477 research outputs found

    Стильова палітра сучасних літературних мов

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    У статті розглянуто та проаналізовано проблеми функційно-стилістичної диференціації сучасної літературної мови. З’ясовано, що базовою в сучасній українській мові є класифікація, згідно з якоювиділяють п’ять основних стилів мови: науковий, офіційно-діловий, публіцистичний, художній та розмовний. Проаналізовано питання взаємодії стилів: функційних і експресивних, усних і писемних. Наявнiсть стилiв мови в сучасних лiтературних мовах, зокрема i в украïнськiй, є одним із найвагомiших показникiв ïх високого розвитку, прогресу, повноцiнного функцiювання. Обсяг і багатство кожного стилю визначаються обсягом i станом розвитку тiєï сфери життя, яку обслуговує мова в параметрах певного стилю з його своєрiдними мовними засобами. Система стилiв у сучасних розвинених мовах загалом однотипна. (In the article the problems of functional-stylistic differentiation of modern literary language were discussed and analyzed. It was found that the base in modern Ukrainian language is the classification under which there are five main styles of speech: scientific, official-business, journalistic, artistic and conversational. The issues of stylistic interaction: functional and expressive, verbal and written were analyzed. The presence of language styles in modern literary languages, including in Ukrainian, is one of the most important indicators their high development, progress, functioning. The volume and wealth of each style are defined as volume and development of life, which language serves in the parameters of a certain style with its original language means. The system of styles in modern developed languages in general has one type. The main social and own linguistic essence of language is seen in the style of executable functions. They are indeed very important, but can not serve as the primary source of style, the foundation of his existence. Each style of language formed with only his peculiar linguistic signs, such tools as lexical, phraseological and grammatical. There are main functional styles of modern Ukrainian literary language: conversational, journalistic, scientific style, official-business style, artistic style. The basis of functional-style differentiation of language is extra-linguistic and structural features of their own language. Functional styles are differed by quantitative indicators used linguistic and structural units, and the functions which they perform in specific texts. Linguists unanimously mentioned the presence of different functional styles in language. Differences arise in approaches to ascertain the nature and role of the factors that form the functional style. Today there are different approaches to classification of functional styles, the number of these styles and their names do not match.

    Off-diagonal impedance in amorphous wires and application to linear magnetic sensors

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    The magnetic-field behaviour of the off-diagonal impedance in Co-based amorphous wires is investigated under the condition of sinusoidal (50 MHz) and pulsed (5 ns rising time) current excitations. For comparison, the field characteristics of the diagonal impedance are measured as well. In general, when an alternating current is applied to a magnetic wire the voltage signal is generated not only across the wire but also in the coil mounted on it. These voltages are related with the diagonal and off-diagonal impedances, respectively. It is demonstrated that these impedances have a different behaviour as a function of axial magnetic field: the former is symmetrical and the latter is antisymmetrical with a near linear portion within a certain field interval. In the case of the off-diagonal response, the dc bias current eliminating circular domains is necessary. The pulsed excitation that combines both high and low frequency harmonics produces the off-diagonal voltage response without additional bias current or field. This suits ideal for a practical sensor circuit design. The principles of operation of a linear magnetic sensor based on C-MOS transistor circuit are discussed.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Trans. Magn. (2004


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    У статті висвітлено досвід соціального служіння Римо-католицької церкви в сучасній Україні на прикладі діяльності регіональної Місії «Карітас-Спес» Кам’янецьк-Подільської дієцезії; увага зосереджена на доброчинності (In the article experience of social service is reflected of Roman Catholic Church in modern Ukraine on the example of activity of regional Mission of «Karitas-Spes» Kam’yanetsk-podil’ska diocese; attention is concentrated on charity

    Ferromagnetic Wires Composite Media with Tunable Scattering Spectra at Microwaves

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    We demonstrate composite media with ferromagnetic wires that exhibit a frequency region at the microwave regime with scattering spectra strongly dependent on an external magnetic field or stress. These tunable composite materials have recently been proposed theoretically; however, no direct experimental verification has been reported. We used composite materials with predominantly oriented CoFeCrSiB glass-coated amorphous wires having large magnetoimpedance at GHz frequencies. The free space measurements of reflection and transmission coefficients were conducted in the frequency range 1-8 GHz in the presence of an external static magnetic field or stress applied to the whole sample. In general, the transmission spectra show greater changes in the range of 10dB for a relatively small magnetic field of few Oe or stress of 0.1 MPa. The obtained results are quantitatively consistent with the analytical expressions predicted by the effective medium arguments. The incident electromagnetic wave induces an electrical dipole moment in each wire, the aggregate of which forms the effective dipole response of the whole composite structure in the radiative near or far field region. The field and stress dependences of the effective response arise from a field or tensile stress sensitivity of the ac surface impedance of a ferromagnetic wire. In the vicinity of the antenna resonance the variations in the magneto-impedance of the wire inclusions result in large changes of the total effective response. A number of applications of proposed materials is discussed including the field tunable microwave surfaces and the self-sensing media for the remote non-destructive evaluation of structural materials

    Особливості українського національно-визвольного руху на Житомирщині (1990 - 1992 рр.) (Features of Ukrainian national liberation church motion are on Zhytomyr region (1990-1992))

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    У статті висвітлено питання становлення УАПЦ на Житомирщині у 1990 - 1992 pp. Показано взаємодію релігійного і політичного чинників у процесі національного відродження в області. (In the article the question of becoming of UAPC is reflected on Zhitomirschini in 1990 - 1992. Co-operation of religious and political factors is rotined in the process of national revival in an area.

    Stress effect on magnetoimpedance (MI) in amorphous wires at GHz frequencies and application to stress-tunable microwave composite materials

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    The effect of tensile stress on magnetoimpedance (MI) in CoMnSiB amorphous wires at microwave frequencies (0.5-3 GHz) is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. In the presence of the dc bias magnetic field of the order of the anisotropy field, the impedance shows very large and sensitive change when the wire is subjected to a tensile stress: 100% and 60% per 180 MPa for frequencies 500 MHz and 2.5 GHz, respectively. It is demonstrated that this behavior owes mainly to the directional change in the equilibrium magnetization caused by the applied stress and field, which agrees well with the theoretical results for the surface impedance. This stress effect on MI is proposed to use for creating microwave stress-tunable composite materials containing short magnetic wires. The analysis of the dielectric response from such materials shows that depending on the stress level in the material, the dispersion of the effective permittivity can be of a resonant or relaxation type with a considerable change in its values (up to 100% at 600 MPa). This media can be used for structural stress monitoring by microwave contrast imaging