2 research outputs found

    Quality Chemicals, Microbiology and Antiodants of Ongole Beef Culled Se’i Using Lime Orange Juice, Kaffir Lime and Lemon Juice

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the use of lime juice, kaffir lime juice and lemon on the chemical, microbiological and antioxidant qualities of se’i. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and replications.The treatment consisted of TJ = without citrus juice, JN = used of 3% lime juice, JP used of 3% kaffir lime juice/juice, JL used of 3% lemon juice. The variables studied included water content, protein content, fat content, total bacteria and Antioxidant. The results of statistical analysis showed that treatment had no significant effect (P>0.05) on water content, protein, fat, and antioxidants but close significant (P<0,01) on bacterial count had a very seriesof with the same water, protein, fat and antioxidant content but can reduce the number of bacteria, and the best treatment is using lemons (P3)


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      The purpose of this research were to identify the strength, weakness, oppurtunity, threat and  to know the result of analysis strategy of developing effort agroindustrise’i babi which  hasbeen in District Oebobo in Kupang City.This research was conduct by some steps with analysis tools which used were input step to identify the factor  internal, eksternal of environment by use the matrics  IFE and EFE. Verification step used SWOT matrics, and decision step used QSPM  matrics.Resultaccount of IFE matrics get score about 2,606 with prominent superiority of company was quality of product (score 0,284) and prominent lack of company was capacity of production still limited (score 0,133). The result of EFE matrics get score about 2,75 with prominent oppurtunity is high consumer loyalty to products ( score 0,299) and prominent threat is increase of inflation ( score 0,275).Result of SWOT analysis produce about eleven alternatif strategies. Based of the result QSPM analysis of eleven strategy alternatif, there was one strategy alternatif which priority is to increase the quantity and quality of product se’i babi with score TAS about 6,116. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu Mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dan mengetahui hasil analisis strategi pengembangan usaha agroindustri se’i babi yang tersebar di Kecamatan Oebobo, Kota Kupang. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan dengan alat analisis yang dipakai yakni tahap input mengidentifikasi faktor lingkungan internal eksternal menggunakan matrik IFE dan  matrik (EFE). Tahap pencocokan menggunakan matriks SWOT, dan tahap keputusan menggunakan matrik QSPM. Hasil perhitungan dengan matrik IFE diperoleh total skor sebesar 2,606 dengan kekuatan utama perusahaan adalah produk berkualitas (skor 0,284) dan kelemahan utama perusahaan adalah kapasitas produksi masih terbatas (skor 0,133). Hasil perhitungan matrik EFE diperoleh total skor sebesar 2,75 dengan peluang utama yakni tingginya loyalitas konsumen terhadap produk (skor 0,299) dan ancaman utama yakni ancaman naiknya inflasi (skor 0,275). Hasil analisis SWOT menghasilkan sebelas strategi alternatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis QSPM, dari sebelas alternatif strategi yang ada terdapat satu alternatif strategi yang diperioritaskan yakni meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk se’i babi dengan skor TAS sebesar 6,116