4 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the results of investigation of the influence of variety and vintage on the chemical composition and sensory properties of Vranac, Kratosija and Cabernet Sauvignon wines in Podgorica subregion (Montenegro) in vintages 2012 and 2013. The varietal wines were produced from the grapes grown at four different localities, according to a uniform manner (traditional method) in the winery of the Biotechnical Faculty, located at the experimental farm in Podgorica, at the vineyard location of Ljeskopolje. The analysis of basic chemical parameters of wines and sensorial testing of wines were carried out. The research findings show that variety and vintage (climatic conditions) significantly affected the chemical composition of wine. The higher content of alcohol and extract was measured in 2012 vintage, while the total acid content in wine was higher in2013, as a result of frequent rainfall during the growing season, especially in August and September. The highest content of alcohol, extracts and total acids was found in Kratosija wine, then in Cabernet Sauvignon, while the lowest content was found in Vranac wine in both vintages. According to sensory properties and average testing score for the two years of research, all wines fall into the category of superior wines

    Uticaj folijarne prihrane na privredno tehnološke karakteristike sorte Kardinal

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    The study was preformed in the vintage 2015 with the aim to exame infuluence of use foliar fertilizers to the yield and the quality of Kardinal grapes. Folowing fertilazers were used: Folifertil B11, Wuxal Super, Wuxal magnezijum, Wuxal Ferro i Slavol. Each variant included 15 vines separated in three repetitions per 5 vines. The obtained results showed that fertilization had a positive effect on both: the yield and the content of sugar and acidity. The lowest average yield had the control variant. The differences are mostly and highly significant between variant with and without fertilizers. The highest yield was at Folifertil B 11 variant where the relative difference was from 0,45 to 1,6 in compare to not- fertilization. All variants of fertilization had higher content of sugar in compare to thecontrol variant.Tokom2015. godine ispitivan je uticaj specijalnih (kompleksnih) folijarnih đubriva na visinu prinosa i kvalitet grožđa sorte Kardinal. Korišćeni su sledeći preparati: Folifertil B11, Wuxal Super, Wuxal magnezijum, Wuxal Ferro i Slavol. U svakoj varijanti bilo je po 15 čokota rasporedjenih u tri ponavljanja po 5 čokota. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju da se đubrenje pozitivno odrazilo, kako na prinos tako i na sadrzaj šećera i kisjelina u grožđanom soku. Prosječno najmanji prinos grožđa imala je kontrola a razlike su uglavnom značajne i vrlo značajne u korist varijanata đubrenja. Najveći prinos bio je kod varijante Folifertil B11 a relativna razlika je od 0,45 do 1,6 u korist varijanata đubrenja. Sve varijante đubrenja su imale veći sadržaj šećera u širi od kontrole

    Rodnost i kvalitet grožđa sorte žižak u Podgoričkom vinogorju

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    In this paper are presented the results of two years study (2014-2015) of productivity elements and quality of grape of žižak variety in Podgorica wine region. Research was carried out in the vineyard of the Biotechnical Faculty in Podgorica, which is in full productivity phase. The results show that this variety continues to show good production characteristics, despite greater negative effect of climate changes. Environmental factors had no significant effect on the percentage of emerged and fruiting canes. A larger number of inflorescences per emerged and fruiting cane (1.20, and 1.44, respectively), grape yield and cluster weight were achieved in 2015 (1.4 kg/m2 and 156 g). In this year a higher sugar content (22.1%) was measured. Significantly higher acid content (6.8 g/l) was measured in 2014, as a result of the heavy rainfall during the growing season. These studies show that the elements of fertility and quality of grape žižak were in accordance with the weather conditions in the studied years.U radu su prikazani rezultati dvogodišnjih proučavanja (2014-2015) elemenata rodnosti i kvaliteta grožđa sorte žižak u podgoričkom vinogorju. Istraživanja su obavljena u vinogradu Biotehničkog fakulteta iz Podgorice koji je u fazi pune rodnosti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da, i pored sve izrazitijeg negativnog dejstva klimatskih promjena, ova sorta i dalje pokazuje dobre proizvodne karakteristike. Ekološki faktori nisu značajno uticali na procenat izbilih i rodnih lastara. Veći broj cvasti po izbilom i rodnom lastaru ( 1,20, odnosno 1,44) , prinos grožđa, kao i masa grozda ostvareni su u 2015. godini (1,4 kg/m2, odnosno 156 g). U ovoj godini utvrđen je i veći sadržaj šećera (22,1%). Značajno veći sadržaj kiselina (6,8g/l) izmjeren je u 2014.godini, štoje posljedica obilnih padavinatokom vegetacije vinove loze. Ova istraživanja su pokazala da su elementi rodnosti i kvalitet grožđa sorte žižak bili u direktnoj saglasnosti sa meteorološkim uslovima u proučavanim godinama

    Polyphenolic Characterisation of Vranac, Kratosija and Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L. cv.) grapes and wines from different vineyard locations in Montenegro

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    In Montenegro, red wines are produced predominantly, and Vranac accounts for nearly 80% of these wines, followed by Kratosija and Cabernet Sauvignon. In order to characterise polyphenols in red varieties, grapes were sampled from representative vineyards at harvest time during 2011 and 2012. The content and distribution of extractable anthocyanins, low-molecular mass proanthocyanidins (LMP) and highmolecular mass proanthocyanidins (HMP) in the seeds and skins of the grape berries were evaluated by applying a five-day extraction method using ethanol:water (12:88) as extraction solvent. On average, the highest content of LMP (2 006 and 1 690 mg/kg of grape fresh mass in years 2011 and 2012 respectively), HMP (2 705 and 2 805 mg/kg in years 2011 and 2012 respectively) and anthocyanins (1 035 mg/kg in the year 2011) was found in the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. The highest content of anthocyanins (1 113 mg/kg in the year 2012) and the lowest content of LMP (1 103 and 846 mg/kg in years 2011 and 2012 respectively) was found in Vranac grapes. Kratosija grapes had the lowest anthocyanin content (456 and 517 mg/kg in years 2011 and 2012 respectively), and levels of LMP were similar to Vranac. The percentage distributions of LMP between skins and seeds were 34:66, 39:61 and 49:51, whereas the distributions of HMP between skins and seeds were 67:33, 62:38 and 64:36 for Vranac, Kratosija and Cabernet Sauvignon respectively. All varieties had more LMP in the seeds and more lIMP in the skins of the grapes. The results obtained are important to better understand the polyphenolic potential of Montenegrin red grape varieties