17 research outputs found

    Relationship between mineral content of domestic hot water and microbial contamination

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    The relationship between Legionella and Pseudomonas spp contamination and mineral content of domestic hot waters was investigated in a cross-sectional Italian survey. Pseudomonas spp contamination was associated with elevated Ca, but lower Fe and free chlorine content in the water. Waters with Cu concentrations > 50 microg/L prevented Legionella spp colonisation (OR = 0.14, 95% CI = 0.02-1.13), whereas the risk of legionellae occurrence increased in waters with Mn levels > 3 microg/L (OR = 2.37, 95% CI = 1.06-5.30). Furthermore, Mn was positively associated with the risk of colonisation by eterotrophic bacteria growing at either 22 and 36 degrees C. Legionella species and serogroups were differently distributed according to Cu and Mn concentrations, suggesting that Legionella strains may have a different sensibility/resistance to trace elements. A specific action of Cu as decontamination factor is suggested and the consideration of Mn as a risk indicator for bacterial colonisation and biofilm presence is proposed

    [Environmental diffusion of Legionella spp and legionellosis frequency among patients with pneumonia: preliminary results of a multicentric Italian survey]

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    A multicentric Italian investigation on legionnaires' disease is in course to clarify host factors as well as pathogen associated characteristics involved in the infection/disease. The main goal of the research plan is to account for some critical aspects concerning identification and prevention of legionellosis. To improve knowledge on factors associated with Legionella spp colonisation in hot waters, to detect cases and to characterize risk factors in subjects which develop pneumonia are specific objectives of the research programme. Preliminary results show that hot waters of houses and hotels are frequently contaminated (22.6% and 54.6%, respectively), mainly by L. pneumophila. Microbial concentrations were low in domestic waters (<1.000 ufc/l), but higher in samples from the hotels (geom. mean 1.85 x 10(3) ufc/l). Warming system, age of the plant, type of building were risk factors significantly associated with Legionella spp positivity. The active surveillance on patients affected by pneumonia with search for Legionella urinary antigen allowed the identification of 34 cases, 3 of which of nosocomial origin, corresponding to 4.2% of the screened pneumonia. After informed consent, 26 subjects were recruited for a case-control-study to clarify risk factors for the disease