31 research outputs found

    Substance P in the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus Evokes Gastric Motor Inhibition via Neurokinin 1 Receptor in Rat 1

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    ABSTRACT Many gastrointestinal stimuli result in gastric fundic relaxation. This information is integrated at the interface of vagal afferents and efferents in the dorsal vagal complex. Substance P (SP) is present in this region, and the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK 1 R) is highly expressed in preganglionic neurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN). However, its functional effects on vagal motor output to the stomach have not been investigated. Therefore, we determined the gastric motor effects of stereotaxic microinjection of SP and selective tachykinin receptor agents into the DMN of anesthetized rats. Dose-related decreases in intragastric pressure and antral motility were obtained on the microinjection of SP (135 and 405 pmol) into the DMN, without cardiovascular changes. Similar decreases in intragastric pressure were noted after the microinjection of [Sar 9 ,Met(O 2 ) 11 ]SP (NK 1 R agonist; 135 pmol) but not senktide (NK 3 R agonist; 135 pmol) or vehicle. The gastric motor inhibition evoked by SP (135 pmol) was attenuated by prior microinjection of 2-methoxy-5-tetrazol-1-yl-benzyl-(2-phenyl-piperidin-3-yl)-amine (GR203040; 1 nmol; NK 1 R antagonist). Vagotomy or hexamethonium (15 mg/kg i.v.) completely abolished the gastric relaxation evoked by SP (135 pmol) microinjected into the DMN. We conclude that SP acts on NK 1 R preganglionic cholinergic vagal neurons in the DMN, which control enteric nonadrenergic noncholinergic motor inhibition of the fundus. The potential relevance is that an antiemetic site of action of NK 1 R antagonists may be in the DMN to prevent excitation of neurons controlling fundic relaxation, which is an essential prodromal component of emesis. Many stimuli to the gastrointestinal tract result in hormonal ("endoneurocrine") or neuronal feedback to other regions of the gut, and the vagus nerve is intimately involved in conveying this information to the upper gastrointestinal tract. Integration of "long-loop" vagal afferent-efferent pathways from the gut occurs in the dorsal vagal complex of the hindbrain medulla. This complex comprises the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN), where preganglionic motor neurons innervating the gastrointestinal tract are located, and the nucleus tractus solitarius, where primary visceral afferents terminate. Preganglionic neurons in the DMN target the stomach One candidate neurotransmitter in the dorsal vagal complex that could mediate fundic relaxation is substance P (SP). The microinjection of SP into the nucleus tractus solitarius evokes gastric relaxatio

    Small Intestinal Cannabinoid Receptor Changes Following a Single Colonic Insult with Oil of Mustard in Mice

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    Cannabinoids are known to be clinically beneficial for control of appetite disorders and nausea/vomiting, with emerging data that they can impact other GI disorders, such as inflammation. Post-inflammatory irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) is a condition of perturbed intestinal function that occurs subsequent to earlier periods of intestinal inflammation. Cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1R) and CB2R alterations in GI inflammation have been demonstrated in both animal models and clinically, but their continuing role in the post-inflammatory period has only been implicated to date. Therefore, to provide direct evidence for CBR involvement in altered GI functions in the absence of overt inflammation, we used a model of enhanced upper GI transit that persists for up to 4 weeks after a single insult by intracolonic 0.5% oil of mustard (OM) in mice. In mice administered OM, CB1R immunostaining in the myenteric plexus was reduced at day 7, when colonic inflammation is subsiding, and then increased at 28 days, compared to tissue from age-matched vehicle-treated mice. In the lamina propria CB2R immunostaining density was also increased at day 28. In mice tested 28 day after OM, either a CB1R-selective agonist, ACEA (1 and 3 mg/kg, s.c.) or a CB2R-selective agonist, JWH-133 (3 and 10 mg/kg, s.c.) reduced the enhanced small intestinal transit in a dose-related manner. Doses of ACEA and JWH-133 (1 mg/kg), alone or combined, reduced small intestinal transit of OM-treated mice to a greater extent than control mice. Thus, in this post-colonic inflammation model, both CBR subtypes are up-regulated and there is increased efficacy of both CB1R and CB2R agonists. We conclude that CBR remodeling occurs not only during GI inflammation but continues during the recovery phase. Thus, either CB1R- or CB2-selective agonists could be efficacious for modulating GI motility in individuals experiencing diarrhea-predominant PI-IBS

    The Effect of Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 Receptor Agonists on Colonic Anastomotic Wound Healing

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    Background. Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) is an intestinal specific trophic hormone, with therapeutic potential; the effects on intestinal healing are unknown. We used a rat model of colonic healing, under normoxic, and stress (hypoxic) conditions to examine the effect of GLP-2 on intestinal healing. Methods. Following colonic transection and reanastomosis, animals were randomized to one of six groups (n = 8/group): controls, native GLP-2, long-acting GLP-2 (GLP-2- MIMETIBODY, GLP-2-MMB), animals were housed under normoxic or hypoxic (11%  O2) conditions. Animals were studied five days post-operation for anastomotic strength and wound characteristics. Results. Anastomotic bursting pressure was unchanged by GLP-2 or GLP-2-MMB in normoxic or hypoxic animals; both treatments increased crypt cell proliferation. Wound IL-1β increased with GLP-2; IFNγ with GLP-2 and GLP-2-MMB. IL-10 and TGF-β were decreased; Type I collagen mRNA expression increased in hypoxic animals while Type III collagen was reduced with both GLP-2 agonists. GLP-2 MMB, but not native GLP-2 increased TIMP 1-3 mRNA levels in hypoxia. Conclusions. The effects on CCP, cytokines and wound healing were similar for both GLP-2 agonists under normoxic and hypoxic conditions; anastomotic strength was not affected. This suggests that GLP-2 (or agonists) could be safely used peri-operatively; direct studies will be required

    Human and Non-Human Primate Intestinal FcRn Expression and Immunoglobulin G Transcytosis

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate transcytosis of immunoglobulin G (IgG) by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in adult primate intestine to determine whether this is a means for oral delivery of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). METHODS: Relative regional expression of FcRn and localization in human intestinal mucosa by RT-PCR, ELISA & immunohistochemistry. Transcytosis of full-length mAbs (sandwich ELISA-based detection) across human intestinal segments mounted in Ussing-type chambers, human intestinal (caco-2) cell monolayers grown in transwells, and serum levels after regional intestinal delivery in isoflurane-anesthetized cynomolgus monkeys. RESULTS: In human intestine, there was an increasing proximal-distal gradient of mucosal FcRn mRNA and protein expression. In cynomolgus, serum mAb levels were greater after ileum-proximal colon infusion than after administration to stomach or proximal small intestine (1–5 mg/kg). Serum levels of wild-type mAb dosed into ileum/proximal colon (2 mg/kg) were 124 ± 104 ng/ml (n = 3) compared to 48 ± 48 ng/ml (n = 2) after a non-FcRn binding variant. In vitro, mAb transcytosis in polarized caco-2 cell monolayers and was not enhanced by increased apical cell surface IgG binding to FcRn. An unexpected finding in primate small intestine, was intense FcRn expression in enteroendocrine cells (chromagranin A, GLP-1 and GLP-2 containing). CONCLUSIONS: In adult primates, FcRn is expressed more highly in distal intestinal epithelial cells. However, mAb delivery to that region results in low serum levels, in part because apical surface FcRn binding does not influence mAb transcytosis. High FcRn expression in enteroendocrine cells could provide a novel means to target mAbs for metabolic diseases after systemic administration

    II. Excitatory amino acid receptors in the brain-gut axis

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    Emerging effects of tryptophan pathway metabolites and intestinal microbiota on metabolism and intestinal function

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    The metabolism of dietary tryptophan occurs locally in the gut primarily via host enzymes, with similar to 5% metabolized by gut microbes. Three major tryptophan metabolic pathways are serotonin (beyond the scope of this review), indole, kynurenine and related derivatives. We introduce the gut microbiome, dietary tryptophan and the potential interplay of host and bacterial enzymes in tryptophan metabolism. Examples of bacterial transformation to indole and its derivative indole-3 propionic acid demonstrate associations with human metabolic disease and gut permeability, although causality remains to be determined. This review will focus on less well-known data, suggestive of local generation and functional significance in the gut, where kynurenine is converted to kynurenic acid and xanthurenic acid via enzymatic action present in both host and bacteria. Our functional data demonstrate a limited effect on intestinal epithelial cell monolayer permeability and on healthy mouse ileum. Other data suggest a modulatory effect on the microbiome, potentially in pathophysiology. Supportive of this, we found that the expression of mRNA for three kynurenine pathway enzymes were increased in colon from high-fat-fed mice, suggesting that this host pathway is perturbed in metabolic disease. These data, along with that from bacterial genomic analysis and germ-free mice, confirms expression and functional machinery of enzymes in this pathway. Therefore, the host and microbiota may play a significant dual role in either the production or regulation of these kynurenine metabolites which, in turn, can influence both host and microbiome, especially in the context of obesity and intestinal permeability