coronary diseases, and an increase in the aglycones levels when the tempeh flour was used. Lipids and proteins showed differences, and the sensory analyses demonstrated similarity between the cookies with satisfactory scores for aroma, flavor, texture, and overall acceptability for both samples. when compared to the control. Purchase intent was also positive for the lyophilized and toasted tempeh flours, thus enabling the use of the roasting process as a simple drying method, for processing tempeh and obtaining a flour rich in proteins and aglycones that can be used as a partial substitute for soy flour in cookies and other bakery products