12 research outputs found

    Laser analgesic during orthodontic therapy

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    Introduction: Most of the patients feel pain 4 hours after the arch applying, gaining the highest level after 24 hours and its lowering in the next few days. Literature reports show that the fear of pain is a very important reason for discouraging the patient to agree for this kind of orthodontic treatment The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the biostimulative laser treatment in pain reduction in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Materials and methods. Fifteen patients were treated with low energy level biostimulative diode laser, used 2 minutes per quadrant immediately after placement of fixed orthodontic appliances and in the following four days. The control group of 15 patients received analgesic therapy for period of five days. The pain was assessed subjectively as strong, medium or no pain. The pain disappeared in 20% of the subjects in the examined group after the first day, while in 60% and 26.6% of the subjects medium and isolated pain was still present at day 2 and 3, respectively. Results. The pain disappeared in all the patients treated with laser at day 5. In the control group, strong pain was present in all the subjects the first day, decreasing to 60% of strong pain and 20% medium pain the second day. After day three, the control group demonstrated medium localized pain in 40% of the cases, which dropped to 26.6% after the fourth day, suggesting delayed pain reduction, compared to the laser treated group. Conclusion. Our results suggest that the low energy laser treatment can successfully be used for pain reduction during the initial discomfort period after placing fixed orthodontic appliances

    Лекување и редставрација на забот или екстракција или соодветна протетска рехабилитација

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    Лекување на еден периодонтално засегнат заб, спротивно на екстракција е една од најтешките одлуки што еден стоматолог мора да ги донесе. Клиничарот може да донесе одлука врз основа на одредени критериуми дадени во литературата, но сепајк неговото искуство сеуште останува најважен, ако не и зачува или екстрахира. За жал во стоматологијата, како и во сите биолошки науки, нема конкретен одговор на ова прашање, па токму затоаовој труд ќе погледне во литературата, но и ќе го симулира долгогодишното искуство на авторите со основна цел да му помогне на клиничарот во донесувањето на одлуките во врска со судбината на компромитираниот заб. Согледувајќи го ова преминавме на пребарување на литературата која беШе достпна, а која се занимава со овој проблем. Истражувањето беше изведено според три клучни збора: екстракција на заби, план на терапија и критериуми. Целокупната литература беше прегледана о користејќи го своето искуство авторите направија селекција и систематизација на податоците. Со цел да се направи ред во податоците решивме факторите и варијабилите во донесувањето на одлуката да ги поделиме во 6 категории: 1. иницијална проценка, 2. стадиумот или сериозноста на пародонталната болест, 3. зафатеноста на фуркацијата 4. етиолошките фактори, 5. рестарвативните фактори, 6. други решавачки фактори. Секоја поединечна категорија е дискутирана во трудот

    Оптимално орално здравје кај возрасната популација на територија на Република Македонија.

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    Преку анкета, авторите на овој труд се обиделе да направат проценка на тоталната и парцијалната беззабност кај возрасната популација на Република Македонија, дефинирана како лица постари од 35 години. Исто така преку оваа анкета авторите се обиделе да испитаат колкав е процентот на лица кои го задоволуваат критериумот за оптимално орално здравје. Опфатени се 2367 испитаници од сите делови на Република Македонија. Резултатите покажале дека 23,62 % од испитаниците поседувале тотална беззабност, парцијална беззабност е забележана кај 66,79 % од испитаниците. Критериумот оптимално орално здравје (најмалку 20 заби во усната празнина), според авторите го задоволуваат само 38,10 % од испитуваната популација

    Morphological aberrations of the width of attached gingiva and their influence

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    Since many years, a great number of studies have been discussing the role of attached gingiva in marginal periodontal behavior, either accepting that a minimum of 2.0 mm of width is required to maintain marginal periodontal health or suggesting that width is negligible if excellent oral hygiene is performed, yet areas with narrow width of attached gingiva seem to be prone to periodontal attachment loss. Therefore the main aim of our study was to determine the influence, if any, of different widths of attached gingiva on attachment loss. The survey was carried out on 209 lower incisor due to extraction. Prior to extraction plague index, index of gingival bleeding upon probing, and gingival inflammation (Sillnes Loe) were noted for each tooth. Afterwards the width of attached gingiva in lower vestibule was measured. After extraction the periodontally involved part of the root was carefully scaled and cleaned in running water and then stained for 10 seconds in 0.1% toludine blue to facilitate the measurement of attachment loss. Loss of attachment was then measured along the long axis of the tooth from cemento–enamel junction to the most coronal level of the stained periodontal ligament on the vestibular, distal and lingual surface. Obtained data were divided into two groups according to the previously measured width of attached gingiva. -Group1 teeth extracted from regions with attached gingiva equal or more than 2 mm (n=115) -Group2 teeth extracted from regions with attached gingiva less than 2 mm. (n=94) Obtained data showed statistically significant higher values of plague and gingival indices for the second group. Attachment loss was significantly higher in regions with inadequate width of attached gingiva

    Anatomical perspective of clinical application of micro-implants for temporary skeletal anchorage in orthodontics

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    During the orthodontic treatment anchorage control is the most important factor of successful treatment. Micro-implants are new stationary anchorage; they are osseointegrated implants, implanted in the jaw of the patients. Skeletal anchorage system allows direct connection between screw-implant and target teeth that we need to correct orthodontically; provides absolute anchorage and adequate tooth movement. Orthodontic treatment, using a skeletal anchorage system, is not only effective, but it also offers a variety of treatment alternatives in challenging cases where traditional mechanics cannot be used. The orthodontic treatment with micro-implants is independent of patient’s cooperation; it takes shorter time; enables harmonious occlusion and gives functional and aesthetic individual optimum. Keywords: skeletal anchorage system, micro-implants, micro-screw, temporary anchorage devic

    Evidence based dentistry – between the science and the clinical practice

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    It is generally accepted that the more experience a physician or a dentist possess better the quality of health care delivery. However, recent studies had shown that there is in fact an inverse relationship between the number of years of practice and the quality of care provided. Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) is a process that restructures the way in which we think about clinical problems. It is an approach to clinical problem solving that has evolved from a self-directed and problem based approach to learning rather than the more traditional didactic form. The American Dental Association’s definition is by far the most comprehensive, as it captures the core elements of EBD and it is namely patient–centered definition. They define it as an approach to oral health care that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessments of clinically relevant scientific evidence, relating to the patient’s oral and medical condition and history, with the dentist’s clinical expertise and the patient’s treatment needs and preferences. This paper outlines this role, together with the advantages and problems of introducing an evidence based approach to dentistry. Key words: dentistry, dental education, evidence-based dentistr

    Update of oral surgery management in orally anticoagulated patients

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    Aim of this study is to review the evidence of different therapy approach, to highlight the areas of major concern and to suggest specific oral surgery treatment for patients on oral anticoagulants. The aim of operative treatment is to minimize the risk of hemorrhage while continuing to protect the patient against thromboembolism formation. The ordinary treatment includes the interruption of anticoagulant therapy for oral surgery interventions to prevent hemorrhage. However, this practice may logically increase the risk of a potentially life-threatening thromboembolism. Thus, this issue is still controversial. The update management of oral surgery procedures on patients treated with oral anticoagulants should be influenced by several factors: laboratory values, extent and urgency of the intervention, treating physician’s recommendation, available facilities, dentist expertise, and patient’s oral, medical, and general condition. Key words: oral surgery, oral anticoagulant therap

    Вклучување на студентите во процесот на учење: работни групи и студиски тимови

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    Вовед: Студентите најдобро учат кога се активно вклучени во процесот на учење. Сознанијата укажуваат дека, без разлика за кој наставен предметот се работи,соработката на студентите во мали групи има тенденција да научат повеќе од она што се учи и го задржуваат истото повеќе отколку кога истата содржина е претставена во други наставни форми. Постојат три општи типови на работа во групи: неформални групи за учење, формални групи за учење и студиски тимови. Цел: Цел на трудот е да се покаже ефектот од имплементацијата на процесот на учење кај неколку различни групи и тимови на студенти. Материјал, метод и резултати: Во истражувањето беа вклучени 190 студентите од прва, втора и трета година на студиските програми по Стоматологија (130 студенти), како и студентите од Стручните студии за забен техничар – протетичар (60 студенти) на Факултетот за медицински науки во Штип. Беа применети три вида на учење: неформалното учење во групи - ad hoc времени групи на студентите во рамките на една сесија; формалното учење во групи - тимови формирани со цел да се заврши одредена задача (вообичаено, студентите работат заедно додека проектната задача е завршена и оценета) и студиските тимови - долгорочни групи, обично постоечките во текот на еден семестар. Резултатите укажуваат дека колку е поголема класата и предметот е посложен, толку се поголеми вредностите на студиските тимови. Кај овие тимови и групи најдобри резултати беа постигнати преку поддршка со компјутерска обработка на колаборативно учење (CSCL) кое се нарекува Е-учење 2.0. Заклучок: Концептот на соработка na групи за учење при наставните методи се наменети за поттикнување на студентите да работат заедно. Потребно е да се прави разлика помеѓу колаборативно учење од моделот на традиционалниот "директен пренос", во која се смета дека професорот треба да биде дистрибутер на знаења и вештини. Клучни зборови: вклучување, учење, подучување, настава Introduction: Students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Researchers report that, regardless of the subject matter, students working in small groups tend to learn more of what is taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other instructional formats. Тhere are three general types of group work: informal learning groups, formal learning groups, and study teams. Aim: The aim of this study was to show the implementation effect of teaching process in different students groups and study group. Material, methods and results: Тhe investigation included 190 students of the first, second and third study year of the Study program of General Stomatology (130 students), as well as dental technicians students – prosthetic (130 students) of the Faculty of Medical sciences – Stip. There were used three type of learning: Informal learning groups - ad hoc temporary groups of students within a single class session; Formal learning groups - teams established to complete a specific task (usually, students work together until the task is finished and graded); Study teams are long-term groups (usually existing over the course of a semester). The results shows that as the larger was the class and the more complex the subject matter, the more valuable study teams can be. The best results were achieved with support of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning which is named E-learning 2.0. Conclusion: Concept of cooperation of learning groups in the teaching methods are designed to encourage the students to work together. It is necessary to distinguish between collaborative learning model of the traditional "direct transmission", which considers that the professor should be a distributor of knowledge and skills. Keywords: inclusion, learning, teaching, education

    When to extract a compromised tooth

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    There are often questions and doubts concerning the decision-making process in regard to the prognosis of an individual tooth. Unfortunately in dentistry, as in all biologic sciences, there are no straightforward answers to questions. Decisions concerning the survival of the tooth are often made by specialists without any uniform criteria, usually only on the base of their previous experience. This article will look at the literature in this area to help the practitioner in the decision-making process what to do with the compromised tooth. In order to help clinicians to make better choice, factors and variables that can influence the final decision are discussed as factors influencing initial assessment, periodontal disease severity, fur-cation involvement, ethological factors, restorative and other factors. Although there are many literature data concerning this subject, no simplified and precise criteria are offered; so further work should be done in attempt to make some more uniform criteria concerning this subject

    Student inclusion in the learning process:group work and study teams

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    Introduction: Students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Researchers report that, regardless of the subject matter, students working in small groups tend to learn more of what is taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other instructional formats. Тhere are three general types of group work: informal learning groups, formal learning groups, and study teams. Aim: The aim of this study was to show the implementation effect of teaching process in different students groups and study group. Material, methods and results: Тhe investigation included 190 students of the first, second and third study year of the Study program of General Stomatology (130 students), as well as dental technicians students – prosthetic (130 students) of the Faculty of Medical sciences – Stip. There were used three type of learning: Informal learning groups - ad hoc temporary groups of students within a single class session; Formal learning groups - teams established to complete a specific task (usually, students work together until the task is finished and graded); Study teams are long-term groups (usually existing over the course of a semester). The results shows that as the larger was the class and the more complex the subject matter, the more valuable study teams can be. The best results were achieved with support of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning which is named E-learning 2.0. Conclusion: Concept of cooperation of learning groups in the teaching methods are designed to encourage the students to work together. It is necessary to distinguish between collaborative learning model of the traditional "direct transmission", which considers that the professor should be a distributor of knowledge and skills. Keywords: inclusion, learning, teaching, education