35 research outputs found

    The In Sacco Dry Matter and Organic Matter Degradability of Four Feedstuffs

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    The degradability characteristic of four feedstuffs was examined in order to optimize the use of feedstuff to make a complete feed. Arenga waste (Aw), dried-Cassava waste (dCw), dried Leucaena leaves (dLl), and Commercial feed (Cf) as control were tested by in sacco method. The method consisted of preparation, incubation, and post-incubation. Four samples of respective stuffs were placed in nylon bag and incubated for 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, and 72 hours (h) in the rumen of three fistulated cows (I3 aged, female Ongole Crossbred, 250 kg of live weight). Each sample was represented by three replicates at each incubation time. The in sacco measurement using the equation of D = a + b (1-ect). The value of fraction a, b and c were used to calculate the Effective Degradability (ED) with assumption that the outflow of feed particle size of rumen (Kp) was constantly at 0.06. The data were analyzed by completely randomised design. Results revealed within 24 h incubation, the dry matter degradability (DMD) of dCw (79.50%) and Cf (70.68%) were higher than that of Aw (48.84%) and dLl (54.44%). Within 3-12 h of interval incubation, all materials were the same condition in the rate of loss dry matter with ranged 0.81 to 1.25 per h and tended to decrease after 24-72 h interval incubation. Meanwhile the dry matter ED 0.06 of Aw (33.08%) was the lowest and Cf (59.99%) was the highest. As of 24 h incubation, the organic matter degradability (OMD) of dCw (62.97%) and Cf (64.37%) were higher than that of Aw (37.59%) and dLl (45.09%). Within 24-72 h of interval incubation, all materials were the same condition in the rate of loss organic matter with ranged 0.09 to 0.18% per h. The organic matter TD 0.06 of Cf (62.28%) was the highest followed by dCw (46.58%), dLl (42.44%), and Aw (25.45%). It can be concluded that the effective dry matter degradability of dried-Cassava waste (dCw), dried-Leucaena leaves was lower than commercial feed (Cf, P0.05) but they were higher than that of Arenga waste (Aw). This condition was also alike with their effective organic matter degradabilit

    The dry matter digestibility characteristics of tropical tree legumes using menke in vitro gas production technique

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    The amount of gas released when a feed was incubated in vitro with rumen fluid, was closely related to the digestibility of the feed. The experiment using Menke in vitro gas production was conducted to determine the dry matter digestibility of tropical tree legumes; Leucaena leucocephala, Flemingia macrophyla, and Gliricida sepium. The samples were collected from Institute of Animal Science farms of the University of the Philippines at Los Banos. The amount of gas produced were recorded at 3, 6, 12, 48 and 72 hours of incubation. To estimate the volume of gas, the equation of Tuah was adopted; while to describe the course of gas production, the equation of MCDONALD was used. The washing loss was not measured and assumed to be zero. Results showed that leucaena at 12 hours was the highest in the volume of gas produced (1.217 ml/g DM). There was a similarity of highly increase of the gas produced between gliricidia and flemingia at 24 hours of incubation i.e 1.60 ml/g DM and 1.60ml/g DM. The potential extent gas production at 72 hours (b value) and the gas production rate (c value) of three legumes were no significantly different. According to the logarithmic-curve of gas volume produced, leucaena tended to be the highest of increase in potential extent and the gas production rate. The different rate of gas production in related to incubation reflected the dry matter digestibility of the three legumes in the rumen.   Key words: In vitro gas production, dry matter digestibilit

    Analisis Hubungan Motivasi Belajar Dengan Pemahaman Konsep Gerak Lurus Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami hubungan antara motivasi belajar dengan pemahaman konsep. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian expost facto korelasional. Analisis perbandingan antara motivasi belajar dengan pemahaman konsep gerak lurus diperoleh hubungan yang linear dengan positif dan signifikan dengan koefisien determinasi 29,1% yang menunjukkan hubungan signifikan atau kontribusi motivasi belajar sebesar 29,1% terhadap pemahaman konsep gerak lurus. Hasil uji regresi menghasilkan persamaan regresi y = -32.260 + 1,649x yang berarti setiap skor motivasi belajar memiliki kontribusi sebesar 1,649 poin terhadap pemahaman konsep gerak lurus. Hasil ini relevan dengan penelitian lain

    Probiotic in Ruminant Feed

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    The technology development of ruminant feed is related to the effort of fulfilling the nutrient requirement for maintenance and production of rumen microbes and optimizing the protein synthesis of rumen microbes, hence improving the animal production . Probiotic is widely used in feed to avoid the negative effect of antibiotic after therapeutic treatment and to be used as growth promoter . This paper describes the concept of probiotic, selection of microbes for probiotic, the benefit, the effect and the mechanism of probiotic in ruminant . In conclusion, probiotic can improve the animal growth and increase the immunity against diseases . Key words : Probiotic, growth stimulant, ruminan

    Phenotypic Characterization of Jawa Brebes (Jabres) Cattle

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    The aim of this study was to identify the relationship among body measurements in Jabres cattle. A total of 193 cows were used. The parameters recorded were: body length (BL), withers height (WH), rump height (RH), rump length (RL), rump width (RW), heart girth (HG), shoulder width (SW), chest depth (CD), face length (FL), and face width (FW). The results showed that the mean body weight was 260,868 kg while the body measurements were 109.732; 115.572; 119.158; 31.674; 11.589; 147.169; 31.341; 55.892; 40.915; and 17.242 cm for BL, WH, RH, RL, RW, HG, SW, CD, FL, and FW respectively. The coefficients of correlation obtained were: r = 0.269 (BW - BL), r = 0.451 (BW - WH), r = 0.464 (BW - RH), r = 0.123 (BW - RL), r = 0.309 (BW - RW), r = 0.502 (BW - HG), r = 0.519 (BW - SW), r = 0.443 (BW - CD), r = 0.269 (BW - FL), and  r = 0.396 (BW - FW) respectively. The components were extracted explaining 51.544% of the total variation. The body measurements could be used as selection criteria for improving body weight of Jabres cattle

    Efektivitas Amoniasi, Fermentasi, dan Amoniasi Fermentasi dengan Trichoderma harzianum pada Jerami Sereh Wangi (Cymbopogon nardus)

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ransum yang mengandung azolla (Azolla microphylla) terhadap indeks kuning telur, indeks putih telur dan haugh unit telur ayam. Azolla merupakan tanaman paku air yang pertumbuhan cepat dan dapat dijadikan bahan pakan alternatif untuk ayam petelur. Penelitian menggunakan 48 ekor ayam petelur strain ISA Brown berumur 54 minggu di Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan (P0= ransum tanpa azolla; P1= ransum dengan 5% azolla; P2= ransum dengan 10% azolla; dan P3= ransum dengan 15% azolla) dan 6 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ransum yang mengandung azolla berpengaruh tidak nyata (P0,05) terhadap indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur dan haugh unit telur. Penggunaan azolla sampai taraf 15% menghasilkan nilai yang sama terhadap indeks kuning telur, indeks putih telur dan haugh unit telur ayam.    (Effectiveness ammoniation, fermentation and amoniated fermentation with Trichoderma harzianum in citronella straw (Cymbopogon nardus))    ABSTRACT. The research was conducted to investigate effectiveness of ammoniation, fermentation and ammoniated fermentation with Trichoderma harzianum on citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) straw. The research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments: citronella straw with ammoniation treatment (P1), citronella straw with fermentation treatment (P2), and citronella straw with ammoniated fermentation treatment (P3). Each treatment was replicated five times. The parameters measured were an increase in crude protein content, an increase in Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN), a decrease in crude fiber, and a decrease in lignin. Variance analysis was conducted to determine treatment effect and followed by Multiple Range of Duncan to determine difference between treatment. The result showed that treatments give significant effect (P0.05) on increasing of crude protein, increasing of TDN, decreasing of crude fiber and decreasing of lignin. The best value processing of citronella straw was ammoniated fermentation with Trichoderma harzianum. It concluded that ammoniated fermentation with Trichoderma harzianum had the best effectiveness in processing of citronella straw

    Content e-Learning Basis Data

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    Basis data adalah tempat penyimpanan file data, sebagai file data, basis data tidak menyajikan informasi secara lansung kepada pengguna. Pengguna harus menjalankan aplikasi untuk menjalankan basis data dan menyajikan dalam bentuk yang bisa dimegerti, oleh karena itu diperlukan perancangan basis data yang baik.Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi mahasiswa adalah sulitnya mempelajari buku- buku pendidikan yang sepenuhnya membahas materi dan informasi berupa tulisan. Untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran mengenai basis data diperlukan sebuah aplikasi content e- Learning basis data yang bertujuan untuk membantu proses pembelajaran sehingga lebih mudah memahami materi basis data. Untuk mencapai deskripsi tersebut maka, dibangunlah sebuah aplikasi berbasis flash (content e-Learning basis data) dengan menggunkan Actionscript 2.0 dan swishMax4 yang lebih efektif dan effisien sehingga sangat diharapkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dalam proses pembelajaran khususnya basis data. E-Learning basis data ini hanya membahas beberapa materi dalam basis data yaitu, pengenalan basis data, ERD, table relasi dan structure query language (DDL) yang disertai simulasi soal pada masing- masing materinya. Kata Kunci : e-Learning, basis dat


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